Konnor and His Omega Mate Page 4

Konnor tore off his own clothes and shifted almost before he thought about it. His wolf sprang forth eagerly, anxious to dominate the smaller wolf and make him submit. His rational mind supplanted by the wolf’s, Konnor stalked slowly toward Ethan, feeling satisfaction when the smaller animal dropped unhesitatingly to the floor, falling to his knees and presenting his vulnerable throat to him. He was the absolute picture of submission, and both Konnor and his wolf felt their hearts palpitating wildly. Both he and his wolf realized they were well and truly caught, and neither of them ever wanted to get away.

Chapter Two

Ethan felt a whimper rising from his throat as the huge Lycan creature came toward him. Standing perhaps seven feet tall, with muscles bulging all over his body, the alpha was absolutely terrifying, his red eyes glowing, and his fearsome fangs showing as he drew back his lips in a feral snarl. Ethan turned his head as the creature approached, sniffing at him. Some primal part of his brain urged him to submit utterly to the predator standing over him. Surprisingly, when he did, he felt a complete peace come over him, a rightness. This was where he was supposed to be and his submission completed him and made him feel whole for the first time in his life.

The huge alpha wolf sniffed him all over, and finally came back to his head. He bent over, placing his snout near Ethan’s, growling softly. The little Lycan moved his head toward the larger animal, but kept his gaze lowered. The alpha’s mouth came down around his snout, clamping down firmly, but not injuring him, only holding him there until he whimpered his total surrender. The alpha made a soft sound in its throat then and released him, moving away. With a snap of his bones, Ethan shifted back, so quickly it surprised him. He found himself kneeling on the floor with the big alpha judge standing over him, also shifted back, naked and glorious, his big body still rippling with muscles. The most surprising thing, though,was the alpha’s rock- hard erection.

Standing up proudly, Balenescu’s big, beautiful cock was impressive, to say the least. His dick was thick and long, with a bulging nutsac that made Ethan harden instantly. His big cock jutted in front of him, smelling clean and soapy, like he’d bathed recently. But there was another scent coming off him that enticed Ethan so much he couldn’t stay still. The thick, musky arousal beckoned him and forced Ethan to crawl on his knees toward his master.

Though he’d never taken a man in his mouth before, he seemed to know instinctively what to do. He knelt before him, pulling back the foreskin of his cock with both hands and lowering his mouth over the broad velvety head of his cock. He ran his tongue around it, worshipping it with his lips. Ethan’s hands dropped down to Balenescu’s balls, and he fondled them reverently. He could feel them tighten as the muscles clenched. A big hand dropped down to his head, tangling in his hair and holding him in place, though it wasn’t necessary. There was nowhere else on the planet he’d have rather been at that moment.

The big hands tightened on the sides of his head anyway and held him still. Ethan whimpered, thinking he meant to pull him away, but instead, he began to thrust, slowly at first, giving him a chance to tilt his head back and try to open his throat while covering his teeth. Soon, though, Balenescu’s thrusts became stronger, deeper. Though Ethan had the alpha’s cock in his mouth, he was no longer in control of anything. The alpha had taken over, and Ethan was only too happy that he led the way. Ethan’s own cock throbbed for release, and his hand strayed down to it, his fingers skimming it lightly. Immediately, the thrusting stopped, though Balenescu’s cock was deep inside Ethan’s mouth. Ethan shifted on his knees uncomfortably and raised his gaze, confused as to why the thrusting was over. A sudden image of how he must look raced through his mind—on his knees, his eyes wide and unfocused, the huge cock still inside his mouth, stretching his lips wide. He glanced up at Balenescu questioningly.

“Don’t touch yourself , Ethan. You belong to me now and you come only at my pleasure. Do you understand?” Balenescu’s voice was hoarse and rough with passion, but no less authoritative.

Ethan stared up at him, his eyes wide with trepidation. “Do you understand, Blondie? It’s not a rhetorical question. Answer me when I speak to you. Nod if you understand.”

Ethan nodded quickly, and Balenescu smiled. “Good. Now, hands behind your back.”

Quickly, Ethan put them behind him, clasping a wrist with one hand.

“Keep your eyes on your master.”

He raised his gaze up to the alpha, feeling safer right away.

The alpha began to move again, his thrusts slow and steady, giving Ethan a chance to adjust to them again. His grip tightened on Ethan’s hair and he pulled him even closer. The huge cock hit the back of Ethan’s throat and he gagged. Instantly, his master stopped, pulling back a little until he regained control. His hands moved gently in Ethan’s hair, caressing and petting him. When Ethan got control again, he nodded, looking back up at the alpha.

