A Turn in the Road Page 33

Bethanne agreed with Max’s friend. “We should stay and say hello to Susie.”

“She’d be real disappointed if you took off,” Al said. “Besides, she’s bringing lunch. I’ll give her a quick call and tell her to pick up enough for five.” He grinned. “I eat as much as two normal people, so she automatically buys two of everything when she’s feeding me.”

“Lunch,” Bethanne said sweetly.

Max nodded reluctantly.

Sure enough, Susie arrived about ten minutes later and the men met her in the driveway. Al and Max brought in grocery bags and two six-packs of beer, plus an equal number of sodas.

Susie was a petite woman who stood a full foot and a half shorter than her husband. She had curly brown hair and big hazel eyes. Clearly she adored Max and welcomed Bethanne with a warm smile.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am to meet you,” she said, rushing inside. “Al and I were so thrilled to hear from Max, we immediately changed our plans and headed for the lake house.”

Bethanne followed Susie into the kitchen and began unpacking groceries, setting the food on the kitchen counter.

“What else can I do to help?” Bethanne asked when she’d finished.

“Grab those bags over there,” Susie said, pointing to the chips.

Bethanne was put to work opening bags of potato chips and emptying them into plastic bowls while Susie made a salad.

Al and Max moved onto the deck, where Al turned on the barbecue.

“How long have you and Max been together?” Susie asked as she sliced tomatoes.

Bethanne peeled a cucumber. “We aren’t exactly together. We only met a few days ago.” Although it felt as though she’d known him for a lot longer…

“Really? Well, you found yourself a gem of a guy. I don’t know what happened to him. Max has never spoken about why he lives the way he does, but it’s obvious there’s some tragedy in his past.”

If Max hadn’t explained, then Bethanne didn’t feel she could.

“He’s done so much for others,” Susie went on. “Rooster told us that he helped a handicapped woman in Boston by replacing her roof. And a friend of ours told us about a family who was about to lose their home due to the husband’s unemployment. When the bank threatened to repossess it, Max stepped in and made the late payments.”

Just then Max appeared in the kitchen doorway. “What are you two talking about?” he asked suspiciously.

Susie rolled her eyes. “Why do men always assume we’re talking about them?”

“Ego,” Bethanne said, and they laughed. If any man didn’t suffer from an outsize ego—in her opinion, anyway—it was Max.

“Hey, Max, I bought you chocolate ice cream,” Susie said as she arranged silverware on the table on the deck. Smiling at Bethanne, she added, “He’s got a weakness for chocolate ice cream.”

Max snuck up behind Bethanne and slipped his arms around her. “What I have is a weakness for you,” he said, kissing her cheek. He whispered, “Promise me you won’t believe a word these people tell you.”

“And why is that?”

“I already told you, Bethanne, I’m no saint.”

“You make it sound as if you’re ashamed of helping other people.”

“I’m not, but I don’t like to broadcast it.”

“So, you’re a lone wolf, a drifter who needs no one, riding off into the sunset.”

He frowned and muttered, “You making fun of me?” in a mock-ferocious voice.

Bethanne laughed. “Guess so.”

They ate hot-off-the-grill cheeseburgers around three o’clock. Bethanne liked his friends. Al and Susie carried the conversation, regaling her with stories about their children. Sherry was the youngest of three, and their problem child, although she’d successfully gone through rehab and had now returned to school. In large part due to Max, as the couple were quick to remind Bethanne. Max scowled every time they mentioned his name.

Bethanne helped with the cleanup and Max suggested they leave close to five. The afternoon had been perfect in every way. Al and his wife both hugged her before she went out to join Max on the Harley.

“He needs you,” Susie whispered to her. “He’s a lost soul.”

Bethanne smiled and hugged the other woman back. “I’m so glad I met you and Al.”

“Me, too. I hope we’ll see you again.”

She put the helmet on and climbed onto the bike. As they took off, engine roaring, Bethanne slipped her arms around Max’s middle and relaxed against him. After a while she loosened her grip. Occasionally she even stretched her arms out at her sides, feeling free and unencumbered. She sensed that she was finally getting to know him—that they’d breached some barrier.

The return to Branson seemed to take far less time than the trip to the lake.

Annie was sitting in the lobby waiting for Bethanne. “Mom!” she cried. “Where did you go? Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

“When did you call?” Her purse had been near her most of the day, but she hadn’t heard her cell.

“Half an hour ago.”

That explained it. “What did you need?”

“Everybody left me,” Annie complained.

Bethanne managed not to sigh—or say something sarcastic. “Where’s Grandma?”

