Trouble at Brayshaw High Page 45

“If they take you home, come to the party pad later. You can bring Vienna or whoever if you want.”

“Why, so you can beat her ass, away from anyone who will care to stop you, for touching lips with your man?”

I pause, thinking about it. “Actually, yeah, sounds like a good plan, now that you mention it.”

Victoria laughs, shaking her head. “I told you, Maybell is acting weird. I won’t be able to get out.”

“I’ll handle it.”

“Oh, you’ve got it like that now?” she teases.

“I just might,” I admit and move past her, toward the very pissy, very sexy, and angry big man waiting at my door.

“Raven, huh?” He licks his lips. “Thought nobody got to call you that?”

“You guys don’t call me Rae.”

“We’re not everyone else.”

I step in front of him and he grips my hips, depositing me in my seat.

“You’re right, you’re not,” I confirm.

“Has he ever touched my body?”

“Your body?” I raise a brow and he frowns.

“Yeah, my body. Has he ever touched it?”

I shake my head.

“Don’t lie.”

“I’m not. Just wait, you’ll understand.”

“Understand what?”

“I said wait.”

He glares, but it goes away when I slide my hands down his pants.

“Now, take me home, wear me out, and then wake me up to party.”

He leans forward, sliding his lips across mine before nipping on my bottom one. “I can do that,” he whispers.

“Wow,” Vienna whispers, looking around the court from where we sit.

Victoria nods. “Now I get why Rae hangs with them.” Her eyes scanning the group just the same. “Basketball shorts.”

“Hmm...” I muse. “God’s gift to women.”

We all start laughing.

“The fuck?” comes from Maddoc.

My eyes jerk from his junk to his eyes and his tighten.

I grin, and he stalks toward me, raising a brow. “It’s true. I’ve been watching the way you bounce around for months now.”

A slow smirk pulls at his lips and he leans over me. “Yeah, and how do I bounce?”

“Long and to the left, Big Man,” I whisper with a smile, making him chuckle.

His green eyes darken, demanding I meet his lips, so I push up and give him what he wants.

Gio steps up beside us in the next second and whips his shirt off his body.

Man, he’s grown up and filled out the lanky boy body I remember.

Tattoos and weighted muscles cover his soft brown chest. With dark hair and dark eyes, he’s definitely got that ‘keep away’ look going for him. The kind that makes you want to do the opposite.

Maddoc grips my head and brings my eyes back to his with a frown.

I wink and his jaw clenches.

“Look at your boy, G,” I say under my breath and Gio takes a drink from his water bottle, peeking over at Rowan leaning against the hoop post.

His eyes are locked on Gio.

“He looks like he wants to take a serious bite out of you.”

“Raven,” Captain scolds. “Stop.”

I hold in my grin. “What?”

“You can’t just say that shit.”

“He does.” I tip my chin and they all look, seeing the struggle in Rowan’s eyes from across the court just the same. “Damn, he’s turned on right now.”

Maddoc yanks me up, running his hand over my ass as he scowls at me.

“Yeah, if only he’d get out of his own fucking head. He’s good at playing hot and cold,” Gio mumbles, then jerks his head calling Rowan over.

“Wait.” Victoria leans forward and Gio grins at her. She eyes him a minute and her brows jump. “You’re gay?”

“What?” Royce’s attention is caught, and his eyes cut to Gio. “No...”

Gio holds his hands out, eyeing him.

“Really?” Royce gapes.

He tips his head back. “Why you look so surprised?

“Guess I’m a stereotyping prick, ‘cause you don’t look gay.” Royce sizes him up.

“Yeah, and how do I look?” Gio goads him.

I laugh, knowing exactly where this is going. Doubt Gio’s met someone like Royce – honest, blunt, and completely fucking unashamed.

Not to mention run by his dick.

Maddoc shakes his head and moves for the cooler – he too knows his brother well.

“Fucking, good, my man. You look good. Strong and capable.” He laughs at himself, making us laugh. He tilts his head and I shake mine. “You play three?



“I have.” Gio shrugs.

“Well, the chicks around here love a solid sandwich, so if you’re up for it.” He shrugs. “I mean I’m not gay, but I like to share my toys.” He grins like a dumbass. “And I’m great at multiples, just ask RaeRae.”

“Royce!” me and Maddoc shout at the same time and he laughs.

“I ain’t lying.” He keeps laughing, dodging Maddoc when he whips a towel at him.

Rowan is suddenly standing there and steps forward with a frown. “That’s not gonna happen.”

“Why not?” I spur him on.

“Stay the fuck out of it!” Maddoc bites out from where he stands, and I waggle my brows.

Royce eyes Rowan, sliding his stare to Gio, and then back.

He’s too perceptive for his own good and reads them both right.

Rowan hasn’t claimed his spot yet, and poor pretty boy, Royce is about to force his hand.

“Yeah? And why not?” He licks his lips enticingly, slowly sliding his eyes to Gio. “I’m not a selfish bastard, I’ll make sure our frosty filling handles him good, even help her out if I need to.”

Rowan steps close to Royce. “You want him in your party?”

“Yeah, man.” He smirks, eyes flashing with amusement. “I do.”

I look to Gio whose eyes are about black from watching.

“Then I’m the one in the center,” Rowan says.

“Guess he’s hot today,” I mutter under my breath and Royce winks at me.

At Rowan’s words, Gio goes from drooling to frowning in two seconds flat.

“Uh, clearly they haven’t labeled whatever it is they’re doing or not doing.”

Again, all glares cut to Victoria.

“What?” she snaps with a shrug. “Tell me I’m wrong?” she dares, looking straight at Rowan.

Both guys tense a minute, but then everyone laughs, and they do their little back slaps. Fresh beers are passed around and we all move for the patio chairs on the side of the yard.

Maddoc switches on the fire pit and everyone kicks back, getting comfortable.

“How the fuck did you end up here, Raven?” Gio asks.

Maddoc tenses behind me, and I laugh. “Long story, G.”

He nods – he’s never been one to pry. “Been here long?”

“Few months now.”

His eyes tighten. “Were you at your mom’s all the time before?”

I nod., looking away.