When Darkness Comes Page 29

A relief, considering the elder vampire possessed the ability to bend others to Ms will whenever he desired to make the effort.

"You're sure some survived?" he instead demanded.

"At least a few of them. I followed their tracks to the garage."

"They could be anywhere."

"They won't go far from the Phoenix," Dante pointed out. "Even if they don't know the precise location or even who holds the Chalice, they sense its presence. Unfortunately I don't have any means of contacting them."

"I would hardly call that unfortunate." The thin nose flared with distaste. "A pity the wizard didn't wipe them out completely."

A sentiment Dante would have agreed with thoroughly until Abby was thrust into carrying the Phoenix. Now his only concern was finding the means to release her from her burden.

"We have already been through this, Viper."

"And you know my feelings."

"In gruesome detail." Dante raised a hand to rub the knotted muscles of his neck. "Will you help me?"

"You know you don't have to ask. I may consider you all kinds of a fool, but I will always have your back."

"Thank you," Dante murmured with genuine sincerity.

"What do you need?"

"Protection." Dante promptly answered. "Something small enough to carry but able to deal with the zombies."

A smile twitched at the corners of Viper's lips.

"No doubt I have something suitable in my vault," he retorted. Dante knew Viper's vault could arm entire countries. His arsenal ranged from prototype weapons stolen from top scientists to ancient armaments blessed with powerful magic. "What else?"

"I think someone should keep an eye on the wizard. He was calling upon powers that have been forgotten for centuries. He could be a problem."

"Ah." The dark eyes abruptly glittered with anticipation. "Perhaps I will toddle over for a visit. I haven't gone against a decent wizard since the Middle Ages."

Dante frowned. As a rule, Viper managed to avoid petty confrontations. Unlike most vampires, he didn't feel the need to prove his balls by challenging every demon that crossed his path. Which was one of the reasons Dante preferred his company to others.

But there was a part of Viper that couldn't resist a challenge. If he thought there might be something out there to give him a worthy battle, he wouldn't hesitate to leap in with gun blazing.

Or fangs flashing.

"Be careful," Dante warned sternly. "I don't doubt he'll have a few nasty tricks up his sleeve."

Viper chuckled with cold amusement. 'Trust me, Dante, no one can match me for nasty tricks."

"That I well believe," Dante muttered, reaching out to grasp his friend's shoulder as his knees threatened to buckle.

"God, you can barely stand," Viper growled, a hint of concern touching his lean features. "Go to bed. I will set a watch outside your rooms. You and your Abby are safe here."

Dante nodded in relief. "You're a good man, Viper."

"Spread that around and I'll chop you into bacon bits and leave you to the sun," the older vampire warned.

"It goes with me to the grave."

Feeling every one of his four hundred plus years, Dante made his way back through the darkened hallways. At least he would have a few hours of rest.

No wizards, witches, zombies, or demons.

Just Abby.


Entering the private apartment, he headed directly to the bedroom only to be halted by the unmistakable sound of splashing water.

The weariness slid away as a faint smile curved his lips. Altering his course, he moved toward the bathroom and stepped through the door to study the slender woman soaking in the vast tub.

Speaking of heaven…

If his heart still beat, it would have halted at the sight of the white skin glowing in the candlelight like the rarest pearl and her honey curls fanned about her gamine face. Thankfully the rest of his body functioned just fine. Dante allowed his gaze to trail over the soft thrust of her breasts to the tempting triangle of hair between her thighs, and he felt himself grow hard.

Painfully hard, he acknowledged as his erection bit into the buttons of his pants.

With perfect clarity, he recalled the feel of her warmth as she had held him in her arms and the aching pleasure as she had rode him to completion.

Ah, sweet heavens he wanted her.

No, he needed her.

With a desperation that made a mockery of mere lust.

Silently kicking off his boots and shrugging out of his shirt, Dante paced forward and settled on the edge of the tub.

"Is this a private party or can anyone join in?" he murmured softly.

