Wolf Child Page 44

I widened my legs, sliding them around his hips and curving into him so his dick was pushing into my soft heat.

I was so wet that I could taste the scent of my arousal in the air, and as gross as that sounded, it wasn’t. I felt his response to it. His muscles were harder, his body, already strong and powerful, grew tense, watchful, like he was sensing my readiness, trying to discern, by scent and taste alone if I was prepared to take him.

He moved down, apparently deciding I wasn’t, and though I was disappointed because I needed to feel him slide into me, I groaned with delight when he began to trace shapes over my belly.

When I realized what those shapes were? I didn’t die of mortification, instead, I melted into a puddle on the ground as he licked my stretch marks. They’d disappeared into faint white lines that glimmered like silver in certain lights, no longer the thick red tracks of before, but the pressure of his tongue there made me want him even more.

As he accepted every part of me, enjoying every part too, I braced myself for his end destination.

When he got there?

I pretty much felt like dying on the spot.

His tongue against my clit was like heaven and hell combined as he explored me, traced me, took me into him, sucked me down, and slurped me up.

He teased my folds, thrust his tongue into my pussy, and fucked me with the lithe muscle that was so much smaller than his cock, it was laughable. If he thought that was going to prepare me for being invaded, he was insane, but I appreciated it because whenever he moaned at the taste of me, as he sampled my juices, the vibrations made me surge toward the road to release.

I’d stopped holding his hair because I was terrified I’d pull chunks out. I had a strength in me that was alien, one that throbbed through my bones, surged into my muscles, and I didn’t want to hurt him. So, instead, I dug my fingers into the soil, and when I did that?

Everything was turbocharged a thousand-fold.

I came.

I had no alternative but to do so. It exploded through me. Tearing me out of this already strange new world and into the next as I fucking soared in the sky, flying high with the angels as he took me to the stars and back.

My eyes were blind as I flew, as I was decimated by his gift to me, and I screamed, free in my pleasure, free to shatter however I goddamn wanted. I was so fucking liberated at that moment that I just shrieked like a banshee as I explored the climax he gave me.

And then?

He compounded it.

He made it go on and on and on, all while I was still blind to everything as he thrust into me.

He was big.

He was hard.

He was too big.

He was too hard.

He was perfect.

I felt like I was dying now for real. Choking on his cock, on just how perfect it was, how perfect he was.

I started sobbing with how wonderful it felt. With how glorious the connection between us was.

Curling into him, I raised my arms from the ground and moved my dirty fingers onto his back, holding him close as his cheek brushed against mine, as we hurdled together toward a finish line that would kill the both of us—I felt sure of that.

But what a way to fucking go.

When his seed burst into me, pummeling me with his heat and potency, I sobbed again as the release hit me at the same time. I cried out, howled out my joy, my delight, my need, and my desire for this man.

For my mate.

I felt him grow harder, thicker, impossibly so. My eyes widened, every part of me tensed up as I felt him…


That wasn’t possible.

Then I heard him as my sight returned to me, and his whispers were soft, hushed, but comforting. “It’s just the knot,” he rumbled, his lips moving over my cheek, and I knew he was tasting my tears. Taking me into him.

I moaned as the knot, something that I’d only read about before but hadn’t imagined was possible, lodged in thick and fast. He was bigger than before, and that had already been too thick for me to take. But the heat of him?

Nothing like earlier.

I felt like he was going to melt me down into bone and blood with the power of the moment, and then he nipped my earlobe, and I sensed his wolf again as he growled, “Own this moment, mate.”

I blinked, dazed and disoriented, unsure what was happening, confused with what was going down in my body, but he grounded me.

Like I knew he would forever.

I rolled my head to the side, stared up at him, and saw the wolf in his eyes, even though it was in the background again, just as my she-wolf was, and I stared at him a little stunned.

“It feels weird.”

“It’s yours. Proof.”

“Proof?” I repeated dumbly. “Of what?”

“That I belong to you.”

My mouth turned dry. My tongue thick. “Huh?”

“I belong to you,” he repeated. “Nothing and no one can tear us asunder. Do you understand?”

I blinked, feeling the intensity of that knot, and whispered, “It hurts.”

“It does now.” He rubbed his nose over mine, then nuzzled my temple, touching and comforting as the knot started to pulse.

A strangled cry escaped me at the sensation, and I rasped, “Are you doing that?”

“No,” he muttered huskily. “I have as much control over this as you do, my love.”

My love?

Oh, God.

Kali Sara!

What on earth was this man doing to me?

“You love me?”

“Can’t you feel it?” he whispered against my lips. “I was born to be yours. I was born for my heart to hold yours.”

If I’d been crying before, that was nothing compared to now. He was a big fat blur amid my tears, and when he kissed my eyelids, his tongue tracing underneath where the tears gathered, I didn’t shove him away.

It was a deeply personal, intimate gesture, but what wasn’t here?

He was attached to me somehow, deep inside, and he was throbbing worse than the best vibrator I’d ever had.

I rocked my hips at just how hard the pulsations were, and the emotional tears turned to glazed distress as my body began to process what his was doing to me.

“I-I can’t,” I muttered thickly, knowing what his body demanded of mine, unsure if I could even give it to him.

“Yes, you can,” he rumbled, his teeth moving to my lips and gnawing on the bottom one until I parted my mouth, letting him in.

He explored me, tracing here and there, tangling with mine, as I absorbed the kiss, the vibrations, the pleasure, and the pressure.

I could feel it building, and it made me roll into him, harder, faster, my breath bursting out of me only for him to swallow.

I felt inundated, overwhelmed, faintly daunted by what I was going through, and then it happened, and it made my orgasm of moments before, the sheer mind-blowing power of it, fade away into memory as I came.

This time, I had nothing to do with it.

My she-wolf claimed this moment, took it into her, absorbed it.

Took his claiming.

Made him ours.

Made us his.

I was Austin’s like I’d never been anyone else’s before. He owned me more than I did, and the crazy thing?

As his knot pulsed, I could feel him. He was there. Inside me. That bright orange light no longer just behind my eyes, but bouncing around my body.

He was a heavy, solid presence in my soul.

And I heard him too.

“She’s so fucking beautiful,” he thought. “She feels like fucking heaven.”