Desire After Dark Page 49

"Are you kidding? I'm not going to tell her, or Karen, either."

"Won't they think it's a little odd that you're getting married at night and the bride and groom don't eat or drink anything at the reception?"

"They won't be there. I'm going to call and tell Karen and my mom that we're eloping."

"Oh, well, that's a good idea, I guess. It'll sure save a lot of explanations." Another pause. "Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"You want to know what it's like."


"It's wonderful, Bobbie, you can't imagine what it's like. Everything is… How can I explain it? It's like living your whole life in black and white and then tumbling over the rainbow to the land of Oz where everything is in glorious Technicolor."

"If you say so," Bobbie Sue muttered dubiously. "Did he make you drink his blood?"

"No, he didn't make me."

"But you did?"

Vicki sighed. She could hear the revulsion in Bobbie Sue's voice. Not that she could blame her. Not too long ago, she had felt the same way.

"Oh, Vicki… " Bobbie Sue wailed.

"Bobbie, you love Duncan. Wouldn't you do anything you had to do to be with him?"

"Well, sure, but come on, Vickie, turning into a vampire for the man you love isn't like giving up smoking because he has to, or cooking low-fat foods cause he's on a diet. I mean, this is forever."

"Edward Ramsey is going to walk me down the aisle," Vicki said, changing the subject.

"Antonio wants to know if Duncan will be his best man."

Bobbie Sue laughed at that, laughed until she cried.

Vicki couldn't blame her, not really. It was going to be an odd assemblage— a vampire bride and groom, a vampire hunter turned vampire giving the bride away, a vampire hunter standing up with the groom, vampires for guests. Bobbie Sue, Tom, and the minister would be the only mortals present.

Vicki was certain there would never be another wedding quite like it.

"I'll tell Tom," Bobbie Sue said, sniffing back her tears. "Have you bought a dress yet?"

"I ordered one through a mail-order catalog. Wait until you see it. I sure hope it fits."

"Why didn't you go to a bridal shop and… Oh, never mind. Mirrors. I forgot."

"Yeah," Vicki said. "I'm thinking we should have gotten married before, well, you know."

"Why didn't you?"

"I didn't want to wait, and to tell you the truth, I didn't think of it at the time."

"You really have the hots for him, don't you? Where are the two of you going to live?"

"I don't know yet. He's got houses everywhere."

"Must be nice. I guess Duncan and I will be moving soon. He's going to work for that vampire school in Los Angeles, remember the one I told you about? Can you imagine me in L.A.?"

"Maybe I can talk Antonio into buying a house out there. We could be neighbors."

"I'd like that. Listen, I've got to go. I'm gonna be late for work."

"All right. Tell Gus and everyone hello for me. I'll let you know the date and time of the wedding as soon as I know."

"Okay. Bye, hon."


Vicki was feeling more than a little depressed when she returned to the castle. She sat in the car for a few minutes, thinking about her conversation with Bobbie, rehearsing what she would say to her mother.

Antonio met her at the door. One look at her face and he knew something was wrong.

Vicki blew out a sigh when he asked her what it was. "Nothing, really. Well, it's Bobbie Sue. I told her I was a vampire now… "

"And she does not approve?"

"No, she thinks it's awful." Blinking back her tears, she looked up at Antonio. "She's my best friend. I wanted her to understand."

He wiped her tears away with his fingertips. "Did you really expect her to approve?"

"No, I guess not, but… How have you stood it for so long?"

"How would you feel if the situation were reversed and Bobbie Sue told you she was a vampire?"

Vicki grinned at him through her tears. "I would have felt just like Bobbie Sue. Horrified and betrayed. Do you think she'll still be my friend, once she gets over the shock? I mean, she said she'd stand up with me at the wedding, but what if she decides she doesn't want to be around me anymore after that? What if she looks at me differently? I don't think I could stand that."

"If she is truly your friend, it will not make a difference."

Resting her head on his chest, Vicki wrapped her arms around him. "I love you."

"As I love you." He kissed the top of her head. "For now and always."

At last, the date was set and the night of the wedding was upon them. Vicki arrived at the church in her wedding dress, her one regret being that she couldn't see how she looked. And then she brightened. So, she wouldn't have any wedding pictures, but that didn't mean she and Antonio couldn't have their portrait painted. An old-fashioned wedding portrait, Vicki thought, like the one of her great-grandparents, with her sitting in a white wicker chair and Antonio standing behind her looking properly solemn, one hand resting on her shoulder. The thought cheered her immensely. She might even have a second one painted for her mother.

