Until Harmony Page 4

“I’ll pay full asking price, and I won’t even ask for closing costs,” I tell her, and she smiles.

“Let me go get my paperwork from the car. While I’m doing that, have a look at the bedrooms just so you can be sure this is the one.”

“Sure,” I agree, watching her turn on her heels to leave. I wander to the sliding door off the living room and look out past the wooden deck. The yard isn’t very big, but it already has a five-foot tall white fence around it, so Dizzy can run whenever he feels like it. All I will have to do is figure out a way to put in a doggie door for him.

Spinning around, I head past the kitchen toward the bedrooms. The first door I open is a small bathroom with a pedestal sink, tub/shower combo, and a toilet. Going to the next door, I find a bedroom. Not a very big room, but if I put in a daybed, I can make it work. The next room is exactly the same size, perfect for an office. At the end of the hall, I open the door and step in.

Bright light is filling the room through a double bay window looking toward the neighbors’ place. This room is big enough for my queen size bed, and there is an attached bathroom that has been updated with gray wood like tile floors and cream-colored tile in the glass enclosed shower. Looking at the pedestal sinks side by side with pretty oval mirrors over them, I sigh in happiness and relief.

“So what’s the verdict?” Michelle prompts, and I turn to face her.

“Sold.” I grin then ask, “Where do I sign?”

An hour and a call to the owner later, my offer is accepted. Thank God. She also agreed to let me move in and pay rent until we close, since the house is now sitting empty, and she’s all the way in Florida and—in her words—“losing money everyday.”

With a smile on my face, I leave Michelle to lock up, and head for my car and get in. I look through the windshield at the house one last time after I put on my seat belt, shoving my key in the ignition. The house is cute with blue siding and black shutters. The front door is in the middle of the porch, and there is enough space that I can place pots on either side of it and fill them with flowers. The landscaping around the house leaves much to be desired, but I can fix that up myself on my days off, maybe plant some flowers and a couple more trees.

I take out my phone and snap a picture, sending a group text to my mom and my sisters so they can see the house. My sister, Nalia, who moved to Denver, is the first to text back an emoji of a smiling face with heart eyes. Willow’s text comes next with the same emoji. Right after that, my phone rings. Hitting accept on the call, I back out of the driveway.

“You finally found a house,” Mom says, sounding relieved. I know she’s been worried about me driving an hour each way to work and home every day, especially after working double shifts at the hospital. I love my new job, but working three doubles in a row is tiring, even if I do get four days off after working those shifts.

“Mom, wait until you see this place. It’s perfect,” I tell her as I stop at a red light. “The owner also agreed to let me move in and pay rent until we close.”

“I’ll tell your dad. You tell your cousins. I’m sure between the two of us we can gather enough guys to get you moved this weekend,” she assures, and I laugh.

“I haven’t really packed, Mom. It’s going to take me a few days to get that all sorted out.”

“Oh, hush. I’ll drag everyone I can get with me tomorrow and we’ll get you packed up in no time at all.”

“If you think you can get them all together, I won’t stop you,” I agree, making a mental note to at least pack up my bathroom and the side tables in my room so my mom and aunts don’t accidently run across any of my toys. That would be humiliating.

“I’ll call them when we get off the phone. When are your next days off?”

“The day after tomorrow, which is Tuesday then Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.”

“Perfect, we’ll get as much done as we can while you’re at work tomorrow, and then we will finish up on your days off and have you moved out by the weekend,” she says, and I smile, pulling into the hospital parking lot.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Don’t thank me. You know I’m happy to help,” she says as I shut down the engine.

“I just got to work. I’ll send a text to the girls to let them know what’s going on.”

“Let me know what your cousins say.”

“I will. Love you.”

“Love you too.” She hangs up.

Getting out of my car, I grab my bag along with my lunch and go inside. I pass the elevator and instead take the stairs. My love of takeout and all things carbs means I need to work out when and however I can; otherwise, my ass will double in size. I like my ass, but I don’t need any more of it to love. Reaching the metal door for the second floor, I shove it open and head down the hall, approaching the nurses’ station where Latoya and Maya, two of the nurses, are in deep conversation. Walking past them, I see Fiona who works overnights. She’s the head nurse on the floor—an older woman with a plump figure and caring eyes—standing in front of her medicine cart near a patient’s room.

“Hey, Harmony,” she greets me with a warm smile. “It’s me and you today.” She nods to the stuff in my hands. “After you drop your bags and clock in, meet me back here.”

“I’ll be right back,” I agree, passing her. Going to the break room, I put my lunch away in the fridge and my stuff in my locker before clocking in. I clip my badge to my scrub top then go out to find Fiona, whose cart is now farther down the hall in front of another room. Knocking on the open door, I wait for her to tell me to come in. The room is quiet when I enter, and I find Fiona next to the bed with a man not much older than me. He’s sitting up in bed with his leg, which is in a cast, slightly elevated.

“Harmony, this is Mr. Russell,” Fiona introduces us, and I smile at him when his eyes come to me. “He was in a car accident two days ago and had surgery this morning on his leg. He’s here until tomorrow morning and will be your first official patient.” Her words have Mr. Russell looking at her with wide eyes.

“Don’t worry. Harmony will take very good care of you.” She smiles at him reassuringly, and I plaster her same expression on my face. I haven’t had any patients on my own since I started working here. I knew it would happen eventually; I just didn’t know it would be today. “As soon as we finish the nurses’ meeting, she will be back in to give you your medicine and help you to the bathroom,” she tells him.

“Sure,” he agrees, studying me closely, so I keep the smile on my face. I don’t need him freaking out and thinking I’m incapable of taking care of him, or Fiona thinking I’m not ready.

“If you need anything before then, just press your alarm.” She points out the button on the side of the bed and he nods.

“I’ll see you soon,” I tell him, before I follow her out of the room.

“Are you ready to be on your own?” she asks me as we step into the hall, and I let out a short laugh. I’m not sure it would matter if I was ready or not, since she just told me that I have at least one patient.

“I’m ready,” I assure her, squeezing her upper arm.

“I knew you were.” She smiles softly. “Today and this evening should be slow. We only have five patients on the floor, and as of right now, there is only one new admit coming in this evening.”

“I’m excited,” I tell her.

“Good, let’s get our meeting done so the girls can get out of here,” she says, so I follow her to the nurses’ station, where we get an update from Latoya and Maya on all the patients on the floor and the doctors who will be on call throughout the day. Once we are done with the meeting, I go through med count and sign off Maya, who I’m taking over from, and then I head back to Mr. Russell’s room with my cart. I fill the order for his pain pills and enter his room. The TV is now on, but he’s not watching it; he’s looking at his phone.

“Hi, I have your pain meds,” I tell him, and his eyes come to me. “Lunch should be coming around soon as well.” I go over to his bed.