Boys of Brayshaw High Page 82

“Sorry, big man,” she whispers. “But your public show was looking a little too much like purpose.”

“Say you’re mine,” I demand and her brows jump. “Show you’re mine. Quit fucking letting them think you might not be.”

She frowns. “I’m ... not.”

“Yeah, you are. Say it.”

She scoffs, hissing in a whisper, “Then what, huh? I ‘belong’ to you? You ‘own’ me?”

“You wanna be juvenile about it, yeah.” I stand tall. “Both those things.”

“What do you expect to get from me?” she forces out.

“Whatever I want.”

She sets her jaw, turning away. “I’m not up for that.”

“Bullshit.” I run my hand down her ribs until I can cup her ass and her tits involuntarily push into my chest, and she swallows a moan making its way up her throat. “You don’t want no one else, so just give me what I want.” I squeeze her and she flexes in my grip. “That way I can keep giving you what you need.”

She swallows and swings her glare back to me. “I don’t need you.”

“Prove it.”

A chuckle makes its way up her throat and she stands taller. Her smirk slowly morphs into a warning, and before I can issue one of my own, she slips right, gripping my boy Mac by his neck.

My brows snap together when I realize what she’s about to do.

I dart toward her, but he’s already spun around, and her mouth hits his.

His hands are instantly sinking into her hair as he tries to swallow her fucking whole.

But I’m right there, yanking him back in the same second.

He rips his shoulder from my hold and spins to see who’s grabbing on him, but when he sees it’s me his hands lift, but so does mine. He catches one to the fucking jaw.

The music cuts off and complete silence takes over. That is, until my pain in the ass opens her pretty little mouth.

“Maddoc! What the hell!” she shrieks, looking from Mac to me.

“I said you’re mine!” I shout and her mouth clamps shut.

She fights to keep herself in check, but she’s ready to tear into me. She doesn’t like being the center of attention.

Too fucking bad.

I spin, holding my arms out wide. “Everybody hear that?” I look around the room. “Raven Fucking Carver belongs to me. Touch her and I’ll break your jaw.” I cut my eyes to Mac, he’s my boy ... but she’s my girl. “Let her get close enough to touch you? I break your nose. Either way, you lose and she’s still mine.”

I turn to Raven, who is practically shaking in anger, and I dare her ass to say a word before leaving the room.

She’ll follow.


This motherfucker.

He takes off like I won’t fucking follow.

He cuts left and heads down the hall and I’m not far behind.

“Un-oh, RaeRae’s maaad,” Royce teases.

“Someone’s getting a spanking,” Cap joins in on the fun.

“Bets on which one?” Both bastards laugh so I stop where they are, snag their drinks from their hands and pour them over their heads, quickly tossing the cups at their faces.

They both growl as I keep walking down the hall, but I hear the assholes laugh after.

I find him in the last room on the left with his palms against the wall, back to me. I slip inside and turn to shut the door, but Royce’s body blocks me.

He grins like a fool, looking from me to Maddoc.

“Go away,” I tell him.

“But this’ll be fun.”

When I glare he sighs and spins, walking away. “Buzz kill.”

Such a child.

The second I’ve got the door locked, I’m shoved against it, Maddoc at my back.

He grinds his hard-on against me punishingly. “Your lips,” he whispers into my neck. “Your hands, maybe not even your eyes, should touch another man’s skin.” He bites at my collarbone and my head falls back, hitting his shoulder. “You ... are with me. Period.”

“You’ve got problems,” I pant, and he shifts his hips, making my thighs squeeze together.

“I’m aware. Changes nothing,” he growls angrily, but his warm breath fanning across my neck is featherlight and his hands slide from my hips to frame the curve of my thighs until he’s got his long fingers wrapped around my panty line over my jeans. “Do I need to remind you why you wanna be mine, Snow? ‘Cause I can, all night if you can hang.”

A moan leaves me and I turn my head, trying to catch his lips, but he moves them to my shoulder.

“This won’t play out how you want,” I warn him. “If you want anything other than now.”

“Why is that?”

“I told you. I’m a fuck up.”

His hand lowers, officially cupping my pussy so he can push my ass into him more and my skin starts burning for his.

“So am I.”

“I don’t trust.”

“Me either.” His other hand comes up to flip open my button on my jeans and my feet widen, begging his fingers to slip inside.

“You’re not hearing me,” I pant, so fucking ready to feel him. “I know I can be fun to play with, but don’t dig deeper. You won’t find anything there to hold on to. Fuck me today, sure, but don’t fall, ‘cause it’ll likely be me fucking you tomorrow.”

“So today, say it and mean it. And I’ll worry about the tomorrow bit.”

“I’m- mmm,” a moan shoots up my throat when his free hand grips my breast, and my palms slap against the door. “I’m not joking.”

He grips my chin, pulling my face to his. His eyes are clear, his features tight. “Me either. Say it, Raven. You belong to me. Not Brayshaw, not the three of us.” His dark eyes bounce between mine and I’d swear there’s uncertainty in his stare, but it’s hidden behind determination. “Only me.”

His hold loosens as I push and he lets me spin into him.

I lick my lips, dropping my shoulders against the door and he steps into me, his hand sliding up my chest and neck until he can hold my head at the perfect angle, my lips inches from his, our eyes glued to each other’s.

I put my hands on his chest, and I have to admit, there’s a voice screaming in the back of my head, telling me to push, but I silence it, and do what I want, as always.

I pull.

He’s flush against me now, his lips, his forehead, his nose, all touching mine.

His hands skim over my body until he can cup my ass, and I jump with his tug, wrapping myself around him.

“Okay, big man,” I whisper, licking his lips before kissing them lightly. “Have it your way.”

He growls and bruises my lips with his.

He kisses me hard and long until I’m full on grinding against him, fighting for friction I can’t get, but he senses it and suddenly he’s sitting in a La-Z-Boy.

He pushes me to stand as he remains sitting. His shirt’s the first to go, then he unzips his jeans and lifts his hips, sliding them down with his boxers and his dick springs free, pointing at me accusingly, begging me to ease it.

And I will.

I kick off my shoes and he leans forward, pushing my pants and underwear down as I massage his head with my fingertips.