Be My Brayshaw Page 14

I glance to Captain as his knuckles brush along the splatter on my top, and his eyes meet mine, but as if he hadn’t realized he reached out to touch me, he looks away.

I spot Raven’s gaze traveling along the onlookers, so mine follows.

With every ounce of caution, they begin returning to their seats as we have, not a soul daring to look this way.

Raven leans over, whispering into my ear, “Another day in Brayshaw.”

I nod.

One thing’s for sure, if anyone had even an inkling of a doubt their boys had grown weak in their absence, they don’t anymore.

I look back to Captain, and then the others, at the smirks playing on all their lips and realize, that’s exactly why they showed up here in the first place.

They knew they’d be here, and they knew Jason would be, too.

Two snakes, one stone.

Chloe finally comes outside with a tray full of new drinks.

She sits down, grinning across the group. “Now that was a Brayshaw homecoming.”

Everyone laughs, and I can’t help it when my own follows.

Chapter 5



It’s been hours since my boring afternoon was lit up by a Brayshaw plan I wasn’t privy too, hours since we all stood from the table, they slid into their SUV and I headed the opposite way.

My feet hurt from mindless walking, and I’m exhausted from having nothing to do but think as the minutes ticked by.

Thank hell the sun has finally faded, the moon now taking its place, indicating it’s safe for me to make the walk back home.

At least that’s what I thought, but as I grow closer the smoky flavor of an evening firepit coats my throat and my steps slow.

In the distance, off to the right of the mansion a flicker of a flame lights the orchards.

They’re outside.

Maybe it’s only them?

My hope is crushed when I reach the end of the dirt path.

The most precious laugh fills my ears, a laugh I’ve missed more than I can explain, more than anyone would understand.

I tense at first, but then I close my eyes, taking a full, deep inhale, allowing her to breathe air back into my lungs and calm me in a way only she can.

Zoey laughs harder, a loud, “and one and one,” following.

A chuckle bubbles out of me, but I still don’t open my eyes. I lean against the tree and listen.

She has no idea what and one means, but that won’t stop her. She repeats what she hears, as many toddlers do, and I know she’s at least connected it to sinking a basket.

Captain’s laugh floats across the yard right then, and my lungs quickly deny the full breath its exit, a heavy pressure forming at the base of my throat and holding.

“I think Royce was right.”

My eyes fly open, locking with Maddoc’s.

He stands beside his SUV, arms crossed over his chest, head cocked. “You must be dumb.”

I swallow, but my voice still comes out raspy. “Or following orders.”

Another round of laughs reaches us, and my brows cave at the sound, the knot in my stomach tightening, driving my shoulders forward as the pain settles beneath my ribs.

Maddoc narrows his gaze, licking his lips as he steps toward me.

He studies me a long moment, and I’d dare say surprise is what has his glare sharpening as his jaw sets tight. “You love that little girl.”

If he expected me to respond, he’d have asked it as a question.

He knows what I know, how powerful people find pleasure in taking what you cherish. To give a piece of you is to place a shock collar around your own neck and give the controls to another.

Maddoc comes to stand directly beside me, his eyes trailing the direction I know the others are but can’t bring myself to look.

“This game on Saturday,” he eases. “It’s the wrong fuckin’ place for her, yeah, but more than that, it’d mean revealing her to the town when he’s not ready to share her yet.” Maddoc’s head snaps my way, his frown meeting mine. “You should have realized that on your own.”

“I only meant she’d love to watch him play—”

“Changes nothin’.” He shifts his body to face mine. “Don’t talk without thinking, don’t move without understanding. You should know this shit already. Don’t make us ruin you.”

“Is that not what you want?”

“Here you go again, playin’ dumb.” He gets in my face, an angry irritation written across his. “You think it didn’t tear at his insides to walk away from you today, knowing you were out there alone after the shit that went down? No protection, no one to have your back?” He shakes his head. “You know we’re stubborn, hardheaded and untrusting. Shit don’t come easy for us, and it might not be fair, but that means the females in our lives have to work twice as hard to break through, be twice as fuckin’ strong. There is no other way.”

“I’m not looking for a pass.”

“Then sink your claws in deeper,” he growls. “And don’t flinch when the blood pours out.”

Fight harder.

That’s what he’s saying.

That’s what he wants from me.

His eyes narrow, and he pauses a moment before speaking again. “I can be everything Raven needs, give her anything and every-fucking-thing she’d ever want, but that’s not good enough. I want her to have more. She decided a long time ago, before she knew you shared her blood, before she knew you hid things from us, that it was you. She’s never had a friend. We were her first. Be her next, be what my brother needs and wants, be here for my family in full, or get. The fuck. Out.”

Maddoc takes several steps backward, and my eyes slide over his shoulder, landing on the others who play around in the cool night air. Tension hardens his jaw as he looks to me. “He has to see what you mean to her... we all do.”

My brows pull in in question as he shifts in my line of sight once more, before quickly turning around. He shouts across the long driveway, gaining the attention of every single one of them.

Three smiles fall in an instant, but the fourth… it spread wider and wider with each passing second, and my heart sighs.

Hi baby girl.

Maddoc covers his mouth, giving a hushed, “I didn’t do this for you, and I won’t do it again.”

He walks toward the rest of his family, each standing frozen and wide-eyed, but the shock quickly morphs into rage when Zoey drops the ball they’d been playing with, her feet carrying her right for me.

She breaks into a run, a blinding smile on her pretty little face, blonde curls bounce all around, and she doesn’t slow her pace.

Captain demanded I deny her, but I don’t, can’t.

I quickly step from the shadows and onto the grass, holding my arms out so she can jump right into them.

“Rora! Rora! Rora!” She laughs, rubbing her nose against mine excitedly. “You see me? I did it!”

Tears threaten to fill my eyes, so I nod, pressing my tongue hard against the backs of my teeth to try and hold everything in. “I didn’t, ZoZo, but good job,” I whisper.

“Daddy said ‘way to go, Zoey!’” she says, a beautiful shine in her voice.

I laugh lightly, she still can’t say her name quite right.