Everlasting Kiss Page 41

"Why did Costain turn against you?" Daisy asked.

"He thinks I'm the one who put the hit out on him."

"Did you?" Alex asked.

"Alex, don't be a bigger idiot than you are," Daisy said with a huff of annoyance.

Rising, Alex began to pace the floor. "Okay, suppose you convince Costain that you're innocent. How's that gonna help us? We tried to take him out."

"I'm pretty sure I can persuade him to leave you alone."

"Pretty sure?" Alex said. "That's a real comfort."

"We've got to start somewhere," Erik said. "Rhys is the most powerful vampire I know. I don't want to fight him if I can help it. I'd rather try to reason with him. If that doesn't work..." He shrugged. "Then it's the three of us against him."

Muttering under his breath, Alex paced the length of the room.

Daisy leaned toward Erik. "Do you think the three of us can beat him?"

"I'm betting my life on it."

"Yeah," Alex said glumly. "And ours, too."

"I want to see that ad," Erik said, rising.

Daisy led the way into her office and switched on the light. Alex sat at the computer, with Daisy and Erik standing behind him.

It took him only a few moments for Alex to find the right listing.

Daisy grimaced as she read the ad, which was short and to the point.

Two-hundred-thousand-dollar reward for the head of Rhys Costain.

Contact MC at hunterz666.net when the job is done.

"Now what?" Alex asked.

"I need to go out for a while," Erik said. "Then I'm going to get in touch with Rhys and see if he'll listen to reason. I'm going to tell him what I think is going on. If he's willing to be reasonable, we'll see about setting that trap."

"And if he isn't willing to be reasonable?" Daisy asked. "What then?"

Erik shook his head. "Then it's a whole new ball of wax."

"Why are you going out?" Alex asked, suspicious as always. "How do we know you're not going behind our backs to make a deal with Costain? You know, our lives for yours?"

"Alex, enough! Erik saved my life. He saved your life. I won't have you talking to him like he's our enemy."

"It's all right, Daisy," Erik said. "He has no reason to trust me, any more than I trust him. Like I said, I need to go out."

Daisy watched him leave the room, and then hurried after him.

"Erik, wait!"

He turned at the sound of her voice.

"When will you be back? What if Rhys comes here?"

"Don't worry, darlin'." Erik put one finger under her chin. "I'll be back as soon as I can. If Rhys comes here, don't talk to him. Don't open the door. Don't ask him inside."

She looked up at him, her eyes wide. "What if you don't come back?"

Erik's gaze moved over her face. "If I don't come back, get the hell out of LA just as fast as you can." Forcing a smile, he kissed the tip of her nose. "Don't worry, little flower, I'll be back."

Daisy stared after him. How could she let him go? What if she never saw him again? "Erik!"

He paused on the sidewalk. "I'll never get back if you don't let me go."

"I'm afraid."

"Don't be. I won't let anything happen to you. Or that brother of yours."

"That's not what I'm afraid of."

He closed the distance between them. "Daisy..."

She pressed her fingertips to his lips, silencing him, everything she was thinking, feeling, shining in the depths of her eyes.

"Ah." His gaze moved over her face, as if to memorize every line.

"Please, Erik. I want this night to remember."

"You're sure?"

"Yes," she said tremulously. "I'm sure."

He knew he should refuse, tell her this wasn't the time, and definitely not the place, but if he were honest with himself, he was just as afraid as she was.

"You need to tell Alex you're leaving."

"He won't like it."

"Do you want him to spend the rest of the night worrying?"

"No, but..."

"Do you want me to tell him?"

"No, I'll do it."

"That's my brave girl."

Nodding, Daisy went back into the house. She didn't feel brave, but Erik was right. She couldn't just leave without letting Alex know.

She found him in the living room, watching the news on TV. "I'm going out with Erik for a while."


"You heard me."

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

"Probably not, but I'm going, so don't try to stop me."

"I don't suppose it would do me any good."

"I love him, Alex. Please try to understand."

"I don't understand, and I never will. When will you be back?"

"I'm not sure. Before sunrise, I guess," she said with a bittersweet smile.

"Keep your phone on."

