Until Cobi Page 41

“Good Lord.” He sounds worried— actually… freaked. “I’m going to have to call you back. I need to figure out what the fuck is going on.”

“Okay,” I say quietly.

I stare out the front windshield for a long time, trying to figure out what I’m feeling, what I’m going to do. I should have known not to trust Marian. I should have questioned what she was saying the moment I saw her in my office, and I sure as heck should have done more research after Reggie called me to tell me about Marcus’s money.

“How the heck is she getting the money?” That, I do not know.

When I get back to the office, the parking lot is empty, so I know everyone is out. I use my key and let myself in and leave the door unlocked for anyone else who comes back. As soon as I get inside and reach my desk, I start up my computer. I search through all my files, looking for what exactly, I have no idea, but there has to be something I’m missing, some reason Marian was at my desk using my computer. So engrossed in what I’m doing when my cell phone rings, I almost jump out of my skin.

“Where are you?” Cobi barks into my ear before I even get a chance to say hello.

“At the office. Why? What’s going on?” Worry that something happened to someone in his family makes me feel nauseous.

“Fuck,” he clips, and I feel his anger like a physical touch even through the phone.

“What happened? Is everyone okay?”

“Are you alone?”

My heart rate spikes at his question, and I look out into the main office through the glass windows, seeing it’s still empty. Or at least I think it is. Marian’s door is closed and her blinds are pulled, and I can’t see into the kitchen.

“I think so, but I can’t see into the kitchen or Marian’s office,” I say, and he repeats what I just told him. Why is he repeating what I just told him?

“Where in the office are you exactly?”

“I’m in my office.” My voice shakes.

“Do you have a closet or a bathroom in there?”

“Cobi, you’re freaking me out. What’s going on?” I whisper, my hands starting to tremble right along with my voice.

“I’ll explain in a second. Right now, I need you to answer my question.”

“No, no closet or bathroom.” I listen to him repeat what I just said again. What is going on?

“I want you to get under your desk and pull your chair in behind you once you’re under it.”


“Do it now, baby. It’s going to be okay, but I need you to listen to me.”

I squat down under my desk and pull in my chair. As soon as I’m fully sitting on the floor, I try to take a breath but realize I can’t.

“Breathe, just breathe. It’s going to be okay.” His soft words ease some of the tension in my lungs.

“Wh—s happ-ing,” I wheeze. I can hear sirens through the phone.

“My lieutenant got a call from the owner of Giving Hearts not long ago, along with paperwork proving that your boss Marian has been going into clients’ accounts and changing their deposit information to her own.” Well, that answers how she’s been getting the money. My eyes close. “We’re on our way now to arrest her.” Oh my God. “Just stay put. We have no reason to believe she’s armed, but I’m not taking any chances.”

Relief makes it easier to breathe and I take a few much-needed breaths.

“I don’t think she’s here,” I state quietly. “Her car wasn’t in the lot when I got back from my clients house, and the building was locked. I used my key to get in.”

“That’s good, baby, but don’t move from where you are,” he says, just as I hear a familiar voice in the outer office.

“Brie’s here.” I push the chair away without a thought and scramble out from under the desk. I can hear Cobi shout at me to stay put from my cell, but I ignore him and my phone when it falls from my hand as I run to where I see Brie disappearing into the kitchen.

“Hey.” She smiles at me, and I see she has her cell phone to her ear.

“Come on.” I grab her hand and catch her frown before I turn and start pulling her toward my office.

“Ken, I’m going to call you back. Something is going on with Hadley. Yeah, love you too.” She must hang up, because she forces me to stop. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t have time to explain. Right now, I just need you to come get under my desk with me.”

“Hadley.” Her voice is filled with worry.

“Now, Brie.” I look up at her then spin when I hear the main office door open.

“You called Scott,” Marian states as the door shuts behind her.

“Marian.” I place myself in front of Brie and start pushing her back. “The police are on their way.”

“What?” Brie gasps from behind me.

“They aren’t on their way. They’re outside,” Marian turns the lock on the door. I look past her to the glass door, but I can’t see anything outside.

“If you know that, then what are you doing?” I question, watching her dig in her bag.

“I’m not sure yet. I do know I’m not going to jail though.” When her hand comes out, she’s holding a leather case shaped like a gun. I see it is a gun when she unhooks a clasp, releasing the pink revolver from its holder.

“So you’re going to shoot us?” My voice is filled with disbelief and fear.

Brie comes to my side and closes her hand around mine, saying quietly. “Marian, you need to put that away before you do something you’ll regret.”

“She should have just kept her nose where it belonged,” she snaps at Brie, and then glares at me.

“Marian, please.”

“Shut up, just shut up! I need to think.” She waves the gun at us, and Brie and I tighten our hold on each other.

“It cannot be that bad. Whatever you did can’t be worth hurting anyone,” Brie says calmly.

“Do you have any idea how much time I’ll get for stealing over five hundred thousand dollars?” she hisses, and my eyes widen.

“Holy fuck,” Brie breathes.

I hear my cell ring and look toward my office, where I dropped it in my haste to get to Brie. Tears burn the back of my throat. I know Cobi’s calling me, and I know he’s probably furious I didn’t listen to him and scared out of his mind right now.

“Why couldn’t you just mind your own business?” I know she’s talking to me, even though she’s looking at the floor as she paces. “I was so close. So close to getting away, to disappearing.” She stops, and her rage-filled eyes land on me. When she lifts the gun in her hand, stars start to fill my vision and my lungs get tight. “This is all your fault.”

Frozen, all I can do is stare at her. “Don’t do this.” My lips move to say more, but no sound comes out.

I use Brie’s hand still in mine to shove her to the ground as I hear the click of the trigger being pulled back and a loud popping sound. Chaos erupts as we hit the floor. The sound of glass shattering, another shot, and people shouting.


Cobi? I blink at his face above mine.

“Fuck, baby. Jesus.” He pulls me against his chest and wraps his arms around me so tight it’s hard to breathe.

“Brie?” I look around for her in a panic.

“She’s okay.”

“I’m okay!” My eyes land on her and close when I see that she doesn’t even have a hair out of place.

“Baby.” Cobi wraps his hand around my jaw, and my eyes open to meet his filled with turmoil.

“I’m okay.” I pull in a breath then repeat, “I’m okay,” before I burst into tears and hold onto him, shoving my face into his neck.

Chapter 18


I WATCH COBI TALKING on the phone a few feet away, wearing a dark gray thermal, jeans, and boots, with his badge clipped to his belt. He hasn’t shaved in a couple of days, and the growth on his cheeks and chin makes him look even more handsome than his normal handsome. When I see him smile at something his mom says, warmth and happiness radiate through me.