The Darkness Page 8



Yonnie hurried down the beach, turning the dilemma over and over again in his mind. Now that he'd sent Val to the Neteru compound, how was he going to get word to her? If he still had the image of where it was, he could simply mind-stun a passing human to go deliver the message. But that posed two problems: one, it would leave a human witness that could easily be traced, and two, Val might not believe them or say the wrong thing . . . might even accidentally ice them, for that matter.

Time was also his enemy. There was a very narrow window during which he could play this hand. Nuit would be off doing his new bride and probably feeding for several hours; Lilith and crazy-ass Sebastian would be resurrecting Dracula's wife, then installing her. But after that, who knew what could jump off.

This afternoon, however, if time was his mortal enemy, good fortune was his best friend. Val was busily combing the shoreline as though she'd lost something.

"I thought I told you to go where it was safe?"

She snapped her attention toward him and placed both hands on her hips. "I am a warrior. I do not hide from battles. My long sword and bow . . . my quiver, are gone. I must find these before taking temporary refuge in my Neterus' compound. I should be there as an added sentry in their army, not a burden that they must protect."

Yonnie slapped his forehead and let out his breath hard. "I concealed your weapons, boo. Like I said, you can't just go walking down the beach with blades and bows and shit. Offhand, I don't know what the laws are in this state, but you can't carry weapons out in the open without a permit, in any event-least not since the eighteenth century, aw'ight?"

She lifted her chin and folded her arms over her chest.

"Look. I know you ain'tno punk," he said, growing weary. "Coward," he corrected, when it was clear that she didn't know what he'd meant. "And I'll give you back your weapons, but I'm gonna have to do them like I did your wings-make it so you can walk with them without others knowing they're on you. But if you set them down, you'll have to remember where you laid them.Deal?"

A wide, sparkling smile was her answer and then her body relaxed.

"Okay, now that we got that out of the way, here's the thing." He hesitated and looked around. "I went somewhere that is really dangerous just now.Got some inside knowledge that you have to get to Carlos and D."

"You infiltrated the enemy camp . . ." she murmured in awe. "I would be honored to be a messenger."

"Cool, 'cause where the Neterus are right now, I can't go. It'll blow my cover and then the next time I go behind enemy lines, I might get smoked."

She nodded and stepped closer. "I will, as you say, have your back, and will valiantly deliver all that you have to tell me."

"I can't tell you, I have to show you," he said, no fraud in his statement. "This science is too twisted and way too sensitive . . . real complicated. But if you allow me to put the images in your head and you take this straight to Carlos, he'll be able to decode it in an instant . . . and I won't get fucked up if somehow you get waylaid by the wrong side."

"I stand at your ready."

Yonnie walked back and forth for a moment, rubbing the nape of his neck as he studied her. He was more than ready. Problem was,he had to get his hunger in check.Both of the competing desires. After witnessing a coronation with only blueberry pancakes on his stomach, he was getting shaky. He also hadn't fed since Lilith bestowed daylight on him, which was erotic as hell . . . then this beauty had attacked him, hand-to-hand combat with a blade. The adrenaline had spiked her blood and dried in her sweat, creating a layer of sweet allure all over her skin. Not to mention the deeply philosophical conversation they'd just had.

"I am trustworthy," she said, stepping forward, appearing alarmed that he might not believe in her loyalty.

"I'm not," he said, staring at her. "Telepathy is a very sensual act . . . you know that, right."

"I do," she stated flatly. "In Nod, that is all we had."

Damn . . . a woman who gave good head . . . for a moment, he just looked at her.

"Okay, listen, these images are gruesome-and I have to make it look like we were engaged in some mental foreplay and I got sloppy. This way, if the message gets intercepted, it won't seem like I'm playing both sides, feel me?"

She nodded. "I will go along with the ruse to protect your secrets for the cause. I have seen horrors in Nod as well. I can take it."

Yonnie blotted his forehead with the forearms of his jacket. "Good, baby. But once you get to Carlos, have him pull that bullshit out of your head with a silver siphon. The other thing I want you to ask him to do is to override my black box with a silver shield."

