A Shade of Blood Page 57

When Corrine saw Sofia, delight showed in her eyes, but she didn’t seem the least bit surprised that Sofia returned, almost like she was fully expecting Sofia to eventually come back.

“Sofia!” she exclaimed. “It’s good to have you back.”

It was one of the few times I remembered seeing Corrine smile since I first met her.

She gave me a curt nod to acknowledge my presence. “Prince.”

Sofia’s hands found mine. “I’d like to speak with Corrine privately.”

“Of course. Go ahead. I don’t mind.” Liar. I minded. Now that she was back, I wanted to be around her as much as I could. Sharing her with someone I didn’t fully trust didn’t exactly thrill me. Still, I gave in to her request. I found myself alone, sitting on a bench by the fountain, waiting for what felt like hours for her to return to me.

I marveled at how the Sanctuary’s pure white marble façade seemed to glow under the light of a full moon. It was quite a sight to see, but the price paid for such a lavish structure lessened its value in my eyes. Here at The Shade, everything beautiful and worthwhile comes at a price.

I shifted my focus from the witch’s temple to what was straight ahead of me: Sofia was walking along the stone pathway leading to the gazebo. I’d already been there for what felt like an eternity, so seeing the women walk out, though they appeared to be completely oblivious of me, was a relief.

Sofia locked arms with Corrine as the older woman spoke to her. I could only guess what they were talking about, but that didn’t bother me as much as seeing them walk side by side. The sight brought about a strange nostalgic sensation largely due to Corrine’s uncanny resemblance to her ancestor, Cora. It felt like I was watching two of the most important women in my life conversing with each other.

Sofia’s emerald gaze found me. That’s when it struck me. Sofia saved my life. Ashley meant to drive the stake right through my heart. Her eyes left me for a moment as she nodded and thanked Corrine, who gave me a quick, harried glance before heading back indoors.

That left me, Sofia and the numerous unanswered questions between us. Finally. I have you to myself. I stood up and approached her as she took steady strides toward me. The moment we reached each other, she took my hand and held it tight. We walked forward in silence, away from the Sanctuary and headed for the woods that would eventually lead to the Vale, the island’s town.

I dared catch a glimpse of her. Illuminated by the moonlight, she was quite a vision to behold. Her eyes were downcast, focused on the ground. She stopped walking and made me face her with a squeeze of her hand on mine. I found myself suddenly anxious when she said:

“Your few hours are over. We have a lot to talk about.”


Walking through the woods, along the familiar gravel pathway that led from the Sanctuary to the Vale, I found myself bothered by the things Vivienne told me – about how Derek was veering towards his dark side. I witnessed that first hand with the scene I walked in on upon my arrival. The conversation I had with Corrine further heightened my anxiety over Derek when she confirmed the things that he’d been up to during my absence – how he seemed to be gearing everyone up for war, the census, the ban from all further abductions and what that could imply…

I didn’t know what to make of all the things I’d been told and I felt unsure about what I was supposed to be doing at The Shade. What impact did Vivienne think I could have here?

My eyes were beginning to moisten with tears as I looked up at Derek. I needed to talk about what happened. I wanted to understand him again, because the time I spent away from The Shade felt like a giant rift between us.

“Where do you want to begin?” He sounded nervous.

I forced myself to keep my eyes on him as I expressed what was going on first and foremost in my mind. “Ashley… you were about to…” I choked, unable to say the word out loud. You were about to rape her.

His gaze left me. He said nothing. It was almost as if he was hoping that I would just forget what I saw, that we could just move on without ever addressing what happened.

“Vivienne told me that you attacked Ashley… in the Sun Room…”

His eyes darkened and once again focused on mine. I didn’t know what I said, but something triggered his ire and he began walking forward until he managed to back me up against the trunk of a giant willow tree. “Vivienne is why I did it. When I heard that the hunters had my sister and that you were the reason she left The Shade, I couldn’t understand it. I couldn’t understand what it was with you that she had to risk her own life just to get you back here.”

I swallowed. I didn’t know how to respond to that. I don’t understand either. Not completely. I was back at The Shade, because it had this hold on me, because Derek somehow managed to forever etch himself in my mind. Standing there, however, with him so close to me, I found that I had no idea what Vivienne thought I ought to accomplish by being there.

Derek was in turmoil and it was easy to see that not having Vivienne around was ripping him apart inside. I knew how precious she was to him, but I couldn’t understand why he would take out her loss on Ashley.

“I don’t see how that justifies what you did to Ash…”

“I’m a vampire, Sofia. The only reason I was trying to control my impulse to kill Ashley after having fed on her was because she mattered to you. After I lost Vivienne because of you, I wanted to punish you. You weren’t here, so I punished someone you cared about instead.”