Enjoy the View Page 85

No matter where they went, no matter what they did, they always found something worth climbing. And in the rare places they couldn’t, they had all they needed in each other, with River climbing into his arms.

Easton had never been happier.

Her father had found Easton a horse that would fit him, but the mare tended to give him disappointed looks every time he saddled her up. So he trailered Chance down to Wyoming instead. The mountains around the ranch weren’t his own, but the local ranchers quickly learned how skilled of a tracker Easton was. Soon, he was the first one they called when they needed a stray tracked or a mountain lion run off from the herd. And when the work on the ranch was done, Easton and River would slip away together, heading up the mountains as high as they could go without taxing their mounts.

“So, what do you think?” River asked him randomly as they settled in on a rock ledge together. Ticktock and Chance were tied off a hundred feet below, along with both their boots.

This time, River had remembered her chalk and climbing shoes.

“What do I think about you?”

She should already know. He’d spent all morning and half the night before showing her that she was the perfect woman for him, that she was everything he’d never known he wanted and absolutely all he would ever need.

“About here. Wyoming.” Her eyes sparkled as she shot him a grin. “And yes, about me too.”

Easton wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him. “I think they’re all down there watching your movie. We should probably join them.”

“I’m not sure I have the ability to sit through two hours of them teasing us for acting like lovesick teenagers on a mountaintop.”

True. Besides, he didn’t need to watch them falling in love. He’d been there. Every single moment with her was etched in his heart, and he’d never forget it. But there were more mountains to climb together, more adventures to be had. Easton had never been the type to dwell on the past. They had their whole lives ahead of them.

“Easton? They finalized the schedule of my next film.” Jessie had been right; they were clamoring for River to produce now. She had more job offers than she could possibly take. “I’m supposed to wrap up filming by April. In May…how would you feel about not taking a group up the Old Man and going with me to Nepal instead?”

Desire burned in his veins. Looking at her, knowing she knew him the way no one else ever would, Easton had never been so glad he’d pulled over to ask a woman if she needed a ride. “You want to climb Everest?”

“I want both of us to climb Everest. I think we can do it.”

He had always been a man of few words. But as the sun dipped below the mountaintop, bathing them in soft reds and pale gold, Easton took her hand in his, squeezing it tight.

Together they could do anything.