“She’s still out with Rooster. They went to see the Oak Ridge Boys. At breakfast I said I didn’t want to go and Rooster jumped at the chance. I haven’t seen them since.”

Ruth had gone with Rooster. That was a shock. “You spent the entire day on your own?”

Annie nodded, then shrugged. “I had fun shopping, though.”

“That’s my girl.”

“So, where were you?”

Max stood beside her and they held hands. “I was with Max.”

“Hi, Annie,” he said, giving her a friendly smile.

“Well, duh, I figured that much,” she told her mother. “Hi,” she muttered grudgingly in Max’s direction.

“We went to see some friends of his.”


“Maybe we could all go to dinner tonight,” Bethanne said.

Annie didn’t show much enthusiasm. “We’re leaving in the morning, right?”

“Yes, and according to your grandmother’s schedule, we’re headed for New Orleans.”

“That sounds great.”

“Max says it’s a real party town. Should be lots of fun.”

“More fun than Vegas?”

“A different kind of fun,” Max said. “I wish I could go, but I’m headed somewhere else.”

Annie didn’t look at all disappointed. She glanced at the doors and suddenly her face lit up. “Grandma!” she shouted, jumping to her feet.

Bethanne turned to see Ruth and Rooster walking into the hotel. “Rooster and I had the most wonderful day,” Ruth said, hurrying toward them.

“Two shows, one right after the other, and both of them exceptional.” Rooster looked delighted.

“I’m ready to get out of Missouri,” Annie announced to anyone who cared to listen.

“What about dinner?” Bethanne asked once again. “All of us together. Max and Rooster are leaving tomorrow, and so are we.”

“Count me out on dinner,” Ruth said. “I’m exhausted and we’ve got a full day coming up.”

“I’ll go with Grandma,” Annie said, as if she was glad of an excuse to escape. “We’ll just get room service.”

“You two are on your own,” Rooster said as the three of them strolled over to the elevator a few minutes later.

Max looked at Bethanne. “Maybe we should say our goodbyes now, as well.”

“How about a glass of wine?” she suggested instead.

He hesitated, then nodded slowly.

They found a vacant table in the lounge, and Bethanne studied the wine list. For the first time it felt awkward between them, as though they both feared what would happen next. In the morning they’d go their separate ways, and after that—she didn’t know.

They each ordered a glass of red wine, an Australian shiraz, which was promptly delivered.

Bethanne gazed down at her wine, hardly noticing its rich ruby color.

“I have to be in California next week. I don’t have a choice about that,” Max said.

“I know.”

Max’s hand closed over hers. “My brother’s handled the business ever since Kate died. It’s time I went back.”

“You’re really going home?”

Max gave her a lopsided grin. “Luke was beginning to think I was never going to return. A lot has changed in the past three years—in the business, in his life, in mine. I’m ready now, only I didn’t realize it until a few days ago. Until…you.”

She met his gaze and held it.

“You’ll go on to Florida, and we’ll connect again later this summer. If that’s what you decide.”

Bethanne started to say that was too long to wait.

He shook his head. “No, you need to be with Ruth and Annie, with your son and his bride. With Grant.”

Bethanne opened her mouth to protest, but again he stopped her.

“Make no mistake, I’d welcome the opportunity to explore where this relationship will take us, but I have things I need to attend to and so do you.” His expression was determined. Unwavering. “While you’re in Florida, you and Grant will have the chance to work this out—or not. Until you do, I’ll stay out of your life. I’ll abide by whatever decision you make.”

“What if…what if Grant and I don’t get back together?”

“Then let me know.”

“You’ll come to Seattle?”

“I’ll come wherever you are. Anyplace. Anytime. All you have to do is contact me.”

It sounded risky to Bethanne, scary, especially when she wasn’t sure of her own mind. She wanted Max to convince her they were meant to be together. He hadn’t. She wanted him to fight for her. He wouldn’t. The decision was hers.

“I don’t like this,” she confessed.

“Bethanne, we’re both high on emotion.” His hand cupped her cheek as if he felt the need to touch her, to hold on to her as long as he could.

They finished their wine, then returned to the front porch and sat in the swing, Max’s arm possessively around her. She rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. She wanted to keep these feelings with her forever.

Part of her wanted to argue with him, say she’d already made up her mind. Only she hadn’t. Not really. Twenty years with Grant couldn’t be easily shoved aside or forgotten. Max was right; they were high on emotion, on discovery. What they shared was fresh and new. Their feelings for each other had yet to be tested. All she had were these few days with Max. Seven days that had indelibly marked her. But could it be more than just a memory, significant though that memory was? Should it?

Max escorted her to her room and kissed her good-night. Bethanne felt an urge to weep—but this time for reasons she understood far too well.