Until December Page 25

“Chase.” The one word is spoken roughly, making me shiver and smile at the same time.

“I guess I don’t have a choice but to jump then.”

“I’m glad you’re seeing things my way.” He sounds like he’s trying not to laugh, and I hold myself a little tighter, not wanting to lose the feeling in my belly. “I already talked to the boys about you.”

“What?” I squawk.

“When I got home last night, they were up and wanted to know if I’d be seeing you again. I told them yes.” He told them yes! I want to dance around or do a cartwheel. “They were cool with it, so while I’m out with them today, I’ll let them know you’ll be over for pizza tonight.”

“Okay,” I say, sure that the happiness I’m feeling is leaking into my voice.

“I’ll order dinner around 5:30. Is there anything you want, hate, or are allergic to?”

I giggle. “I love food. All food.”


“Would you be repulsed if I told you I love them?”


I smile. “My dad always got a can of them whenever we were going to order pizza. I always thought they were gross, but then one day curiosity got the better of me and I found out the salted fish add something unexpected to each bite. After that, I kind of fell in love.”

“Your taste buds are adventurous.”

“Yeah,” I agree, knowing that’s the only part of me that is adventurous. “The rest of me is kind of lame.” Why did I say that, even if I was thinking it?

“You’re perfect.”


“Honey, breakfast is here.” I lift my eyes at the sound of my mom’s voice and find her standing in the open door to the restaurant. I nod then hold up one finger, letting her know I’ll be a minute.

“Go eat, baby,” Gareth says in my ear, having heard my mom as well. “I’ll see you this evening. Have fun with your family.”

“Have fun with your boys.”

“Always do,” he says then murmurs, “Later, Ember.”

“Later, Gareth,” I whisper then look around to make sure no one is watching and do a little dance in the middle of the sidewalk. When I get back to the table, I notice each of them are fighting laughter. “What?”

“Cute dance.” Mom grins and I groan. “We’re just glad you’re happy, honey.” She reaches across the table to grasp my hand and gives it a squeeze, saying “Now, let’s eat. We have a busy day ahead of us.” Without another word, we all dig into our food, and like always when I’m with my family, I spend the day with a smile on my face.


I pull into Gareth’s driveway more nervous than I was last night before our date. Even after talking to him before I left my apartment and his reassurance that the boys were okay with me joining them tonight, I still feel uncertain about his decision.

I take a deep breath as I park then lean over to grab my purse from the passenger seat, along with a shopping bag containing a gallon of ice cream and the store-bought cupcakes I picked up on my way here. If I hadn’t been out all day, I would have put more effort into winning over Gareth’s boys through their stomachs with my favorite chocolate cherry brownies. A recipe that calls for hunks of chocolate in the brownie mix and maraschino cherries and mini chocolate chips swirled into the vanilla icing. Unfortunately, there wasn’t time for me to bake or do anything more than change and feed Melbourne before I had to get back in my car to make it here for dinner.

With my hands shaking, I start to open my door then squeak when it’s suddenly tugged from the tips of my fingers. I look up at Gareth with wide eyes then sigh when he bends to brush his lips over mine, causing a little of the nervousness I’m feeling to melt away.

“Hey,” I greet when he leans back and smiles, taking my bags from me.

“You looked like you were about ready to bolt when I saw you pull in to park.”

“I was,” I admit, biting the inside of my cheek as his eyes scan mine.

“Did you forget I’d chase you?” he asks quietly, taking hold of my hip then using it to force me a step closer causing a small gasp to pass between my lips.

I lift my hands and place them against his warm chest to catch myself and feel his muscles bunch under his shirt, reminding me exactly how it felt last night to have his strength pressed against me. “No,” I say, and his eyes grow darker while his lips twist into a smirk. My toes curl and my heart pounds as his fingers dig into my skin through my light jacket and T-shirt.

“Fuck. I hate I can’t kiss you the way I want to with my boys watching us.”

Feeling like a bucket of ice water has been dumped on my head, I immediately withdraw my hands from his chest like it’s on fire and drop them to my sides. “They’re watching?” I whisper like they might be able to hear then try to step around him. When he blocks my way, I tip my chin back toward him. “We need to go in.”

“We will after you tell me you’re okay.”

“I’m okay,” I say instantly.

He shakes his head, not releasing the hold he has on me. If anything, his grip gets tighter as he dips his head toward mine. “Trust me.” Those two words wrap around my insides as he stares into my eyes, imploring me to believe that everything will be alright. “My boys are good with you being here. I just need you to be good with it.”

“He knows his boys better than you do.” My mom’s words from earlier today when I admitted my doubts about tonight fill my mind, and I know I need to trust him to know what’s best for his kids.

“A lot has happened in the last twenty-four hours,” I say, and he lifts his chin slightly in agreement but doesn’t comment. Resting one hand on his large bicep, I squeeze. “I trust you. If you say everything will be alright, then I believe you.”

I watch his expression gentle and the unease slide out of his features, but then lose the look when he bends to touch his lips to my forehead. “Come meet my boys.”

His breath warms my skin before he pulls away, and I force my eyes open then take his hand and walk at his side toward his front porch, noticing the blinds snap back into place as we head up the steps. My fingers flex around his and my step falters.

“Jump,” he whispers.

I fight against the fear making me want to run, and tighten my hold on his hand and whisper back, “Jump.” The moment the word passes my lips, he turns the handle, and as soon as the door opens, I know my life will never be the same.

Two smiling faces greet us as soon as we step into the house, and I notice both Gareth’s boys are already as handsome as he is.

“Hey, Miss Mayson.” Mitchell’s smile turns into a grin as he hauls his blond-headed brother against his side roughly with his arm around his neck. “This is my brother Max.”

“You can call me December,” I tell Mitchell then look at Max, whose face has become red. “Hey, Max. Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” Max grunts, trying to get away from his brother, who’s now holding him captive just because he’s bigger and sibling law written thousands of years ago requires him to do so.

“Boys,” Gareth warns, sounding like the dad he is, and Mitchell reluctantly releases his brother, who takes full advantage of being free. He elbows Mitchell in the ribs, making him grunt, and then when Mitchell lunges for him, he rushes across the room to hide safely behind his father’s back, making me laugh.