Water's Wrath Page 100

“Needless to say, I will return to inherit my birthright of leading the Head Clan of Soricium as a Child of Yargen.” Her eyes turned to Aldrik. “I have no interest in mingling my bloodline with yours if I am guaranteed that my people will be looked after.”

“You have my word.”

Vhalla frowned at the fraction of relief in Aldrik’s eyes. It was too easy, she wanted to scream at him.

“I told you, that’s not good enough.” Sehra smiled tiredly. “My people need assurance. And since I know you are one to value the life of one you love more than an entire people, I will ask for only one.”

“You are not taking Vhalla from me.” Aldrik scowled.

Sehra laughed. “Predictable, but no. She will stay to honor her words to me, to prove that the future Empress of this land is worth her word.”

“Who then?” Aldrik let his unquestioning silence stand as affirmation to the princess’s assumptions that he and Vhalla would wed when he was no longer promised to Sehra.

Vhalla’s hand went to the watch at her neck. Her heart was still beating frantically.

“Your heir.”

Confusion ran quickly across Aldrik’s feature, anger quick on its wake. Vhalla knew he was imagining the child he’d dreamed of. Their child.

“You would ask for my first born?” His voice had gone deep and threatening.

“I ask for your heir, future Emperor.” Sehra remained resolute. “If Solaris keeps their word throughout the battle that you will honor Shaldan and do everything to rid the world of this abomination, we will lend our strength. To ensure a lasting peace, your heir, which I imagine will be conceived quickly to fulfill your duty as a ruler, will come and live as a ward of my family for his or her first fourteen years of life. This will ensure that Shaldan is protected in the formative years of becoming part of your empire and that the next Solaris will care for and love our people as their own.”

Vhalla gripped the oversized shirt she wore. If she and Aldrik wed she would be conceiving his heir, the heir Sehra wanted. They wanted her child.

“Fourteen years?” Aldrik balked.

The conversation faded a moment as Vhalla retreated into her own mind. She automatically assumed it to be her child. But who knew what would come to pass? Every day was less certain than the last. Taint had been unleashed upon the world, and she was nothing more than a Commons now. Vhalla looked at the turmoil on Aldrik’s face. He was being asked to choose between his Empire, and the family he’d been idolizing in his dreams. He couldn’t make the decision rationally, so she did.

“I think you should agree, Aldrik,” Vhalla interjected, not even noticing who she interrupted. The look on his face alone affirmed all her suspicions on what he’d been thinking.

“That would be your child.”

“I know.” As if she needed reminding. “And even if it is, I still think you should agree.”

Sehra met Vhalla’s eyes, and the princess gave an appreciative nod. The girl wasn’t gleeful. Sehra clearly wasn’t relishing in the idea of separating a family. But she also wasn’t backing down from what she believed she needed to do to protect her people. Vhalla would never verbally admit it, but if she did have a child, there would be worse fates than being raised in a culture with such deep knowledge and apparent honor.

Aldrik stood, pacing the room. Everyone remained silent as the crown prince visibly debated all his options. He was the only one who could make this decision, as he would be the one who would be forced to honor it as the future Emperor. He paused, staring at the fire, suddenly still after the momentary flurry of activity.

“You have your deal.” Aldrik didn’t look at anyone as he spoke. “Now leave me.”

Sehra stood gracefully, leaving with Za’s arm tucked around her. Elecia gave Vhalla a glare. Clearly the woman didn’t approve of Vhalla’s influence on Aldrik. Vhalla pursed her lips, she wasn’t going to be made to feel guilty for doing what she felt was right.

“Not you, Vhalla,” he ordered without turning.

Vhalla sighed softly and crossed to her prince. His shoulders were stiff and his eyes focused on the flames, as if he prayed for them to tell him the answer. To present him with an alternative to what he had just agreed. Vhalla wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her cheek on his back.

“How could you?”

“For the same reason you agreed,” she whispered.

Aldrik gripped her hands, holding her against him. “Our child will go and live with them.”

“If everything comes to pass.” Vhalla was back to being a Commons, and it felt as though war was about to break out once more. She couldn’t stop herself from subtly pointing out that she may not even live long enough to marry Aldrik, more or less conceive a child.

Aldrik didn’t entertain the thought, but continued, “The child won’t even know us.”

“The princess has not barred us from visiting. If the child could visit us—”

“You think they’ll let the Solaris heir out of their sight?” Aldrik scoffed.

“Not at first,” Vhalla agreed. “But I don’t think they wish us harm, Aldrik.” She rounded to his front, reaching up to cup his cheeks. “We’re all just trying to survive.”

Aldrik pressed his eyelids closed. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. I was going to wed you, and we would live and rule, fat and happy.”