With an obvious effort, Abby lifted her lids to regard him with a slumberous gaze.

"Dante," she husked, making no attempt to cover her delectable curves. "I didn't hear you return."

He choked back a curse as his erection swelled in response to the beautiful vision below him.

He wanted to kiss every inch of her wet, slick skin. To sink between her thighs and taste her heat. To watch her eyes widen with pleasure as he entered her and to thrust both of them into mindless bliss.

His hand trembled with the force of his desire as he reached out to stroke his fingers down the curve of her neck. He could feel the softness of her skin, the heat of her rushing blood.

"I thought you would be asleep by now," he murmured.

She heaved a soft sigh. 'This feels so good, I can't make myself leave."

Dante slowly smiled. "I have something that would feel even better."

Her eyes darkened as a smile of pure temptation curved her lips.

"I don't know." Her gaze lingered on his bare chest. "This is pretty much at the top of the feelgood list."

Rising to his feet, Dante quickly rid himself of his pants before he joined her in the heated water. The steam clouded about him, filled with the scent of vanilla and woman, rousing the predator that always lurked just beneath the surface.

With a growl of satisfaction, Dante pulled her into his arms as he performed a smooth roll, anchoring her atop his aching body with her legs straddling his hips.

He smiled into her startled eyes as he carefully smoothed her damp curls behind her ears.

"Lover, you're just about to learn a whole new list."

Her breath caught as his hands skimmed down the curve of her back to cup her backside, pressing her firmly against his throbbing shaft.

"You think you're that good?" she breathed.

Dante chuckled as he lifted his head to nibble at the base of her throat.

"Oh, better. Much better."

"I…" Her head tilted back as he gave her a small nip, her hips moving in silent encouragement. "Oh."

Dante groaned. Her skin fascinated him. So soft. So warm.

He licked a hungry path to her breast.

The animal in him longed to simply thrust into her and find his release. There was something to be said for a swift, sweaty orgasm.

But not with Abby, he conceded.

This was not sex.

Not mindless coupling.

It was a joining that he could feel right to his dead heart.

Savoring the sweet taste of her, Dante circled her tightening nipple with the tip of his tongue. With light strokes he teased her until he heard her hiss of breath, and she grasped his head in her hands.

"Please," she whispered.

"Is this what you want, lover?" he demanded, closing his lips about the peak to suckle her with gentle urgency.


Her fingers tangled in his hair, her legs parting until she could rub herself against the length of his erection.

Dante closed his eyes at the intense shock of pleasure that flared through him. Bloody hell. Nothing had ever felt so good. And he wasn't even inside her.

The warm water surged about them, and the candles flickered, adding to the erotic sensations. He arched his hips upward, his hands shifting to stroke over her inner thighs. Slowly he traced patterns on her wet skin, simply enjoying the feel of her. He could stay here an eternity, he realized with a tiny jolt of surprise.

Just the two of them, alone and at peace.

Still teasing the hard tip of her breast with his tongue, he slid his hands higher, tugging her legs farther apart until he discovered her center.

Her lashes lowered as he trailed a finger between her soft folds.

"Dante," she breathed.

Nibbling his way to her neglected breast, he lightly scoured his fangs over the sensitive swell even as his finger stroked into her sleek heat.

Abby moaned, tangling her hands in his hair. He leaned back to watch the flush darken across her cheekbones. God, but she was beautiful. An exotic angel that had tumbled into his grasp.

With a slow expertise, he stroked his finger deep within her. At the same time he used his thumb to caress her tiny nub of pleasure.

'You feel so good," he muttered, his tongue flicking over the tip of her nipple. "So ready for me."

"Don't stop," she gasped.

Dante gave a choked laugh. "There isn't a force on earth that could halt me now, lover."

Sighing softly, Abby allowed her hands to smooth down the length of his neck and over the muscles of his shoulders. Her touch was light, but a trail of fire followed in the wake of her fingers.