Boys of Brayshaw High Page 46

I jerk, but a hand to my thigh calms me.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here,” Maddoc rasps and a shiver runs through me.

The hand on my thigh squeezes.

“We sure it’s clear?” Royce whispers.

“Leo wouldn’t signal if he wasn’t sure.”

I fix my swimsuit and lace my fingers through the ones that reach for mine, allowing them to lead me out.

When we hit the landing and exit, I see it’s Captain who is holding my hand. He lets go the second we reach the door and together, the four of us round the house while I pretend not to see Royce stuff a piece of paper in the front of his trunks.

Leo’s eyes widen when he spots me, a mumbled “shit” leaving him.

“Yeah, fucker. What happened to keeping an eye on her?” Maddoc shoves him, but he laughs in good nature.

“Tried. She’s slippery.”

A scuffled laugh leaves Royce and my jaw drops, my head swiveling his way, but when Maddoc and Captain do the same, we share a laugh.

Pretty sure I might be blushing right now.

Leo’s questioning stare bounces between us, but he doesn’t ask. He knows his place, they’d talk if they wanted him involved.

He gives a stiff nod, his eyes skating past mine as he turns, walking the opposite way the four of us go.

Royce splits for the house once it’s in view, the other two going for the hot tub at the landing of the cabin beside theirs, and I make shoot straight for the picnic table turned bar. I pour a quick shot of Captain Morgan’s Tattoo and knock it back, letting the too thick, too sweet liquor coat my throat.

Holy shit, I can’t believe that just happened.

I toss some ice into the cup and pour some more to sip on.

“Aye, pour me one too, RaeRae.” Royce bounds my way, having locked up whatever they stole in the safe, I’m sure.

I do as he asks, holding in my frown when I turn around to hand him his, finding he’s slipped into the hot tub as well. The hot tub Chloe and her friend are now in.

She stands in the water, pretending to adjust the tie of her top all so she can push her chest toward Maddoc’s face.

Too bad for her his eyes are locked on me over her shoulder.

He likes me watching.

Leo steps up beside me. “Don’t let her see you hesitate.”

“I’m not hesitating.”

“What are you doing then?”

“Laughing at her antics.” If she was all she pretends to be, she wouldn’t mess with the teasing, she’d go straight for what she wanted.

“I don’t hear you laughing. You should just go over there, send her on her way.”

“I’m laughing on the inside.” I look to Leo, who frowns at the sight and I realize what’s happening here. He’s jealous. I turn my body to face him, and a splash of water sounds to my right.

The boys are now watching us.

“You want her, and you’re trying to use me to help make it happen.”

“How would I use you, the way the boys are?” He lifts his chin, but he sure as shit dropped his tone down a bit.

I’m not the one that fears a body, or three, in that hot tub.

“That’s right, Leo. Lower your tone so they don’t hear you. But if you thought they wouldn’t like what you had to say ... why would you still go for the wannabe insult and chance possibly disrespect your boys like that?”

“What are you trying to say?” He goes for a strong, hard tone, but every inch of him is suddenly laced with tension.

“I’m not trying to say a damn thing. You showed me all I need to know. One comment, one look and I’ve got you all figured out. You’re the odd man out, always. You stay as close as they let you but you’re never invited past the buzzer. And here I come, nothing to offer and uninterested in the game, and I’m staying in that fourth room.”

“Don’t fool yourself, it’s the pussy between your legs they want. They’ll throw you out when they’re done.”

“Like they do Chloe?” I taunt and his features harden. “Yet she still goes back for more, each and every time, leaving you sitting there wondering what they’ve got that you don’t.”

“RaeRae!” Royce calls, but he drags my name out more than normal. “I’m thirsty.”

Leo’s eyes cut their way before coming back to mine. “I can’t wait to watch you fall.”

“Don’t worry, Leo.” I smirk, walking backward. “Whores are good on their knees.”

I spin on my heels and force the frown to stay away.

It was a joke when I’d say it before, but I did just let all three touch me in some way. Maybe I am more like my mother than I care to admit.

I use my sex appeal against people all the time. I use it to decipher a man’s intentions by gauging the look in his eyes, to search for loyalty, to gain advantages. To get out of sticky situations.

My body is my weapon.

But I never take it further.

Laughter has me scanning the hot tub and as I would have suspected, each of the guys’ eyes are on me.

But tonight, I did, didn’t I?

I don’t realize I’m stepping away until Maddoc’s hand shoots out, grabbing onto my wrist. He tips his chin ever so slightly, silently demanding I stop with the thoughts he can somehow read.

Fingers brush mine and look to my other hand where Royce is reaching for his cup, his touch conveying the same.

A palm appears in front of me next and I look to its owner. Captain.

I place my hand in his, looking from Royce, to Maddoc, and back to Captain.

I let him lead me up the steps, even though I don’t need the help. Even though I don’t know if I want in. Even though all other eyes are on me.

I dip into the water and when Maddoc grips my hips, I let him pull me to his lap.

Chloe shifts her stare to me, rage growing in her eyes.

She slithers back, licking her lips in attempt to cover her displeasure. She slowly lets the jets push her farther left, closer to Royce, who would probably be all for it, but there’s plenty of others willing to play if he says go.

I lock eyes with him to make sure he’d be okay with it, suddenly not wanting to make the wrong move, and he looks from my blue-tipped hair to me.

He gives a curt nod.

I sit up straight and Maddoc’s hand slides across my stomach, his chin moving to press against my hair.

And I feel it, the supremacy that is Brayshaw. I shouldn’t use it, shouldn’t take what he’s offering right now with his possessive hold and steady heartbeat.

Yet I do it anyway.

I look to Chloe. “Go.”

A laugh spits out of her but when it’s only her and the girl she came with who thinks it’s funny, her smile slowly fades.

“You can’t be serious?”

I lift my cup and take a drink, dismissing her.

“You heard her. Go.” Captain stands, looking down at the two.

There’s some groaning and unnecessary water slapping, but they do as they’re told and step from the hot tub.

Leo watches from where I left him. His face is blank but his body language says enough. He’s not happy.

Fuck him, too.

I call out, loud enough for him to hear, “The entire team is off-limits to you tonight, Chloe. Find another dick to fall on.”