Wolf Child Page 56

The second he was free, she snapped her teeth at me, stunning me, and a growl rumbled from between my lips.

She growled back, unafraid of the wolf that would have had most females pissing themselves right about now.

“Straddle me,” I commanded, and seeing the arousal in her eyes was only another nail in the coffin of my limitations.

When she nodded, I let go of her hair, even as my hands clamped down around her wrists.

I held her with brute strength as she maneuvered around me again, and she didn’t dick around. Didn’t try to tease me.

She sensed where I was, and that was our wolves in communication.

Now was not the time to try to play.

She’d had her play time.

This was different.

I couldn’t fuck her like I wanted.

Not this time.

I needed her to do this, but when she did? When she was mine?

And when I knew she could take every inch of me with no concern for her, I’d let go for real, and I’d fuck her like her bitch was asking me to.

I ground out a groan when her slick heat collided with my cock.

She was like molten silk around me as she slid up and down, getting us both wet with the juices that slipped from her.

I wanted to growl at her over that, but I didn’t.


I was big, and she needed to lubricate us both, but more than that, the wolf wanted her scent all over my cock.

The thought made me snap my teeth at her, and like she had earlier, from between the tangles of her hair that was still in a nest around her head, she peered at me, and as our eyes were connected, she rolled her hips.

I held her wrists, and I refused to let go.

“Mine,” I snarled, and the sound of that one word almost ripped me back to the here and now, because the human sounds, the vowels and intonations, all of them were blurred.

My wolf was in control.

Absolutely, indefatigably in control.

I wanted to flinch at the sound, but I didn’t because fuck, it felt good to let him out. To be my true self in the here and now. With her. Only with her.

“I won’t run,” she whispered, sounding more in control, and I felt her trying to soothe me.

I could sense the tendrils of power coming from her, and I recognized, even more, that she didn’t even know she was doing that.

But there was no soothing an alpha.

Not when his wolf was riled up with need for his mate’s cunt.

Her words, on the other hand, I believed, because I needed to let go of her wrists to do what needed to be done.

So, with my teeth bared, I made the move slowly, needing to stay calm so I didn’t hurt her.

She didn’t try to move away, her hands didn’t slap at me for release, she let me gather both wrists in one hand, and then, I reached between us.

Grabbing a hold of my cock, I held it up, waiting on her to arch her hips so I could guide her onto me.

She moaned the second the tip was inside, and her head fell back, the hair cascading in a tumble that was more beautiful than the waterfall beyond, and I watched as she slowly accepted me, taking all of me.

All I had to give.

I watched my cock disappear into her cunt, watched it sliding into that secret crevice, and only then did I let go of her wrists for a second before they were both in my grip.

I used my hold on her to demand she move lower, and she did, coming onto her elbows. I knew it was awkward, but I didn’t care.

I didn’t want her to fuck me, I wanted her to feel me.

I wanted her to know who was claiming her pussy.

I wanted her to know who was claiming her.

She blew out a breath, letting a few locks of hair waft out of the way so she could look at me better.

I took note of the sweat beading her brow, and even though, in her eyes, I saw the torment of her need, I felt it, which was a hundred times more powerful.

Her pussy clamped around me in a dance that was like a wave, triggering delight in me.

“Do. It. Again.”

My order was barely intelligible, but she understood, and she did it again, moving up and down, doing fucking miraculous things without us having to break the connection forging to life between us.

My need rumbled out from between my lips in a low groan, and hers escaped in high-pitched mewls.

She worked us both.

Drove us both insane.

All while locked to me, tied in one place.

Our skin was glued together with sweat, each breath began to slip from our lungs at the same time, and I could feel the second our hearts began to sync.

And only when that happened, did I stop clasping her wrists.

“Make me yours, mate,” I rasped, and she surprised me by sitting up and reaching for my hands again, bridging the fingers on my belly and starting to ride me.

My nostrils flared as I started to arch my hips, bouncing up so she could rock into me, and only when she started to move faster, reaching her own pleasure, did I start to let go.

When her cunt clamped down around me again, this time I knew why.

I felt her explode, and as I began to come, I felt the knot surge into being.

All my life, I’d longed for this moment.

A moment where my knot would tie me to my true mate.

The second I’d known what a cock was, what it could do, I’d wanted it locked into the woman who was born to take me.

As it forged a connection that would only end in our deaths, I felt her stiffen as she climaxed again. The moment my cum slalomed into her, she growled, her she-wolf out and free, and my only response was to howl with her, my wolf as liberated as hers as they owned the moment.

Owned us.

And the joy of it was?

I had nothing to be ashamed of, because she was as wild as me.



I woke up stiff, and that didn’t come as a surprise.

When you fell asleep with a penis inside you, it was never all that comfortable. But when you woke up with one that was tied to you by some kind of crazy magic? Some odd barb that made me wish I’d trained to be a veterinarian so I’d know how the frickin’ thing worked?

Even less comfortable.

But the joy was, I was on top of him, covering him, and I woke up loaded with his scent.

That had been intense.

Ay caramba.

So fucking wild, even though it had started off with him being like a goddamn ice man.

Kali Sara, he’d let me have free rein over him in a way that I’d never have expected, but then, I’d come to realize why.

His control was such that he was behind a wall, and I’d had to break down each brick, let myself through that wall, or alternatively, let him out.

I knew he was free now.

I could feel his wolf inside him, and my she-wolf was purring happily away in my soul too.

It was strange to feel like I was two entities in one body, but also, it felt good.


And being with someone who was dealing with the same situation just made it better.

I’d never felt his wolf before.


Not unless he’d been shifted.

And I knew that showed how deep he’d had the poor creature locked down.

That the beast was free made me happy, and it made me determined to keep the wolf calm and Eli too, because quite clearly, he feared its power. Feared what it might do, and I didn’t blame him.

The wolf?


In a way size couldn’t possibly explain.