6 Rainier Drive Page 12

Allison made a notation on a yellow pad. “Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”

“You’re welcome. Is there anything you’d like to ask me before we head into the courtroom?”

The girl offered her a tentative smile. “I…I asked the guidance counselor if I could be assigned to you specifically. You might not remember this, but about three years ago my parents were in your court. They were getting a divorce.”

That was why the name seemed familiar. Olivia did recall the couple and their situation.

“Mom and Dad had decided on joint custody of my brother and me. You said you didn’t like Eddie and me moving between houses every few days, so you gave us the house and had Mom and Dad move in and out.”

Olivia smiled. “I remember. But professional ethics prevents me from discussing any case if there’s a possibility the parties might come before me again.”

Allison nodded. “They remarried, you know.”

Olivia didn’t, and was pleased to hear it. “That’s wonderful.” Checking her watch, she stood and reached for her black robe. Pulling it on, she left her chambers. Allison followed and she introduced the girl to the court reporter, who escorted her to a seat near the bench.

The court cases on that morning’s schedule probably opened Allison’s eyes wider than anything she’d read or seen on television. The child custody cases always tore at Olivia’s heart. The state’s position was to leave the child with the primary residential parent, in most cases the mother, if at all possible, as long as the child’s welfare wasn’t in jeopardy. More times than she cared to admit, Olivia wanted to shake these young parents and ask them to take a hard look at what they were doing to themselves and their children. Too often, their minds were addled by drugs or alcohol. Sadly, she doubted anything she said would sink in. Of course she dealt with other cases, too, but these were the ones that stood out most prominently.

Olivia noticed Allison taking copious notes and could only imagine what the high-school senior must be thinking, looking at the ravaged lives of those who stood before her.

Shortly after court went into session, Charlotte Jefferson-Rhodes slipped onto a bench at the back of the courtroom. Within about a minute, she’d taken out her knitting. Olivia smiled. Charlotte was an inveterate knitter. More than that, she was exceptional in every way, and Olivia’s admiration for her continued to grow.

Case in point, her mother and friends were responsible for the new medical clinic in town. It’d taken a senior citizens’ demonstration and an arrest to get the council to respond. Word of Charlotte’s arrest had spread faster than chicken pox through their small community. Not long afterward, the council had made some major concessions that allowed the establishment of a medical facility in town.

The irony of it was that this same medical center had saved Jack’s life. Olivia’s husband had suffered a heart attack the year before, and the EMTs had told her that if they’d had to drive him all the way to Bremerton, Jack wouldn’t have survived.

At the time of the demonstration, Olivia had been embarrassed by her mother. Now she’d be forever grateful that there was a medical clinic in Cedar Cove, and it was mostly due to Charlotte, her second husband, Ben, and their friends.

Olivia was accustomed to seeing her mother in court, although she didn’t come by as often as she used to. Since Ben Rhodes had entered her life, Charlotte had better things to do than sit and listen to Olivia.

At noon, the court broke for lunch. Allison and Charlotte met Olivia in her chambers, and Olivia made the introductions.

“Would you care to join us?” Olivia asked the teenager. She didn’t expect the girl to accept, and she was right. They agreed to meet again at one-thirty.

“What a lovely young lady,” Charlotte commented after Allison had excused herself.

“She is,” Olivia agreed. “Where would you like to have lunch?” Her favorite place had always been The Lighthouse. Olivia missed it even more than she would’ve thought.

“How about the Wok and Roll,” Charlotte said. “Grace tells me Maryellen likes their chicken hot sauce noodles, and I have a hankering to try that.”

“Sounds good to me.” Olivia was just grateful her mother didn’t suggest The Taco Shack, which happened to be Jack’s favorite. She’d had about all the tacos and enchiladas she could stand for a while.

“Speaking of Grace, have you seen her lately?” Charlotte asked as they walked through the courthouse and to the parking lot behind.

“She’s so busy, we haven’t talked all week. She’s had to temporarily give up her Wednesday night aerobics class.”

“My goodness, you two have been going to that class for years,” Charlotte exclaimed. “What’s happening? Is Cliff keeping her all to himself?”

“No.” Using her remote, Olivia unlocked the car doors and opened the passenger side for her mother. “Nothing like that. She’s helping Jon and Maryellen as much as she can. Kelly’s pregnant, too, you know.” Olivia slid into the driver’s seat. “Grace rented out the house on Rosewood Lane and you won’t believe who her tenants are. The Randalls! Do you remember them?” At her mother’s blank expression, Olivia elaborated. “You were in court the day I denied their divorce. A young navy couple. Apparently they have a baby now and were looking for a house to rent and Grace met them. She remembered the case. Then, while she was talking to Mrs. Randall, my name came up. That’s when Grace learned this was the very same couple. It’s a small world, isn’t it? Grace wanted me to know how well everything worked out.”

