Infinity Son Page 60

Brighton and Maribelle run up to me.

“You’re going to be okay,” Brighton says, kneeling beside me.

“Stop her,” I say as Luna tries bringing the potion to her lips.

Maribelle steps on Luna’s wrist and snatches the bottle. “So close,” she taunts.

Brighton moves over to Luna, hovering over her face. “You thought I was nothing more than a pawn, and look who stopped you.” He holds out his hand and Maribelle passes him the potion. “Who’s the king now?”

“Pour it out,” I say. But he doesn’t, and it feels like someone is squeezing my heart. There’s someone who wants power even more than Luna. “Brighton, don’t do this, that potion is untested. You could die like Dad did.”

Brighton stares at the elixir. “Better than living powerless.”

My brother looks up at the Crowned Dreamer as he drinks every last drop of Reaper’s Blood.