Havoc at Prescott High Page 60

“Condom,” Vic barks out, and I grit my teeth. He can't remember when he's fucking me, but he has enough sense to boss his friend around?

There's a knock at the door, but whoever's on the other side doesn't bother to try the knob. Not that it would matter, since it's already locked.

“Vic, are you in there?” It's Aaron.

“Yeah, but fuck off, I'm busy right now.” Victor chucks another condom our way and Hael catches it, cursing as he pulls it out and slides the wet latex over his dick. He doesn't hesitate before he comes down on top of me again, honey-brown eyes dark with need. This time, though, he doesn't hold me like he's trying to piss somebody else off; he holds me like he's glad it's me in his inked hands.

“I want to see your tits bounce while I fuck you,” he growls out, tearing my shirt off and tossing it aside. Hael skims his hands over my body, teasing my inked flesh with reverent fingers. He smirks at me, and then grips my hip with one hand, using the other to position himself. “Okay, Havoc Girl, let's see what you've got.” Hael thrusts hard and deep, making me cry out as I throw my head back into the pillows. One of my hands reaches between us to touch my clit as he slams into me, bruising my body with the frenzy of his.

When he leans down to kiss me, I rake my nails along his biceps, feeling the ragged line of the scar on his right arm. His warm breath teases my lips as he kisses me again, his mouth firm but gentle while his hips are absolutely brutal.

We've barely been going ten minutes before I'm crying out again.

“Oh, god, don't stop, baby,” I groan, tugging on Hael's hair as he kisses along the side of my neck. He bites me, too, but it doesn't hurt. Instead, it just draws another orgasm from me, my cunt pulsing along the length of his cock. “No, no, no, no,” I whisper, holding him to me. “Don't stop.”

“No chance in hell,” Hael says, sweat dripping from his body and onto mine. Tiny little green marijuana leaves are stuck all over my skin, but when I breathe deep, all I smell is sex and coconut oil. Fuck, Hael Harbin is good.

“That's enough.” Vic's cold, hard voice slashes through the heat in the room like a knife, making me groan as Hael pauses, and the delicious rhythm he'd been nurturing in my body subsides. My orgasm flickers on the fringes of my consciousness as Hael glances back at his friend.

“What?” he asks, sounding like he wants to punch something.

“I said that's enough,” Vic repeats, his gaze so dark it almost hurts to look at him. His hands are clenched into fists at his sides, the muscles in his arms so taut that I can see his veins. He's put the phone down, and his pants are back on and zipped up. “Get off of her.”

Hael's eyes widen, and I feel his body go tense between my spread legs.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” he asks, his voice so quiet, I might've missed the words if I wasn't looking at his lips.

“Do I make jokes very often?” Vic retorts, standing there near the end of the bed with so much tension in his body he looks liable to snap at the wrong word. “Get off of her and get out.”

“You're insane,” Hael says, turning back to me. But then Vic is grabbing his shoulder and yanking him back. It's a weird sensation, to have Hael pulled off of me like that, and I sit up, grabbing the sheets as my own anger rushes to the surface.

“What the hell, Vic?” I snarl as Hael tears from his friend's grip, panting and shaking, his teeth bared in a snarl.

“What are you even doing?” he snaps, flinging out his hand to indicate me. “We talked about this. Bernadette is a Havoc Girl. Not Vic's girl. If you wanted her to be yours, then why didn't you say so when we were talking price?”


This conversation got real, real fast. Hael tears the condom off his still-hard dick and chucks it at the wall before zipping up his jeans. He rakes his fingers through his hair and closes his eyes.

“Sit back down and—”

“No,” Vic says, standing his ground. “Get out.”

“I'm not fucking leaving!” Hael yells back at him. “You might be the boss, but she's not just your girl.”

“She's my future wife,” Vic says, still completely frozen in that dark well of shadows he's drawn around himself. “If you touch her again, I don't know what I'll do. I can't be held responsible for my actions.”

“Do I even get a fucking say here?” I snap, standing up from the bed. “I might've agreed to your price, but I'm not some fuck doll for you to fight over.”

“You are not a fuck doll,” Vic says, but he doesn't move his attention from Hael's face. “But this isn't about you. This is about me. I'm a jealous, possessive asshole, and I wanted to kill Hael for fucking you in his car. He's my best friend, Bernadette. There's a problem here.”

“Victor,” Hael starts, but Vic just shakes his head.

“Get out. Now. This is the last time I'm going to ask.”

Hael looks at me and then back at Vic, and there's something in his face that says maybe this one time, he's not going to listen. Maybe this one time, he's going to fight Victor and see what happens.

The tension stretches between the three of us until it's almost unbearable, until I can't breathe.

“Fuck you, Vic. Seriously, fuck you.” Hael turns away in a storm cloud of his own rage, unlocks the door, and then yanks it open. He pauses once before leaving to look over his shoulder. “I love you, man, but you almost pushed it too far this time.” Hael leaves and slams the door so hard that one of the framed pictures on the wall crashes to the floor and shatters.

For a whole minute there, the room is completely silent.

“Get on the bed,” Vic tells me, glancing back in my direction. He stalks over to the lamp and turns it off, plunging us into darkness.

My body is shaking with a mix of frustration and anger. I was this close to having another orgasm, and he ruined it. Fucking Victor stupid-ass Channing.

He turns around to look at me, moonlight filtering between the mini blinds on the sliding doors to his left and limning his large form in silver.

He's jealous, I think as my mind runs through all the ways I could handle this moment. I could tell him to fuck off, openly defy him, and see what he might do. Or … I could let the hot, wild heat taking over my body run wild. Despite his bossy possessiveness, despite the way he treated Hael, I still want him.

Stepping back, I drop the sheet to the floor, and then I lie back on the bed, my knees crossed together, my elbows keeping me propped up.

Victor slips his shirt over his head and tosses it aside before kicking off his shoes, peeling off his socks, and then shoving his jeans down his muscular hips. As my eyes adjust to the light, I notice that he has a condom in his hand. He slips it on before moving over to me and climbing on the bed, his weight denting the mattress and making me bounce slightly.

I can smell him now, that bergamot and musk scent of his, all male, all Vic.

My breath catches as he reaches up with a big hand and cups the side of my face. His entire presence is edged in violence, but his touch is gentle enough.

“I'm apologizing in advance for how hard I'm going to fuck you,” he says, and a wash of heat spreads from my core to the hardened points of my nipples, the bruised curve of my lips. “But after, I'll take it nice and slow.”