She tilted her head in a question. He chose his words with care.

"Right now, there are only two entities that can legitimately override my telepathy to get inside your head. One is the ultimate dark angel and the other one is his wife-you understand?"

She gasped and he pulled her to him and spoke into her ear. "That's right. I went in deep and low, baby. So, if any other demon comes for your head, they'll bump up on my border and figure you're just mine. But C puts an extra mind layer around members of his team that even the lowest of the low can't break. Want you to have that, too, so you can't be used as a pawn. Once he sees these images, he'll know why."

"All right," she whispered, her body fitting against his. "I had no idea it was this bad. Thank you for considering my safety."

Yonnie's hands slid down her back, caressing supple skin wherever he found it."For the cause, right?"

"Yes . . . for the cause," she murmured as he dragged his jaw up the side of her throat.

"If only I had more time . . ." He let his breath out hard and steadied himself, refocusing on the issue at hand. "After I blow your head up, I'm going to shockwave you to the other side of the country. I gotta do it like that so the bad guys just think I busted a daylight nut and don't come looking for you. But as soon as you hit the asphalt, I want you to get up, look around,find a beef and beer joint. Go in cool, though, sis. They're heavily armed on the Light side. I can't escort you in there without blowing my cover. But you tell them you're from Nod and Carlos will understand."

"Busted a-"

"Don't worry about it, you'll catch on to the lingo once you're here a while. Main thing is for you to get this to the Neterus as soon as possible once I'm done."

"All right, but what about my weapons?If it is a soldiers' den that could come under attack, I should be armed."

"Sho' you right."

He slid his hand down her hip until they both shuddered, making her scabbard appear and then disappear against her left side. Holding his arm out from him without breaking the seal between their bodies, he materialized her blade in his hand and then slowly sheathed it at her side, making it disappear in increments as it slid into the scabbard. She moaned as though he'd entered her, briefly closing her eyes. It was impossible not to drop fang after the morning he'd endured.

When she looked up at him again, they were both breathing hard, but she didn't seem afraid, even though he hadn't retracted his incisors.

"And my quiver and bow?" she murmured, moistening her bottom lip with her tongue.

His hands slid over her shoulders and then he slowly slid his palms between her breasts one at a time, allowing her to see the straps before they disappeared.

"Arrows are in there . . . I can't make silver disappear," he said, staring at the way her nipples had tightened beneath her shirt. "But I can cover the top of the quiver with leather and conceal that. Just open the flap to get to them."

She nodded and swallowed hard. "Thank you."

"I'll put your bow on your righthip, tie it with a leather thong . . . cool?"

She leaned her head against his chest and nodded quickly, her eyes shut tightly. "I've never been armed like this in my life."

He had to look up at the clouds for a moment to remember the message he was going to send Carlos before he traced her waist and upper thigh with the pads of his thumbs to tie her bow to her. Stooping before her, he French-kissed her navel and then nipped her hip, and her bow and its leather tie very slowly dissolved until she cried out.

"Now let me inside your head, baby," he said, sliding up her body to stand. "So I can deliver the message."

She held up her hand, breathless."Just one moment to regain my composure. I am a warrior . . . this is unfitting to be seen like this by the Neterus."

Yonnie smiled and kissed her earlobe. "Believe me, they'll understand."

Not allowing her the moment she'd asked for, he cradled her skull between his palms, causing her soft locks to spill between his fingers as he took her mouth hard.

Cascading images made her twist to pull away, but then he sent a pleasure balm behind each one that caused her to arch against him with an agonized moan.

He stopped for a moment, panting, and quickly turned his head away from the temptation of her jugular. Reliving the coronation was wearing him out, but not half as much as Val's responsive body. Her pelvis was welded to his in just the right spot, her movements torturous as her hands framed his back,then her palms slowly slid up his forearms so that her hands could shadow his.

"Yoube sure to let my boy know that delivering this particular message in broad daylight kicked my ass, all right?"