Balenescu groaned, and his breathing became faster and more irregular, as did his thrusts. His orgasm erupted from him without warning, his cock pulsing in Ethan’s mouth. Ethan gazed up at him as he spilled, and tried hard to swallow every drop, his throat working desperately to keep up. Balenescu threw his head back as he came and howled his pleasure as every muscle in his body tensed.

As the pumping lessened, Ethan didn’t try to pull away. He stayed on his knees in front of the alpha, still suckling gently, letting him soften in his mouth without even an order to do so, as the strong hand fell away from the back of his head. He dropped his eyes again, listening as the larger man regained his breath. Hands pushed him gently away then, and tilted his chin upwards. “Stand up, little one.”

Ethan got to his feet and felt an arm go around his waist. The alpha took hold of his hands, still clasped behind his back, and held them firmly. At the same time, he reached down between their bodies with his other hand and took hold of Ethan’s hard, leaking cock. He gave it two or three hard pulls, as he dipped his head and captured Ethan’s mouth, and Ethan was groaning and squirming in his arms. “Please,” he murmuredagainst the alpha’s lips. “Please, sir.”

Balenescu pulled his head away and smiled gently down at him. “Come for me, pretty baby. Come in my hand.”

With a loud groan ofpleasure, Ethan shot into his master’s fist, his whole body shivering with aftershocks of pleasurein the alpha’s arms. His knees buckled, but the alpha held to him tightly, pulling his body close. Slowly, Ethan came back to himself and realized he was trapped against hisalpha’s body, his hands held behind him and his toes just touching the floor. He felt weak and sated, and he let his head fall forward to the larger man’s shoulder, hoping he didn’t mind.

Balenescu held him there a few seconds longer before lowering him gently to the floor and putting him back firmly on his feet. He held him steady for several minutes until he was sure he could stand without falling and then he stepped away, back toward the table to retrieve his clothes. As Ethan watched, he pulled his jeans back on and threw his briefs over to Ethan. “Clean yourself up before I tell them to come back in.”

Ethan did as he asked, his whole body still trembling. He held the soiled briefs out hesitantly to the alpha when he was finished, and the bigger man sighed impatiently. “Bring them over here and throw them in the trash, and then make yourself ready. They’ll be back in a moment.”

Ethan did as he asked, still moving as if in a daze. The alpha called to him then in a soft tone. “Blondie? Come here, baby.”

Trembling, Ethan walked slowly over to him, his feet dragging, feeling somehow ashamed after what had just happened. Had he really just been on his knees in front of the older man, his mouth on the alpha’s cock? He felt a hot flush moving up over his body. Unable to make eye contact with him, he went to stand beside him and was shocked when Balenescu reached for him and drew him down to sit on his lap. He held him so his legs dangled off either side of the alpha’s lap, his back against the alpha’s warm, hard chest. The alpha’s voice rumbled in his ear. “Was that your first time, baby?”

Ethan nodded, and the alpha pulled him back and settled him so Ethan’s head fell back onto the older man’s shoulder. “Good,” he said softly. For the next five minutes, Balenescu held him there, trailing his fingers gently over his chest and abs as he held him until Ethan’s trembling stopped. Finally, when Ethan began to feel foolish sitting on the alpha’s lap, he began to squirm uncomfortably.

The alpha laughed softly in his ear. “Are you trying to tell me something, sweetheart? Don’t ever feel embarrassed to let your master take care of you.”

“Y-Yes, sir,” Ethan replied. “It’s just…if someone came in…”

“No one will come in until I allow them to. And you don’t have to worry about what anyone other than your master thinks. No one else’s opinion matters.”

“Y-Yes sir.” Ethan still felt stunned by all that had happened. Why was Balenescu talking like this? Why was he saying he was Ethan’s master? Was that what alphas on Lycanus 3 called themselves? He’d certainly never heard that before, though it did somehow seem right.

Balenescu sighed and tapped his thigh. “All right. Back on your feet with you. It’s time to let the others in.”

Ethan scrambled off his lap, and when he stood again by the door, the alpha nodded and pressed a button under the table. The door opened right away and the other big alpha and his charge came back inside the room. Ethan wondered if they had been right outside all this time, and he felt his face burning again.

The young beta gave them both a curious glance as he stepped inside, until he looked into Konnor Balenescu’s face. Then his gaze dropped quickly, and he glanced over at his own alpha for guidance. Larssen growled something low in his ear and the boy lowered his gaze again and shuffled his feet uncomfortably.

Konnor settled back in his chair and stared at both of them for a moment. “The two of you are dismissed for now. This afternoon you’ll both report to the Selection Ring. Keep yourself availableand don’t leave the area. You’ll be summoned when it’s time.” Both young Lycans nodded and backed respectfully from the room, closing the door softly behind them.