Save Your Breath Page 67

“That’s crazy,” Lance said.

“Yes,” Stella agreed. “But she was desperate, and she went a little psychopathic when her husband left her. Apparently, she had supported him for the last ten years while he lost money in the real estate market. He repaid her by cheating on her with a twenty-year-old and then suing her for half their assets. The betrayal stung. Stephen said Kim’s attachment to her condo had become obsessive.”

“And her brother went along with the plan because he was in debt too?” Lance asked.

“Yes,” Stella confirmed. “And he kept emphasizing that they never intended to hurt Olivia, just hold on to her for a few days. He acted as if being kidnapped wasn’t a big deal.”

“He’d better go to prison for a long time.” Sharp blew out a hard, angry breath. “The DA better not offer him a sweet deal.”

Stella held up a hand. “I wouldn’t worry too much about that. The evidence against Stephen is overwhelming. The DA is playing hardball.”


“What about Kennett Olander?” Lance asked.

Stella shrugged. “His death appears to be unrelated to Olivia’s kidnapping. We suspect the LMS orchestrated his murder. The ATF and FBI are taking over the case.” She didn’t look upset. “They’ll keep me informed, but based on the organization’s size and history, I wouldn’t count on Olander’s murder being solved anytime soon. In an interesting turn of events, the ATF agent thinks Stephen Holgersen may have had some dealings with the LMS. A few suspected members were on Stephen’s student roster.”

“That’s not so strange,” Lance said. “He ran a survivalist school.”

Stella turned to Olivia. “Call me if you have any questions or if you remember any other details.”

“I will,” Olivia said.

Stella left the room.

“Thank you so much.” Olivia sniffed. “I wouldn’t be here without all three of you.”

“We’re just happy you’re all right.” On the other side of the bed, Morgan patted Olivia’s shoulder. “But we won’t keep you. You need to rest. Call us if you need anything.” Morgan’s gaze shifted from Olivia to Sharp. “Either of you.”

“Thanks.” The offer made Sharp feel all mushy. Moisture filled his eyes. His emotions had been running high since they’d found Olivia. Exhaustion wasn’t helping. He didn’t have any family left, but he had the very best friends. “I hope you two are headed home for a nap.”

“No.” Lance shook his head. “Gianna is being discharged today. We’re going upstairs to pick her up.”

“That’s great.” Sharp stood and walked them to the door. “Thank you both. I don’t know how I would have gotten through this without you.”

Morgan kissed him on the cheek. “We’ll always be there for you.”

Lance gave him a one-armed hug and a manly back slap. “Call us later and give us an update.”

“Will do.” Sharp watched them walk out the door. Then he returned to his chair next to Olivia. He took her hand and rubbed the smooth skin with his thumb.

“You look tired, Lincoln,” Olivia said. “You should go home and get some sleep too.”

“I’m staying here with you.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckle. “I’ll nap when you do.”

“I won’t pretend I don’t feel safer with you next to me.”

“Then that’s exactly where I’ll stay.”

“Thank you.” Olivia’s voice was weak, but her smile was solid—and so was her grip on his hand. He had no idea where their relationship was going, but from now on, he wasn’t holding back.

This was not the time for proclamations. They were both too strung out. When Sharp told her he loved her, he didn’t want any negative energy in the air. Because he did love her. He knew it. His eyes met hers.

She knew it too, and maybe she loved him back.

But she’d been through a terrible ordeal. She needed to heal, physically and mentally, before he hit her with an emotional zinger. There was no rush.

Sharp wasn’t going anywhere.

Chapter Forty-Seven

It was late afternoon when Morgan carried Gianna’s bag from the car to the front porch. Her discharge had taken longer than expected. Hospitals seemed to exist in their own time zones.

Lance pushed ahead and opened the door. “Let me work crowd control.”

Gianna followed them up the walk. “I’m fine. You don’t have to control anyone.”

But Morgan worried about the temporary dialysis access. A large patch of clear tape sealed the catheter to Gianna’s chest, and Morgan didn’t want the kids or dogs to pull at the short tube. Infection was a risk, and Gianna did not need more surgery.

They went inside. Mac had thought ahead and restrained the dogs. They barked and strained at the ends of their leashes. The girls met Gianna in the foyer with hugs.

Mia wiped her eyes. “I missed you.”

“Me too.” Ava hugged Gianna’s leg. “So much.”

Sophie jumped up and down. “Come see what we made you!” She grabbed Gianna’s hand and pulled her into the kitchen. A long banner of taped-together paper read WELCOME HOME GIANNA in blocky blue crayon.

Gianna swiped her hands across her cheeks and hugged the three girls. “I missed you all too.”

Sophie pushed her onto a stool. “Uncle Mac made chicken soup.”

“You girls set out bowls and utensils.” Mac went to the range and lifted the lid from a large pot. The smell of chicken soup flooded the kitchen.

Sophie fetched place mats and napkins. Mia counted spoons, and Ava set out bowls, one at a time. Grandpa shuffled into the kitchen with his cane.

“Morgan, I’ll leave you to serve.” Mac took off the apron he’d been wearing. “Stella will be home any minute.” Mac ladled soup into a glass container and secured the lid. “I’m going home to have dinner with my girl.”

“Thank you for everything, Mac.” Morgan hugged him.

“Bye, Uncle Mac!” the girls shouted in unison.

“Wait till Stella and I have kids. There’ll be plenty of time for payback.” He kissed the girls and left.

Were Mac and Stella thinking about kids? They hadn’t even mentioned getting married. Her sister didn’t seem to be in a rush, but maybe Mac was trying to convince her.

Morgan put the thought aside and enjoyed dinner with her family. Afterward, the girls cleared the bowls, and Lance volunteered to do dishes. When Gianna protested, he shook his head. “You’re on light duty for a while. Enjoy it.”

Gianna sank back into her chair.

Morgan took advantage of the quiet. She cleared her throat. “So we decided to postpone the wedding.”

“Why?” Gianna’s voice rose.

Drying his hands on a dish towel, Lance crossed the room and stood next to Morgan’s stool. They’d agreed to present a united front. Even though Olivia had been found, she was still severely traumatized, and Gianna was in rough physical shape. “We thought it would be better to wait until things settle down.”

“No!” the girls shouted.