"I will." Impulsively, she threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. "I love you, Alex. Thanks for always being there for me."

"Yeah, go on, get out of here."

Daisy held his gaze for a long moment, and then she ran out of the house. "Let's go."

"I didn't think he'd let you out of the house."

"Is that why you sent me in there? Because you thought he'd make me stay?"

"Foolish girl," he said, and wrapping her in his embrace, he transported the two of them into the hills, far from the city, to a four-star hotel that catered to the very wealthy who wanted to get away from it all.

A quick stop in the office and a bit of vampire magic procured the best suite in the hotel.

Daisy glanced around the room, her eyes wide as she took it all in. The walls and carpet were a pale, pale blue. Tall windows overlooked the twinkling lights of the city below. A cheery blaze sprang to life in the white marble fireplace when Erik closed the door. Soft music and lighting added to the seductive ambience as Erik took her in his arms.


"You're not going to try and talk me out of this, are you?"

"No." He had wanted her too long, waited too long for this moment. He folded his hands over her shoulders and drew her into his embrace. She leaned into him, the soft curves of her body pressing against his as she lifted her face for his kiss.

Her eyelids fluttered down as his mouth covered hers. His lips were firm and cool, his tongue a flame as it dueled with hers in a mating dance that was as old as time and yet forever new. She clasped her hands behind his neck, wanting to be closer still.

He kissed her again and yet again, his mouth as hot and hungry as the hands that glided over her body, sending shivers of delight coursing through her. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her swiftly into the bedroom, his mouth never leaving hers.

He laid her on the bed, then followed her down, his hands again moving over her body, until she lay naked beside him. He shed his own clothing and then drew her up against him. She basked in the touch of his bare skin against her own, the heat of his mouth on hers. The stroke of his tongue was like lightning, igniting a fire deep within her very core.

His hands drifted over her shoulders, her breasts, her thighs, each touch slow and sensual, teasing her senses. Clever hands that knew when and where to stroke, to softly caress, until she writhed beneath him, helpless, mindless, aware of nothing but the heat of his kisses, the warmth of his touch.

She clung to him, afraid that if she let go, she might float away. What magic had he wrought upon her senses? He was life itself, more vital to her existence than the air she breathed. How would she survive if he took his mouth from hers?

When he rose over her, she lifted her hips to receive him, a muffled cry of pain rising in her throat as his body melded with hers, but the discomfort was quickly forgotten as he moved inside her, each stroke of his flesh building the tension within her. She buried her face in his shoulder as, with a last thrust, he brought her to fulfillment. His own release came quickly, filling her with warmth and a sense of pleasure unlike anything she had ever known.

Erik kissed her as he rolled onto his side, carrying her with him, so that they lay facing each other, their bodies still entwined. With a sigh, she wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes.

His gaze moved over her face, noting the sweep of her lashes against her cheeks, the faint perspiration on her brow. Her breasts were warm against his chest.

It had been wrong of him to take her innocence. Had he known she was untouched, his honor would have forbidden him to take her. But he had wanted her for so long, needed her so badly, he hadn't taken the time to ask if she was still a virgin. And yet he should have known. Perhaps, deep down, he had known. But he couldn't be sorry for what he'd done. A woman never forgot her first lover. Whatever happened in the future, she would always remember him, always remember this night, just as he would.

He brushed a kiss across her cheek and then, still holding her in his embrace, he brushed the hair from her neck. A taste, he told himself. He would only take a taste. If things went wrong when he met with Rhys, he wanted to carry the memory of this night and the sweet taste of Daisy's blood with him when Rhys sent him to hell.

It was after midnight when Erik tucked Daisy into her own bed and kissed her good night. Outside, he paused in the shadows. Gathering his power around him, he placed protective wards around her house just in case Rhys showed up. Erik was certain that the threshold of the O'Donnells' house was strong enough to repel an angry vampire, but in Daisy's case, he wasn't willing to risk being wrong.

When he was satisfied with the wards he had erected, he willed himself to his own home. Although going up against Rhys wasn't something he was looking forward to, it had to be done, but not before he had afforded himself a little extra added protection.