A Shade of Blood Page 37

Every venue we visited contained a memory of the eight years we spent being best friends. It was a reminder of how well we knew each other, of how well-acquainted we were with each other’s quirks and idiosyncrasies. It was as if he was reminding me why he still mattered, why we mattered.

It was interesting to sneak into our middle school and fool around on the swings. We reminisced over the first fight he’d ever gotten into. We would’ve stayed longer, but the old security guard – Enrique – chased us out.

We then had lunch at the restaurant where we both worked one summer. The manager who looked over us was still working there. We got free dessert. Finally, we took a winding stroll through the park near the hospital where Ben stayed after he contracted appendicitis.

“You were with me every single day until I got out,” Ben recalled. We were seated on a park bench and he was holding my hands, playfully tugging at my fingers. “I just want you to know that I noticed all that, Sofia. I appreciate everything you’ve ever done for me.”

No words could explain the way this made me feel. There were still so many questions, so many doubts running through my mind, but beyond all the disagreements we’d been having because of The Shade, I had to accept that Ben was the one constant in my life for the past eight years. He was there for me when no one else was. Not even The Shade or whatever feelings I held for Derek could take that away.

When Ben leaned over for a kiss, it was the first I shared with him where he had me completely. As our mouths explored each other’s, not a single fiber of my being was paying attention to Derek Novak. On that particular day, I was Ben’s and I was his alone.


If my ultimate goal was to forget Sofia Claremont, it seemed I succeeded in doing so the moment Ashley’s blood began streaming through my veins. There wasn’t a day that passed after I fed on her that she wasn’t on my mind.

I tried to distract myself at the training grounds or lose myself in my music. Nothing worked. Nothing could distract me from the animalistic hunger I had for the lovely blonde. My want for her was beginning to overtake me. I was thankful that I had enough sense to have Kyle and Sam take the girls away from me. I knew that I had to steer clear of them – of her – or I wouldn’t be able to control myself. I wouldn’t hesitate to once again taste her sweet delicacies.

It was this dilemma over the feisty teenager that brought me to Vivienne’s penthouse. Of course, there was also the matter that Vivienne hadn’t been showing up at the council meetings since our confrontation at the now non-existent Sun Room.

With an important discussion about to go underway regarding the swelling human population at The Shade, I couldn’t afford not to have Vivienne around at the council meetings, so I decided to pay her a visit and talk some sense into her.

When I reached her penthouse, I found her inside her greenhouse, lovingly caring for her precious roses, lilies, tulips and orchids.

“It’s amazing how life has managed to thrive at The Shade even without the sun…” She spoke up the moment she sensed my presence. I leaned against the doorpost, watching her. “Cora’s powers will never cease to amaze me.”

“Matters of great importance to The Shade are being discussed and you’re here growing plants?”

“What have you come here for, brother?” Her response was void of emotion, almost as if she were heavily burdened by the idea of talking to me.

“I came to fetch you. Your duty is at the Great Dome, taking part in deciding the fate of the kingdom’s human population. That’s where you’re supposed to be, not in this greenhouse of yours.”

“Is that all you came to say?”

I studied her, wondering if she knew what was going on in my mind even before I spoke. I never really fully grasped the extent of what my sister was capable of. I wondered if I ever would.

“You are bothered by your desire for Ashley?”

The question was rhetoric so I glared at her, hoping that she would sense my impatience. Nothing. The minutes were ticking by and she remained silent. Her focus remained on the plant she was pruning. Her disregard for me was beginning to vex me.

“I still rule over you, sister. I want your full attention when I am speaking with you.”

She dropped her tools and looked straight at me. The moment those violet irises settled on me, I wished I hadn’t asked to have her full attention. Her gaze was a story of despair – one I wanted to unravel and make right, but felt powerless to do so.

“The one question that comes to mind, my prince, is why you’re having such a dilemma over this matter.” She took a step forward, closer to me. A challenge. “Why not just take her from the custody of the guard and do with her as you please? She is nothing but a slave. You have every right to bend her… break her… use her any way you see fit. She’s just another human girl... I remember a time when you wouldn’t have hesitated to take the life of one such as her. Why do you hesitate now?”

Tension coursed through me as I searched myself for an answer to her question. I had none but one. A bitter taste caught my tongue even as the name came out of my mouth.


Ashley mattered to Sofia. That’s why I don’t want to touch or harm her. I resented my sister for her cunning. I forbade her to speak of Sofia and yet, without defying me, she still managed to get me to ponder the mysterious hold the exquisite redhead had on me. I expected to see triumph in Vivienne’s eyes. I didn’t see it. Where it was supposed to be, a defeated resignation remained.