“That’s good news. And how’s Maryellen?” Charlotte asked, concerned about Grace’s oldest daughter.

“She’s doing well, especially now that Jon’s parents have arrived. They showed up last week and Grace told me it’s made a world of difference.”

“Where has Jon’s family been all this time?” Charlotte asked. “Well, never mind, they’re here now, and I know Maryellen and Jon must be thankful for the help. Some babies have a few problems coming into this world. That’s why God created grandparents.”

Olivia smiled at her mother as she pulled out of the parking lot and headed down Harbor Street toward the Chinese restaurant.

“And Jack? How’s he? I do hope he isn’t working himself into another heart attack,” Charlotte said next.

At the mention of her husband, Olivia had to smile. “He’s as cantankerous as ever. He’s also back at work full-time.”

Charlotte’s eyebrows shot up. “I thought you weren’t going to let that happen.”

As if Olivia had any real control over Jack. “I couldn’t stop him. He has an assistant editor now, and he’s home every night as close to five as he can manage. He’s lost thirty pounds, but I swear it was like chiseling it off an ounce at a time.”

“I think he might’ve cheated now and then,” Charlotte whispered.

That was an understatement if ever there was one. Jack did cheat—but not as often anymore. The heart attack had frightened him off double cheeseburgers for life, thankfully. Still, there was the occasional bowl of ice cream and a few cookies, but overall, Jack’s self-control had been impressive.

“What about you and Ben?” Olivia asked as they drove into the parking lot at the Wok and Roll.

“I have news about David, Ben’s son,” Charlotte said as she climbed out of the car. “You remember him, don’t you?”

Olivia wasn’t likely to forget David Rhodes. Ben’s youngest son had asked her to fix a reckless driving ticket he’d gotten while visiting Cedar Cove. He hadn’t taken kindly to her refusal.

The conversation was halted by their arrival at the restaurant. Once they were seated and sipping tea they resumed talking. Their order for chicken hot sauce noodles was already in the kitchen.

“You mentioned David Rhodes,” Olivia said.

“Oh, yes.” Charlotte reached for her purse and took out a linen hankie, dabbing at the corner of her mouth. “Sad to say, Ben’s son is an embarrassment to him. He felt sick at heart when he learned David had approached you about the traffic ticket. He was mortified by that.”

In Olivia’s view that was the least of David’s sins. She wasn’t about to forget or forgive the fact that he’d attempted to swindle her mother out of thousands of dollars. If not for Justine’s quick thinking, he would’ve gotten away with it. After some fast talking on David’s part, her mother had written him a check. They’d met for lunch at The Lighthouse, just the two of them, but Justine had been on the alert. Much to David’s chagrin, she’d swiped it right out of his hand. That was the same afternoon he’d picked up the reckless driving ticket. He probably should’ve been charged with driving under the influence, too, Olivia thought.

“David does have his problems,” Charlotte said, “but I feel he’s genuinely trying.”

Olivia would believe that when she saw it.

“Ben got a check from David this week for a thousand dollars toward a loan he received from his father several years ago.”

This was promising news. Perhaps David Rhodes had learned his lesson. Although Olivia took a rather jaundiced view of that possibility.

“Ben didn’t say much, but I could tell he was pleased.” Charlotte beamed. “It distresses me to see Ben estranged from his son. I know it bothers him, although he won’t talk about it.”

“David’s a grown man, Mom. He isn’t going to change. He is who he is, and that’s who he’ll remain—unless something drastic happens.”

Her mother sipped her tea. Then casually, as if discussing the weather, she said, “Your brother’s his own person, too, and he isn’t likely to change, either.”

A chill went down Olivia’s back. So her mother knew. Will lived in the Atlanta area with his wife. They’d never had children, and while outwardly the marriage appeared stable, Olivia knew there were problems. Problems she suspected were due to her brother’s infidelity. She’d never discussed with her mother what she’d recently learned about Will. How could she? But it seemed Charlotte was well aware of her son’s weaknesses.

Olivia had been disillusioned by Will. Shortly after Grace discovered that her first husband, Dan, had committed suicide, Will had contacted her. Before long, Grace and Will were involved in an e-mail relationship. Will had misled her friend, lied to Grace and said he was getting divorced. While not completely blameless, Grace had been vulnerable to his undeniable charms and naive about his motives. She’d trusted him—and nearly lost Cliff because of Will’s selfish lies.

“Will isn’t a good husband,” Charlotte murmured. “It pains me to say so. Georgia wrote and said she’d had enough. Will was involved with someone at work. Georgia has decided to file for divorce.”

The fact that he’d had an affair didn’t come as any shock to Olivia. “I’m sorry to hear that.”