She opened her eyes and spoke softly, trembling. "Tell me you're not done . . . there is more?"

He was rendered mute and had to close his eyes, nodding once, before resting his forehead against hers for a second. "Yeah," he said panting. "There's more. Just give me a minute to pull my shit together."

She fell so hard that she tore a gash in her black leather pants, skinning her knee. Metal chariots with no horses screeched to a stop and angry drivers bellowed foul words at her as she got up, felt along her body for weapons, and looked around semi-dazed. The smell of grilling meats made her run toward a redbrick building, one like Yonnie had described.

Her body hurt, more like ached. The blinding pulse that he'd thrust into her that then sent her hurtling still made her face burn with shame.

Strange two-wheel chariots lined the front of the establishment. It was lively and filled to capacity, but she didn't know where to find the proprietor.

"Yo, sis, you can't just walk in-you see all these people here waiting for a table?" He smiled at her, but it was a gentle smile. "You must not be from around here, 'cause that's a good way to get a beat down."

She looked at the human patrons. "I don't think they can take me."

He rounded the host stand with concern in his eyes."Who you looking for?"

"Carlos the Neteru," she said flatly. "I am Valkyrie of Nod."

"It has only beentwenty minutes, " Nuit said between his teeth, slightly leaning over so that only Yonnie could hear him.

"Man . . . I woulda waited at least an hour to call us back, just for the sake of pride," Yonnie muttered.

Nuit nodded but sat back before the new councilwoman took offense. He squeezed Lucrezia's hand as she tried to pat her hair into place.

"Permit me to introduce the newest member of council, Elizabeth Bathory," Sebastian said with pride.

Lilith smirked. "Welcome, how does it feel to be back after all these years, and elevated at that?"

"It is a great honor, Madame Chairwoman,"Elizabeth said, her thick Hungarian accent adding to her exotic appeal. She smoothed her hands down the black lace that clung to her lean, statuesque body. Severe hawkish eyes looked around as though she were expecting someone, and disappointed that she didn't see them.

"Countess," Nuit said, standing to bow before her. He smiled a half smile, knowing the use of her old title would pique Sebastian. "The pleasure and honor is all ours."

Following protocol, Yonnie stood and offered her a bow. "Welcome to council. My best regards to your late husband."

Sebastian snarled, butElizabeth floated over to Yonnie.

"You knew him and were a supporter of his?Perhaps a turncoat Ottoman . . . or a mercenary from the fallen Moorish empire?"

"Naw," Yonnie said, taking up her hand and kissing the back of it. "Just a brother with much respect for the legendary . . . if he ever comes back, make sure he knows me and him are cool."

"I shall do so," she said, smiling to show off a wicked length of fang.

"Might I remind you that I reanimated her, Yolando," Sebastian said, collectingElizabeth to usher her back to her new throne.

Yonnie held his hands up in front of him. "Hey, believe me. I am not trying to push up on your woman. Like I said, respect. I know who her husband is."

"Was," Sebastian snarled.

Elizabethtilted her head. "Was?" She turned to Sebastian, dark eyes kindling an emotion that was impossible to judge. "Draculawill always be my husband . . . there is no other like Vlad." She had enunciated every syllable, extending the second one for emphasis, making her exterminated husband's name sound like Dra-cuuu-la.

"But I reanimated you and gave you daylight . . ."

"Then, for that the debt is paid in full-I gave you my body.Once.Just as you gave me life again.Once."

"Plus, daylight," Sebastian argued.

"Then, when I use the daylight and appear in it, which I assure you will be rare, as I am used to the night . . . I will give you what you most crave. Until then, I suggest you do what the peasant farmers in the old country were forced to do in the absence of willing choices-mate sheep."

"You cannot mean that . . . if you do not take me as a new husband, then at least take me as a lover until your grief over Vlad's continued loss subsides. I know you're overwrought, but our coronation must mean something to you?"

"In twenty minutes, puhlease," Yonnie muttered to Nuit on the side, instantly bored by the debate between Elizabeth and Sebastian. "No wonder she'd rather ride a memory than that bullshit."