"You look lovely," Bobbie Sue said, coming forward to give her a hug.

"Do I?"

Bobbie Sue nodded. She wore a tea-length dark blue silk dress with a square neckline and long sleeves, and carried a bouquet of wildflowers. "Are you nervous?"

"Not a bit." Vicki picked up her own bouquet. It was made of baby's breath and bloodred roses. She knew brides usually carried white flowers, but red seemed more fitting for this occasion. Besides, red roses had always been her favorite.

"It's time," Edward said, joining them. "Are you ready?"

Vicki nodded and Edward offered her his arm. "Here we go, then."

The pianist began playing. A moment later, Bobbie Sue was walking down the aisle toward the altar.

Vicki took a deep breath. Bobbie Sue had said she looked lovely, but she didn't truly believe it until she walked down the aisle on Edward Ramsey's arm and saw the way Antonio's eyes lit up when he saw her. In that instant, Antonio became her mirror and she knew that she looked beautiful, would always look beautiful in his eyes.

The church was alight with dozens and dozens of tall white tapers. Ferns and white daisies decorated the altar.

Duncan had agreed to act as Antonio's best man and he looked quite handsome in his tux. Kelly Ramsey, Marisa, and Grigori were their only guests.

Vicki listened intently to the words the minister spoke, smiling faintly when he got to the part where he pronounced them man and wife "so long as you both shall live." Barring unforeseen accidents, death would never part them.

The minister smiled benignly, then nodded at Antonio. "You may kiss your bride."

Vicki looked into Antonio's eyes as he drew her into his arms. "I shall love you forever and beyond," he murmured, and then he lowered his head and claimed his first kiss as her husband.

And Vicki knew, in the deepest parts of her heart and soul and mind, that she had made the right decision. The only decision.

Bobbie Sue hugged Vicki. "I wish you all the happiness in the world," she whispered.

"And no matter what happens, you'll always be my best friend."

Vicki nodded, her eyes filling with quick, happy tears.

Marisa took Vicki's hands in hers and gave them a squeeze. "You look radiant," she said. "I hope you'll be as happy with Antonio as I am with Grigori."

"Thank you."

"If you ever have any questions about your new lifestyle that you can't ask Antonio,"

Marisa said with a wink, "just call me."

"I will."

"That goes for me, too," Kelly said, giving Vicki a hug. "We women have to stick together."

Grigori came forward to wish Vicki well, shook hands with Antonio, and then Grigori and Marisa took their leave.

Duncan kissed her cheek, then whispered, "Are you sure about all this?"

"A little late to be asking that question, don't you think?" Vickie asked with a smile. "But yes, I'm sure."

Duncan nodded. First Marisa, then Edward and Kelly, and now Vicki had joined the ranks of the Undead. He grunted softly. Maybe he should look into it. The thought that he was even considering it brought him up short. Still, they all looked very happy together. He looked at Bobbie Sue. Maybe they should talk about it one of these days.

"Come, wife," Antonio said, taking her by the hand. "The hour grows late."

They bade good-bye to Duncan and Bobbie Sue and then Antonio whisked them back to the castle where Lady Kathryn was waiting for them.

She beamed as they entered the parlor. "I knew it!" she said, flitting around the room. "I knew you were perfect for him the first time I saw you. And now we can all be together."

"We can be together later," Antonio said, sweeping Vicki into his arms. "Tonight, my bride and I wish to be alone."

"Of course you do." Still beaming with pleasure, Lady Kathryn sailed from the room, the sound of her merry laughter trailing behind her.

Vicki locked her arms around her husband's neck. "Well," she said impishly. "Here we are, all alone. Just you and me. So… " She kissed his cheek. "What would you like to do now?"

Carrying her up the stairs, he told her, in whispered words that made her blush, just what he wanted to do, and how he wanted to do it.

Inside the bedroom, he put her down, letting her body slide ever so slowly down the length of his until she was standing on her own two feet.

"Oh, Antonio, look!"

Reluctantly drawing his attention from his bride's numerous charms, he glanced around the room. White candles lit the room with a warm golden glow. The air was fragrant with the scent of hundreds of flower petals that were spread on the bedspread and over the floor.