Trouble at Brayshaw High Page 62

We toss her in the bed of the SUV and head straight for the fucking warehouses, ignoring her kicks and muffled screams.

Cap makes it in record time.

It’s funny to think we were worried about being seen out here only weeks ago, knowing word would get back to our dad or worse, Zoey’s social worker. It was a bitch to slip in unseen just to pull Raven’s ass out that night.

Now here we are again, coming after my girl who doesn’t know how to fucking listen, but now we don’t hide. We won’t handle this quietly and behind closed doors.

Everyone gets to see who the fuck we are, like they did the night I made a statement out of Leo.

Freedom to do as we please, it’s the worst kind of addiction. A poison that wraps around every bone. A sickness that fuels our every step.

“Leave the girl?” Cap asks, reaching for the door handle.

“For now.”

We step out, and people turn, glancing our way and nodding before turning back to the games holding their attention.

We face forward, moving past everyone and following the sound of roaring onlookers.

Bass spots us and runs, literally, to our sides.

His eyes are wide. “I couldn’t fucking stop her. And you took too long.”

“What are you talking about?” I growl getting in his face.

“Maddoc!” Royce shouts, running forward.

I shift to see, spotting Raven in the center of the fucking ring, with a dude.

I grip Bishop’s shirt and push into his face, but Captain jerks me away.

“Her first, him next,” Captain yells.

“You’re fucking dead.”

“You think I want her in there?” he shouts, keeping up with me. “I work for the Brayshaw name! And apparently, that’s her. I had no fucking choice.”

I stop glaring at him.


He slams a paper into my chest, and I glance at it. My eyes snap to Bishop’s. “She had this?”

He nods, eyeing me.

Son of a fucking bitch! Donley knew she already knew!

Did he get to her first?

“Maddoc,” Cap bites out.

With a growl, I stuff the paper in my pocket and charge forward. I shove through the few people in my way and yank her off him by the waist.

Her head flies back, nailing me in the fucking nose and I growl, “Stop.”

She tenses in my arms, her eyes flying over her shoulder.

As soon as they hit mine, her body loses all its fight.

She spits on the guy as we step over his bloodied frame.

I set her down and spin her to face me, frowning when I find a blankness to her I haven’t seen in a long time.

“Who is he?” I demand.

“Random asshole. Grabbed my ass my first night here. Without permission,” she says numbly, and glances at Captain.

“RaeRae.” Royce steps closer, reaching out to touch her arm and she flinches.

What the hell?

“I need to shower,” she tells us. “Now.”

I lick my lips and look to Royce, jerking my chin at the SUV.

He nods and jogs off.

She flexes her knuckles, inspecting the blood there, but before she can wipe it away, I stop her hand.

Her eyes lift to mine, then she hears her. The mumbles, followed by shrieks, then clear begging straight from Vienna’s mouth.

Raven’s grin is slow as she turns, locking eyes with Vienna.

Vienna’s widen and instantly she starts to cry. “Please, I’m sorry. I had no choice! Please!” she wails, and my brows pull in.

Raven calmly walks over to her and Vienna’s mouth clamps shut, her nostrils flaring with each labored breath.

Raven reaches out, chuckling when the girl balks as she runs her knuckles across her jaw, rubbing someone else’s blood across her face. She pulls back and taps her cheek lightly, shaking her head.

Right when Vienna’s shoulders relax some, Raven takes her by surprise, pushing on her head, until it slams into the crate at her side, just missing her temple.

She’s out before she can even scream, her body instantly flopping over and crashing to the ground.

Raven lifts her foot, ready to kick her but instead bends, whispering something in her ear.

She isn’t hearing what she’s saying, girl is knocked out, but nobody points it out.

Raven stands and looks to Bass. “Leave her there. No one helps her up, out, or home...not that she has one to go to anymore. Tell her if she sets foot in the Bray house, she won’t make it out.”

She starts walking and we follow, not a word spoken on the entire ride back, but when we turn onto the property, Raven says, “Get Victoria.”

Cap slows to a roll, meeting my eyes in the mirror.

“Tomorrow—” I start, but she cuts me off.

“I said ... get Victoria.” Her bloodshot eyes lift to mine.

I grind my teeth together, ready to flip the fuck out, but I know Raven. She’ll only talk if I make her think the decision is hers.

It’s not, but I’ll play along. For now.

I climb out and up the front porch.

Maybell steps out right as I reach the door. “Boy?” she asks worriedly.

I place my hand on her arm and slip past her into the house.

All the girls are sitting around the living room and look up when I enter, gawking.

All but Victoria, she sits in the corner, frowning at the TV, doing a double take when I step right in front of her.

She slowly sits up, cutting a glance at the others.


“Get up, let’s go.”

“I ... what?”

I stare at her and after a minute she stands and follows me to the door. We walk out without another word.

Victoria slides into the backseat, her eyes bouncing all around, finally landing on a blood-splattered Raven.

Victoria doesn’t ask and we don’t explain, all climbing out once Cap puts the SUV in park in front of our house.

Raven starts up the steps and Victoria glances to me with a what now expression.

“Follow her.”

She frowns but does, and the two disappear into the house.

“What the fuck is happening?” Royce asks.

“She shouldn’t be in there,” Cap says, glaring at the front door.

“I have no fucking idea what’s going on. We need to talk to Dad, I’m over these fucking surprises.”

“Fuck man, Raven a Brayshaw?” Royce whistles. “Crazy ass shit, but fuck if it wouldn’t make sense.”

“Nothing makes sense.”

Me and Royce head up the stairs but Cap opens the back door and fishes around inside.


“I’m coming.” He pauses a second, stuffs something in his pocket, then lifts her sweater in the air, and we head inside.

“I don’t think he’s here,” Royce says.

“He’s not.” Cap frowns at his phone. “Guess he texted me, says he’s at the Empire tonight, he’ll be back in the morning.”

“Great, now fucking what?” Royce asks.

Captain moves for the bar, pulling down a few shot glasses and a bottle.

“Long fucking day, man.”

I nod, moving for an empty stool.

Cap pours us shots and we take them one right after another.

“Raven,” Victoria calls and I blink, looking around. “You’ve been standing still for the last five minutes.”