Wolf Child Page 40


I knew a lot more about her past than I’d really like to know, and what I’d picked up on was that she came from a very sheltered background.

Joking about sex might have broken the ice for her, but I’d never meant to make her question herself.

I cleared my throat. “I know, sweetheart.”

She clenched her fingers around my shirt. “I haven’t—I mean, I haven’t done this in a long time though, you were right.”

I’d known I was—not because of what I’d picked up on in her file, but because of the way she was around us.

It was like…

Back when I was a teenager and I’d discovered what my dick was actually for. Closed bedroom doors at all times, because I’d discovered the miracle that was the erection.

Sabina looked at us with so much promise that it reminded me of that. Like we were her penises and it was the first time she’d ever get to use them.

My lips twitched at the thought, and I reared up and slipped my arms under hers so I could draw her down with me.

I ignored my brothers at my back—well, that wasn’t a weird thing to have to think—and just focused on her.

She needed to calm down.

Especially when she thought about having sex with three of us today. That was enough to send any almost, born-again virgin running screaming for the hills.

When she was so close that her nose touched the tip of mine, I murmured, “We can do this as wolves if you prefer.”

Those gorgeous amber eyes widened at me. “Are you kidding me? And miss out on all the good stuff?”

I snickered, rolled her over, and tumbled with her to calm her down and make her focus on anything other than what was happening here. “At least you admit it’ll be good.”

“It had better be more than good,” she warned snootily, and I loved that snark on her so fucking hard that I just had to kiss her.

The second I did?

Ah, fuck, birds suddenly appeared.

I mean, I’d known what she was to me, and I’d been controlling it all this goddamn time, but sweet fuck, connecting our mouths like this? With the intent to make her mine?


Actual bliss.

I’d fucked a lot of women in my time, boned a lot of broads both human and pack, though the number of she-wolves I’d screwed were few and far between because I was, ya know, cursed, but this?


She tasted like fire.

Yeah, I knew that sounded crazy, but she did. She tasted like the rich musk from a fabulous scotch. Like the heat of a summer’s day. Everything about her was hot, and she set me ablaze, raking me over the coals with a single kiss.

None of us had discussed how this was about to go down. We never talked about the claiming, because it was a distinctly personal time that unfolded however the individuals in the relationship wished for it to transpire. So she was somehow going to have to take three men today, to accept three seeds into her body, and considering she was nervous about sex, even though she was hungry for it? I had to figure she wasn’t going to be ready for anal, which lowered the number of available slots considerably.

Hmm, there were more semantics to group sex than I envisaged.

I nipped her bottom lip before I speared my tongue inside, tangling it, tasting her, sampling her, but when she fought against me, when she plunged back, not stopping until she was exploring my mouth? I loved that little bite of power she used to make that happen.

Loved that she wasn’t afraid to dominate me.

And any man who said they didn’t like a woman who took charge was a fucking liar.

And a fool.

This was so fucking hot, I wanted to melt into the ground around me, become one with the totem, to let the spirit guide me to the other side, to our final resting place.

Of course, I had too much living to do to actually want to die now, but still, that was how I felt.

Like this was the first and last day of my life, because she was here at long last.

Here, when before, I’d been…




I reached up and cupped her face, holding her still, needing her to know how much this meant to me, how good this felt, and how badly I needed her.

This wasn’t just want.

This was soul deep craving.

This was a torture I felt in my bones.

I’d been waiting on her since forever, and I’d never even known she was out there. Had never known I was blessed to have her in my life.

I shuddered as I tongue fucked her, and when she was panting beneath me, I felt her lift her legs, not tangling with mine, but coming up to bracket my hips. She hooked them there, her feet digging into my ass cheeks, and she arched her hips up against me.

I sighed into the kiss, pulling back only to maneuver myself so she could grind against me properly.

“You want me?” I rumbled into her ear before I pulled back.

Her cheeks were bright pink, her face flushed, and her eyes had been closed. When they opened? I hid a gasp.

I knew the omega had little idiosyncrasies that made her different from the other shifters in the Mother’s flock, but dayum.

Her eyes were swirling gold and white. The two colors danced around each other, chasing one another in the tiny expanse of her irises.

Small red flecks appeared, like the twirling embers that came from a campfire, and as I watched, she tilted her head to the side. “What is it?” she rasped.

“You’re beautiful,” I told her softly, meaning it. Not just because she was with her picture-perfect face, something that belonged on a fucking magazine, but those eyes?

They captivated me.

Enslaved me.

My dick, already pounding behind the prison cell that was my fly, suddenly felt like I couldn’t get in her fast enough.

Need was a tornado in my system. There was no escaping it, no evading it. It was there.

It had always been there, but suddenly, it was the only thing I could focus on.

Not the circle, not the totem, not the trees, or my brothers watching us. Just us.

I reared back, rolling my pelvis into her. When I did, the extra pressure had her moaning, so I tugged off my coat, starting to get naked, needing to be bare in front of her.

Needing her to see all of me, flaws and all, to know that she accepted every fucking inch of this imperfect being whom the Mother had tied her to for life.

The pressure did something crazy though. When her back arched, her shoulders digging into the ground, I watched in awe as the orgasm hit her from out of nowhere.

She shuddered under me, her body undulating like she was a ballet dancer beneath me, and when I flung my coat onto the ground, I knew something had happened.

Her orgasm had triggered it.

Twisting around, I saw we weren’t anywhere I’d ever been before.

My brothers weren’t present.

We were alone.

In a different forest.

I gulped, wondering what the hell was happening, but when I did? I felt the wind whisper around me, soothing me, calming me, and because I was only a wolf and the spirit of the Mother was anything but ‘only’ a spirit, I had no choice but to allow her to comfort me.

When Sabina’s legs widened, and she arched her hips up again, hungry for more, I groaned, and my brothers were forgotten. They were a memory in the past.

I remembered only her, saw only her.

Breathed only her.

I shivered as she worked her body against mine like she was ravenous, stripping off her clothes, baring herself to me. Her coat sank beneath her into the ground, her dress was unbuttoned and flung aside, revealing large breasts in a black lace bra. Panties were unveiled, matching, and they had tiny ribbons at the side of her hips that slipped apart with barely a nudge, and the second they fell to the ground, they disappeared like magic.