"How is it that I find myself in the odd and rare position of thoroughly agreeing with you, Yolando?" Nuit smiled and squeezed Lucrezia's hand, and then kissed the back of it. "You haveno idea what he interrupted."

"Yeah, I do," Yonnie said in a low voice.

Lilith gave them the eye and sent a private message to them both.It was so sad, torturous to witness. I should have made you all stay just so that I wouldn't have this tragedy locked in my mind alone. He humped her like a schoolboy would in the back of a car! Five quick pokes right in the throne, no imagination-couldn't hold off, so no wonder our new councilwoman is pissy.After Vlad . . . ? I would have slapped Sebastian's face, clawed out his eyes! Vlad's essence leapt from the Sea of Perpetual Agony at the affront and scorched three messenger demons that were standing too close to the lava . . . but, alas, there was nothing more that he could do but rejoin the wailing masses. I swear,I can still hear his voice cursing above the others .

I did not need to see that, Lilith,Nuit mentally shot back with a sigh.Five strokes without ambience?Non .I am offended for the poor Countess, but I will not be coaxed into remedying Sebastian's problem. I have already sent my objections to the permanent council session minutes in blood. Therefore, please tell me when it will be appropriate to return to my lair inNew Orleans to, shall we say, acclimate Lucrezia to the area?

Lilith smiled and winked.In due time. She then turned her attention to Yonnie, and her gaze raked him.From the condition of your aura, it seems Sebastian's quick callback left you in a state, darling .

Yonnie shrugged subtly.What can I do? Nobody even had the courtesy to hook a brother up, so I went topside . . . this is real fucked up .

Blowing him a kiss, Lilith licked her bottom lip.They did leave you out in the cold . . . but I could make up for it before I head to theMiddle East ?

Yonnie froze. It was not that Lilith wasn't a good lay, or that he hadn't been with her before. But damn if he wanted her now.

I feel your hesitation, Yolando. I'm not toying with you. I want all my members of council happy and cooperative before I leave.

He made a tent with his fingers in front of his mouth and then allowed her to feel the pent-up desire full throttle. If Fallon was off screwing his new bride, and Sebastian was sniffing behind his new and very recalcitrant mate, it would give Val more time to get word to Carlos and possibly give the whole squad more time to maneuver. Then if he had Lilith good and occupied . . . that was one less headache for the team as well. Plus, the last he'd heard, the Dark Lord was making moves to secure his heir's survival-in theMiddle East . He could definitely take this one for the team.

Yonnie opened his gaze to Lilith and summoned every desire he could think of from his core . . . editing out the circumstances but letting her feel the raw emotion of the denial, allowing her to bathe in the heat waves of wanting something so close that was so far away. Hot-stored mental video fed it and hours of being unfulfilled slick-coated it until she finally writhed in her throne.

"Enough bickering!" she snapped, breaking off her transmission with Yonnie, and turning on Sebastian. "Give the lady room to adjust to her new circumstances. Make her happy-somehow! She is the Countess and is used to the best. Give her a blood bath, take her to the old country to feed, whatever it is that brings her pleasure, but my nervous system cannot handle this strife in council."

Lilith stood.Elizabeth bowed.

"Thank you, Madame Chairwoman, for understanding my . . . disappointment. I believed that Vlad had discovered a way to return and that it was he who had hired the necromancer's services . . . only to find out . . ." She covered her face with her hands and then broke down and wept.

"Fix this, Sebastian," Lilith warned. "She is no good to us in such a state. Had you properly-oh, nevermind. " Lilith ruffled her hair up from her neck. "Council is adjourned for three eves, barring any catastrophe."

Nuit and Lucrezia were on their feet before Lilith had finished her sentence. Yonnie stood slowly, resigned to his fate. Lilith smiled and crooked her finger toward him as she turned to leave chambers.

"I must design a consolation for you, poor Yolando. If you follow me, I think we can work something out."

