Earth's End Page 47

“We do not need you,” the Chieftain corrected. “Seven more sun falls and their army will know the might of my people, and we will be free to fight another day.”

Vhalla pulled back into her body as Za was notching a second arrow.

“Call the majors, now.” Vhalla pulled herself into a seated position. “Get your father,” she added begrudgingly.

“What is it?” Aldrik stood from his place at the desk where he’d been working, sans any form of drink.

“Time is now precious.” She was tired from her Projection, but Vhalla had a growing fear that rest would be a rarer commodity in the coming days. What did this mean for the Empire’s plans? Vhalla stood. “I’ll explain to everyone at once; it’ll waste time and effort to pass along the information one at a time.”

“It’s that urgent?” His words were heavy.

Vhalla nodded gravely.

She waited at Aldrik’s right hand, standing at the center of the table as majors filled the room. Most wore confused looks but didn’t question the will of the prince and heeded his messengers. The Emperor entered shortly after, his usual sour look overtaking his face when he saw Vhalla at Aldrik’s side.

“Why did you call a meeting?” The Emperor turned to his son.

“Vhalla has something to report,” Aldrik replied.

“Which is?” The Emperor didn’t seem pleased with Aldrik’s reply.

“I have yet to be filled in on all the details myself,” Aldrik confessed.

The Emperor stared at him blankly, and Vhalla realized how far her liberties with Aldrik had been stretched. She had made the crown prince call a meeting entirely on her word. He had bent everyone to her will with his power.

“Miss Yarl—” the Emperor started, interrupted by the entrance of Baldair and his Golden Guard.

“What is the meaning of this urgent meeting?” Baldair asked as he reached the table, looking to his brother.

“Aldrik does not seem to know entirely himself,” the Emperor said coldly. “I do hope it is important, Yarl. We are all too busy to play your games.” His eyes swung back to her, and she felt his threat.

“I am not playing games,” she said firmly. Now was not the time to back down, doubt, or show weakness, she reminded herself. She had previously been bold before the Emperor, and she could do it again. “The Northerners are planning an attack.”

“What?” The word exploded across the table.

“That’s preposterous,” Major Schnurr scoffed.

“I heard it with my own ears. Seven more sun falls, said the Chieftain of Shaldan,” Vhalla reported.

“Leaders lie to their people all the time.” The Emperor waved a hand.

“Do they?” Vhalla didn’t miss the opportunity for the slight jab, and the Emperor started in angry shock. Before he could recover she continued, “The Chieftain wasn’t speaking to her people. She was speaking to the Westerner who has been working alongside her on behalf of the Knights of Jadar.”

Whispers and uncertain looks rippled across the table. The majors still hadn’t known. It seemed pointless to keep it a secret now. Furthermore, secrecy hadn’t exactly been doing them much good.

“Lies! Lies and slander are all that can be expected from the Windwalker.” Major Schnurr slammed his fist on the table.

“Major Schnurr,” Aldrik nearly purred, taking a half-step closer to Vhalla. His fingertips brushed against the small of her back. “I would be very careful with your next words.”

“There was a Knight of Jadar working with them?” Erion frowned from across the table.

Vhalla nodded solemnly.

“I must send word home to my father,” Erion mumbled.

“Can I tell my uncle that we have the Le’Dans beside us against this menace?” Aldrik asked Erion.

“The Le’Dans are friends of the Windwalker.” Erion nodded at the prince and then at Vhalla.

Vhalla watched as Major Schnurr stilled at the far corner of the table.

“How are they coordinating such an attack?” Raylynn asked.

“Some type of magic.” Vhalla shook her head. “I’ve never seen it before. Something with the trees.”

“You’re sure?” another major asked her.

“I am.” Vhalla nodded.

“But if you don’t know the magic—”

“I am telling you all I know.” Vhalla placed both palms on the table, leaning forward. “There has been communication. There is an attack coming of a magnitude that the Chieftain thinks will overwhelm our army. They are cornered and dying. This is an act of desperation. The head clan plans to use the attack as a means to escape, to keep the North alive.” Vhalla swallowed hard, thankful and surprised her arms hadn’t begun to quiver. “So we can debate if we can trust my word, or we can decide what will actually be done.”

They all stared at her in stunned silence. Vhalla swallowed hard. The grizzled Major Zerian at her right began to laugh. Everyone turned to him slowly.

“It is a sorry day when a girl from a library puts the greatest military minds in their place.” He grinned at her, and she saw a crazy glint to his eye. “Then again, we all know by now you’re not just some library girl. Continue, Lady Yarl.”

Vhalla saw the look of shock the Emperor gave the major at his use of an honorific, and she nodded firmly.

“I think we should rush the palace before the time is up. We have been training, the army is ready, and I am ready to lead.” She swallowed. Had she just said that? “The Western spy had relayed our plans of attack, but we still have the advantage. We can put their leaders to the sword and torch their sacred forest.” Vhalla wanted to feel horrified with herself. But she’d reminded herself that it was what must be done, reminded herself so many times that she now believed it.

“We do not know what their attack will bring, but it will crush their morale if their support forces sees their sacred forest smoldering.” A few majors nodded in affirmation as she continued, “Plus, it will raise the morale of our soldiers, and if we must fight, we will be coming off a victory. Therefore—”

“That is enough.” The Emperor nearly shouted over her, and the entire table jumped in surprise.

Vhalla leaned away from the table. She pursed her lips and swallowed, her emotions swinging between hatred, anger, and fear.

“Have I not made myself perfectly clear? You are not here to speak strategy. You are here to bring me victory—that is why I let you live.”

A few surprised glances were shared at the Emperor’s words. Aldrik shifted to face his father.

“We will not be attacking Soricium prematurely,” the Emperor announced before anyone could get in a word.

“My lord.” Major Zerian was the bravest of them all. Aldrik seemed too shocked, still processing his father’s proclamation. “We have been training for weeks and this is our best chance.”

“We will endure the attack and continue the siege until I say otherwise,” the Emperor decided.

Vhalla stared in dumb horror. He was going against logic for the sake of spiting her? She reeled with loathing. This man cared nothing for his people, for the suffering of others. All he cared about was the perception of his power.