Be My Brayshaw Page 20

“Yeah, well,” she says, sitting back in her chair, a tense smile at her lips, and slight pull at her brows. She drops her head back, looking up at the sky. “Guess he’s back.”

“Who is he to you?”

She frowns, closing her eyes a moment only to bring them to mine in the next.

She shakes her head, but doesn’t get to answer, because suddenly the tall fucker is leaning over the chain that separates us from him.

He pushes his hair back, smiling at Victoria. “How’s that for a win, baby?”

My jaw locks as Royce chokes on his drink, hopping off his seat to view us better.

Did he just dare call her baby?

She doesn’t look his way, keeping her eyes locked on mine all the time, and says, “Captain, meet Mike.”

Mike sticks his sweaty-ass palm out. “Her boyfriend.”

I’m on my third drink when the others make it back into The Wolves Den, not that it took them long. I poured three straight doubles.

Raven is the first to reach me, a heavy frown in place as she steps around the bar to grab herself a glass of water.

“I asked about this guy a while back, she said he helped her pass the time and time was up. Said he left,” she speaks into her cup before taking another drink.

I down mine, slamming the crystal on the countertop. “She’s a liar.”

Raven scoffs.

Mac joins us, pouring and handing drinks to everyone but Raven and Maddoc, who is driving tonight.

As soon as Victoria’s ass plants on one of the stools, I jerk from where I stand and move for the couches surrounding a flat screen.

The annoying blonde from earlier spots me and makes her way over, but Victoria stops her in her tracks when suddenly she’s dropping right beside me with a glare.

“You walked away before I could even talk.”

“Oh, you wanna talk now.” My eyes widen mockingly, anger front and center. “All of a sudden? Thought secrets were your game?”

She glares. “You gonna listen or not?”

“What makes you think I’d care what you have to say?”

A single brow raises. “You, storming off like a toddler, pretty much said enough.”

I growl, but then the door is shoved open with a loud bang, and in comes Royce with a smirk I know all too well, arms open wide as he plays it up and pulls in attention.

“The man of the hour is here to join us,” he calls flatly, tipping his chin when I meet his eyes, the dickhead right behind him, his shirt still off and in his hand, cheap ass bird tattoo on full display.

Victoria tenses at my side.

“Servant girl,” Royce snaps and her eyes slice his way. “Make the man a drink, hm?” His glare hardens in warning.

One she ignores.

“What the hell is he doing, he shouldn’t be in here...” she says, a hint of panic in her tone as she trails the two. “Mike’s done nothing wrong, he’s always... he stayed away.”

Her fingers grip at the collar of her shirt, brows caved.


“He shouldn’t be in here.” She shakes her head, waiting until the last second to drag her eyes to me. “Make him go.”

My fingers clamp tight around my glass as I study her, noting the anxious fare of her movements. My stomach muscles tighten as I cock my head. “Make him go,” I repeat.


Does she want him away from her or is this her way of keeping him away from us?

Is she protecting him?

Anger builds inside me as she thoughtlessly adds, “He’s done nothing wrong.”

An instant dark chuckle leaves me, and her tension-filled eyes pull to mine.

“Nothing wrong?” I edge, leaning forward until our lips are damn near touching.

Her eyes widen, but then a layer of fog covers them just as quick.

How easy I can steal your attention...

I know he’s watching, everyone is, so I lean a little more, pulling at all my control as I brush against the thick velvet of her lips, while reminding myself I can’t take what I should, what I know she’ll give.

Instead, I whisper, harsh and slow, “He thinks you belong to him, and that right there, Beauty... so fuckin’ wrong.”

“You need to open your eyes, Captain,” she hisses, a strain to her tone I can’t quite interpret, and my mouth twists. “And when he called me his, you should have done or said something that showed otherwise.”

I push my frustration down and attempt to spin this in my favor.

“Did I confuse you?” My smirk is as measured as her scowl. “I said you’re not his, but you’re sure as fuck not mine.”

Her scoff is easy and mocking as she pushes to her feet, my eyes raising with her.

She rubs her lips together.

“Fine,” she forces out. “I’ll play maid, like your brother wants me to. Serve the man, and then, I don’t know...” She trails off as she shrugs, shuffling backward a few small steps. “Serve the man.”

I’m on my feet, tugging her into me in the same second. My glare is heavy, fingers twitching against her spine.

And she giggles, freezing me on the spot.

It’s a soft, open sound I’ve never heard, one that reaches deeper than it should, driving even farther as ever so slowly, rich brown eyes, almost a brassy, bright copper lift to mine.

I’m struck, stuck standing powerless as every part of her dives beyond the surface of me.

A small smile finds her lips and she melts against me, the room around us falling away.

I tell myself to let her go and walk away, get some fuckin’ space between us, but my muscles won’t move.

She’s gorgeous and I hate it.

“You can try to deny me with your words, Cap,” she whispers. “But your body knows the truth, and your mind will never allow such a lie.”

My stomach twists, a hollowness taking over and making me nauseous, ‘cause, fuck me, she might be right.

She shuffles her feet, and my hand falls to my side.

My eyes follow as she walks away, each step heavier, more forced than the last. She doesn’t want to go to him.

I should bring her back.

To me.

I stand there staring as she begins making a drink for some asshole when she’s the one who should be served.

I glance at the dickhead who watches her every move, a frown written across his forehead as he waits for her to meet his eyes, but she doesn’t.

She shifts with lax movements, but she’s on edge. Unsure.


He gives a subtle shake of his head when she gives him her back, reaching for a bottle of something.

Raven walks over, but I can’t look away.

She steps up beside me. “Cap.”

“I gotta get the fuck outta here.”

She’s getting in my head... or maybe it’s the alcohol.

Dickhead says something that has her pausing, and ever so slowly, her palms plant on the countertop, and she lifts her eyes to his. A small grin, fuckin’ tiny grin forms on her lips and my blood boils.

Yeah. I gotta go. Now.

Maddoc and Royce spot me cutting across the room and beeline for me, their quick steps gaining Victoria’s attention.

She sets the bottle down, boldly staring.

“I’m out.” I keep walking. I don’t have to tell them to keep her in line, they already know.