Until Cobi Page 38

“Yeah, as soon as I can move to get up.” I open one eye to look at her. “You just about killed me.”

“Liar.” She leans up, kissing my jaw, then starts to pull away.

“Where are you going?” I catch her hand before she can get off me.

“I’m going to start the bath. I’ll be right back.”

I release her then listen to the bath start up. When it does, my cock starts to get hard once more just thinking about what we did the last time we were in the bath together.

On that thought, I get up and head to the bathroom, and once again we make a mess and soak the floor. Not that I can find it in me to give a fuck.


“Are you sure you really want me coming along with you guys?” Hadley asks into the phone while picking up her glass of orange juice and taking a sip. “I know, but I don’t want to impose. Really, we can plan something for another time,” she tries again, and her eyes meet mine. When I smile and shrug, she lets out a small, frustrated huff.

She’s been on the phone for the last fifteen minutes trying to get out of going out with my cousins tomorrow night. She’s also been failing horribly, mostly because she’s talking to Willow, Harmony’s sister. Willow has never been one to be put off or deterred when she wants something, and she wants Hadley in the family fold. Really, all my family does, which is why they’re constantly inviting her out to lunch or over for coffee. She’s also had my female cousins over here a few times since she moved in two weeks ago, and even though I know she’s not used to having a big family, I know she’s enjoying it.

“Okay, if you’re sure, then I’ll go.” She looks up at me and her eyes widen at whatever Willow is saying. “Uh... yeah, okay. Umm, no, I’ve never been to one before.” Her cheeks darken, and I wonder what that’s about. “Would you mind if I invited Brie? You know, since she’s getting married in a few months. Awesome. Got it, seven. We’ll meet you guys at the restaurant then go from there. Thanks, you too. See you then.” She hangs up and ducks her head.

“What’s going on?” I ask as she pushes her scrambled eggs around on her plate, looking nervous for some reason.

“Oh nothing.” Her cheeks get darker, which makes me even more curious.

“Why are you turning red like you do when I talk about sex?”

“I’m not,” she denies, avoiding looking at me.

“You are. What are you guys doing?”

Her eyes meet mine. “Apparentlywearegoingtoamalestripclub.”

“What?” I frown, having no idea what she just said, because it was all garbled together.

“We’re going to look at penises.”

“Did you just say you’re going to look at penises?” I question, knowing I must have heard her wrong.

I didn’t. She starts to nod.

“Willow wants to surprise your recently married and engaged cousins with a penis viewing.”

“You’re shitting me,” I growl, staring at her in disbelief.

“I’m going to invite Brie.” She shrugs, taking a bite of eggs, suddenly seeming totally okay with this conversation.

“You’re not going, so no, you’re not going to invite Brie anywhere.”

“I told Willow I would. I tried to get out of it, which you heard, but she was adamant I go. So now I’m going, and since Brie is getting married soon, I’m going to invite her to go look at penises too.”

“Can you stop saying the word penises?” I scrub my hands down my face. I can’t believe this shit.

“What do you want me to call them?” She smirks, and I narrow my eyes on her mouth.

“I don’t want you to call them anything. Fuck, why did I think it was a good idea to encourage you to be friends with the women in my family?”

“I don’t know, but it was your idea, so this is basically all your fault.”

“You’re not going out with them,” I repeat once more.

“Yeah, I am.”

“No you fucking are not, Hadley.”

“Okay then, I won’t go.” She shrugs, picking up her juice and taking another sip.

I study her for a long moment, trying to read if she’s really agreeing, but her face and eyes are blank. “You’re still going, aren’t you?”

“Yep.” She takes another sip from her glass then sets it down. “Besides, penises are weird looking, so it’s not like I’m going to be getting off on looking at them. So you have nothing to worry about. And hello?” She waves her hand out toward me. “I don’t need a man since I’ve got you.”

“Penises are weird looking?” I repeat, stuck on her earlier statement.

“Have you looked at your penis?” she questions, dropping her eyes briefly to where my penis is out of sight under the table. “Don’t get me wrong. It’s a great penis, the best around, but it’s still weird looking.”

“Thanks, baby,” I mutter sarcastically.

“Anytime, honey.” She grins.

“You’re not going.” I sound like a fucking broken record.

“You keep saying that like you have a say, when you don’t. You can’t tell me what to do.”

“You’re mine, so yes I fucking can.”

She tips her head to the side, and I see the wheels spinning. “Have you ever been to a strip club?”

“Not since I’ve been with you.”

“So you have been to one?”

“Again, not since I’ve been with you,” I repeat.

She slides back from the island and stands. “Exactly how mad are you going to be at me tomorrow night when I get home?”

“Furious,” I answer, feeling my jaw get hard.

“That works,” she says, taking her plate to the sink.

“It works for you that I’m gonna be pissed?” I ask in disbelief.

“No, but I’m curious about angry sex with you.” She grins at me over her shoulder, and my cock twitches behind my zipper.

“I can show you now, since I’m already close to losing my fucking mind.”

“As much as I want that experience, I’ve got to get to work,” she singsongs, going toward the bedroom. When she’s out of sight, I pull in a breath, pick up my phone, and send out a few texts, hoping I can shut this shit down. When I’m done, I drop my phone to the counter and follow her into the bathroom, where I have my way with her bent over the vanity. It’s not angry sex, but it’s still fucking hot.

Chapter 16


“THERE ARE SO MANY penises!” I shout over the loud music, and all the girls look at me and start to laugh. “Seriously, I can’t look anywhere without seeing one. Why do they have to be so weird looking?”

“Right?” December agrees, and I look her way, seeing her face is the same color red as mine probably is. “I don’t understand any of this.” She looks to the side and cringes when one of the guys bumps into her from behind.

“Stop being such a prude,” April, December’s sister, shouts and shoves a handful of cash in the direction of one of the guys who’s dancing close by. He grins at her, taking that as an invitation to thrust his hips in her direction. When she doesn’t acknowledge the thrusting, he moves on to another woman, who’s all too eager to have him in her space.

My nose scrunches up. “I don’t get it. They are just guys, naked guys. What’s the big deal?” I look around, trying to figure out what the fuss is about. The room is packed full of women, women of all different ages, shapes, and races. The one thing they have in common is they’re all going insane. Some holding out money, some tossing money into the air, most of them screaming like they’re fourteen and these guys are their favorite boy band.

“Don’t try to figure it out,” Brie says, and I glance over to see her casually taking a sip of her drink. “Just enjoy the show for what it is.”

“I’m a little disappointed,” I tell her, looking around again while trying to avoid looking at any penises—something that is hard to do, since they seem to be everywhere. “This isn’t even a show, I mean, in the movie Magic Mike, the guys at least did a little performance. This is just penis chaos.”