Sebastian stood in the deafening silence staring at his back-fired fantasy. His gaze roved overElizabeth 's body, coveting it, wishing that he could again reach out to fondle the delicate pink nipples that peeked through the sheer lace of her black gown. His mouth hungered for hers, just as his fingers ached to again touch her silky brunet hair and fragile alabaster skin. Her crimson mouth drew him and he still trembled from just thinking of how magnificent her fang-strike had been. That was what made him prematurely lose control. If only she would understand how long he'd wanted her . . .

"I am not Vlad," he said after her sobs subsided. He lifted his chin as she stared at him with angry, bloodshot eyes. "But I can bring things back from the dead if they haven't been mutilated by blessed weapons."

She was about to walk away from him when he caught her by the elbow. Hissing, she looked down at his hand until he removed it from her arm.

"Think about it," he said evenly. "I may not be able to bring Vlad back, but if you treat me with some modicum of dignity I could bring back Dorka, your sorceress. Or even all of Vlad's army to avenge his death."

The Countess turned slowly and stared at Sebastian with much less venom in her eyes.

"Do you want to know my secret, what is at the base of my spell?"

She neared him, but didn't commit, since he'd posed the question inDananu .

"There is an ancient forest in ourHungary . . . in Bukkabrany, in the northeast-where sixty meters beneath a brown coal mine areeight-million-year-old swamp cypress trees." He circled her as he spoke in a low, desirous murmur, drawing her in. "The trees, sixteen of them in all, form the number of goodfortune, seven . . . are three meters around in size."

Sebastian's voice dropped to a husky rasp, making her lean in even closer. "They are rare and fragile. They literally crumble to dust when you touch them because they've lost their cellulose. Therefore, I had to work quickly to acquire some of this essence before the paleontologists at the University of Budapest seal them away in cement sarcophagi, like they did in Japan-the only other forest of this kind." He stared into her eyes, watching them begin to glow.

"As fellow practitioners of the dark arts, at the very least we should share in the collaboration of such a find. The soil there represents the basal essence of life force preservation. It kept the trees intact for eight million years,Elizabeth -thinkof it. With my dexterity in spell-casting,which is why Lilith extended an invitation to me to be a councilman . . . and your strategic military mind and wanton lust for torture . . . think of what we could do. "

She neared him and stroked his pocked cheek, tilting her head as though considering his offer. "You have this soil, still?"

"I used it to bring you back to life, my love."

"And you would be willing to raise Vlad's army to avenge his death, even though you compete for his wife's affections?"

"I wouldraise whatever you asked, just to be yours . . . even if just occasionally."

"Eight million years and the trees remained preserved, yes?" she murmured against his throat, making him shudder hard.

"Yes," he breathed. "To the touch, the trees still feel like wood . . . eight-million-year-old preserved life." With trembling fingers, he caressed her cheek."Just as it brought back your soft, ever so soft, skin."

She took his mouth harshly, causing him to moan as her hand slid across the length of his groin. "This feels like wood, as well, Sebastian," she murmured.

"No," he said on a thick swallow. "For you, I am stone."

She licked his jugular, making it strain against the surface of his skin in an angry pulse until he hissed. "Guardians slew my husband. He must be avenged."

"We can raise your army tonight, at sunset, and give them the demon powers. Nuit told me how to locate the Neterus."

She captured his hand and placed it on her breast with a gasp. "There is more than one?"

"Yes . . . two, a mated pair, with an entire team.They are on the East Coast of America."

"It is an hour until sunset there, darlink. What do you propose we do for that hour to stem the anticipation?"

Tears of need stung his eyes and made her image blurry. "If, for just an hour, to have the fullness of your unrestrained affection . . . even if you believe I do not deserve it, I-"

Her tightening grip stopped his words with a shuddering gasp. Her strike to his jugular was so ruthless that it chipped bone. Pleasure-dazed, he staggered aimlessly with her in his arms, too aroused to immediately sort out where he might bed her.

"Raise the army for me, tonight, to attack, tonight, and this hour you'll never forget."