Trouble at Brayshaw High Page 54

He pulls back just as quick and lifts me.

With a husky chuckle, I jump up in his arms and he jogs for the door, running up the steps and inside.

Right when we make it through the threshold of the doorway, my back hits something and Maddoc stumbles slightly, catching himself and me before we tumble.

His eyes fly over my shoulder and his body turns to stone.

His hands release me, and I frown, slowly sliding down, but when I shift to look over my shoulder as well, my muscles lock just the same.

“Good. You’re all home.”


Holy shit.

I stand there frozen, my hands still stuck on Raven’s side.

Captain glances back at me, shifting the smallest bit in front of Raven, a move that would be subtle to others, but not Rolland Brayshaw.

The edges of his eyes tighten, and he looks from Captain to Raven, and then me.

“Well.” He glances at Royce who stands a few steps in front of us. “This isn’t quite the way I thought this would go.”

We all hesitate another second, but then light laughs leave us, and we move for him.

He grins as we step closer, reaching out to hug each of us.

“This is a fucking surprise,” Royce laughs. “Thought it took thirty days for a decision to be made?”

“The decision was made before I even got there. It was out of the judge’s hands, the hearing was simply semantics. Two weeks was as quick as I could get all the Ts crossed.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Royce asks.

“We’ve kept it quiet for now. I wanted to avoid it getting back to the Gravens until I had a chance to come home, and ... evaluate.”

“Evaluate?” I ask. “Evaluate what? And why didn’t you respond to any of my messages? I’ve been trying to reach you for weeks.”

Our dad grins and clasps my shoulder. “I’m sorry, son. I would have, but I had a lot to get a handle on.”

“Evaluate what?” I ask again, hating the unease creeping up my spine. I have no fucking idea why I suddenly feel on edge.

“It’s just business, we’ll talk about that tomorrow.” He smiles at each of us, hitting his hand against Cap’s chest. “Damn boy, you’ve grown.”

He scratches the back of his head, shrugging with a small grin.

“Yeah, them shoulders came outta nowhere,” Royce teases. “He was a puny ass white boy one day then boom, fuckin’ wingspan for the books.”

“And you’re still a skinny asshole.” Cap shoves him.

Royce flips him off with a grin. “Please, I’m just a silent killer. They have to use their imagination to wonder what’s under these clothes, then boom. Sculpted masterpiece. Five percent body fat, baby.” He lifts his shirt, hitting his abs.

Our dad laughs then runs a hand down his suit jacket. He nods, his features softening as he looks between us. “This is ...” He nods again.

The front door clicks open and all our heads jerk to see Maybell rushing in, tears in her eyes as she steps forward.

Her hand shakes as she steps in front of my dad, placing her hands on his cheeks.

“Good to see you standing here, boy.”

“Good to be standing here, Ms. Maybell.” He pats her hand on his cheek. “I owe you so much.” He grips her hand, holding it in his.

“You owe me nothing.” She smiles softly. “They’re my boys, too, but if you’re in a giving mood, I could use a day or two off.”

Our dad laughs. “We’ll make that happen, Ms. Maybell.”


Holy shit.

He’s really fucking standing there, not fifteen feet away.

Ten seconds in and I stand on one side of the room while they stand on the other, their father at their side – the man who “owns” me.

I guess I didn’t really stop to think about what would actually happen once he arrived – sure as shit didn’t expect it to be this quickly.

It’s safe to say I’m a little more than unsure.

I’m ready to run.

Apparently, my feet agree, because I don’t realize I’m backing up for the door, one silent step at a time, until my foot catches a rogue basketball on the floor and I slip, falling right on my ass with a hard thud.

My hair falls into my face, but my eyes pop up, right as five sets of eyes hit me.


Cap rushes over, like I need help up or something, but I stand quickly before he can reach me and take a step away.

He frowns, but I keep my eyes on the man across the room.

His eyes, I should have recognized them – they’re identical to the ones I’ve been staring into for weeks now.

His casual gaze runs the length of me quickly, before settling on my face.

“You must be, Raven.”

“Don’t play that.” I shake my head, and the creases of his eyes tighten subtly. “I already told them what you supposedly failed to.”

All three of the boys’ heads jerk toward me, likely from my use of the word supposedly but I don’t look away.

“Ah.” He nods, crossing his arms. “I see.”

I tilt my head, glaring. “You were really gonna stand there and lie to their faces, hoping I would have taken your little hint to keep quiet?”

“Raven,” Maddoc warns and I cut my glare his way.

“No,” Rolland responds. “Well, yes, I suppose, but only until I had a chance to speak with you first.”

“And why would you do that?” Tension swims in my stomach at the query in his eyes. “These are your sons, I’m nobody. They deserve your honesty.”

His eyes drop to my hands and I freeze, yanking them from my hoodie pocket.

“You still have it,” he muses.

Perceptive son of a bitch.

When I say nothing, he asks, “May I see it?”


“But I’m the one who gave it to you.”

“You also bought me from my mother, so forgive me if I’m not ready to hand over the only thing in reach to kill you with should you give me a reason to.”

His eyes widen slightly before he can stop them.

“Raven!” Captain snaps, but I ignore him.

“Seems someone has grown up a little wary —”

“Don’t pretend to know or care how I grew up,” I cut Rolland off. “And just ... stop. What are you even doing?” I glance at Cap who watches me, Royce whose brows are lined with tension, and then Maddoc, who frowns at us both.

Rolland tilts his head slightly like he doesn’t understand what I’m saying.

“Your sons have missed you. Focus on them, not me.”

“But they have you to thank for getting me here, even if you did cause some problems along the way.” He tries to smile, but when he doesn’t get one in return, he nods instead.

“Ms. Maybell, would you please step upstairs with Raven. I’d like to speak with my sons a moment.”

Maybell’s features tighten and she waves me over. “Come on, child.”

I scoff, shake my head and spin around. I yank the front door open, but I only get a step out before Maddoc is gripping my arm.

My eyes snap to his, and his jaw clenches. I yank away and step onto the porch, Maybell right behind me and the door slams.