Bad Moon on the Rise Page 2

His eyes began to adjust even more to the dimness in the room, and he looked down as he felt Gavin’s hands on his belt, unbuckling it and then sliding his jeans and underwear down over his hips to his knees. Tucker’s thick, eager cock bounced out, and Gavin fluidly sank to his knees in front of him. Tucker sucked in a tight breath. This had to be a dream. He’d wake up in a minute and be back at the bar alone.

“Is this all right, Tucker? Is this how you want me?” Gavin asked sweetly, looking up at him from under his long, thick lashes.

“Uh, yes of course, baby,” Tucker replied, surprised at how out of breath he was becoming. He needed to get a grip on his emotions and fast. Gavin was saying and doing all the right things—the things Tucker liked. Why then was he feelinglike he wasn’t in charge of any of this? Tucker was always in charge, and that was how he liked it.

Tucker rested his hands on Gavin’s short, soft hair and heard himself give out a guttural moan as soft lips fastened around his cock and took him in, deep-throating him like he was only a few inches instead of a respectable eight. The man was talented, he had to hand him that. His lips kept up a steady pressure as his velvet tongue slid up and down Tucker’s shaft, sometimes stopping at the head to nibble or slip down into his slit. God, if this kept up, he was going to embarrass himself by coming in less than a minute.

Gavin looked up into Tucker’s eyes, breathing through his nose. Then he tucked his head and did a little nod, and just like that, Tucker felt the firm helmet on the head of his cock pop fully down the man’s slippery throat. Tucker heard himself emit a guttural moan. The muscles of his cock spasmed, and he squeezed his fists, praying not to blow before he could really focus on what the hell was happening. His balls tightened, and he felt a tingling at the base of his spine. Tucker was breathing rapidly and trying to hang on as Gavin pulled off a little and licked slowly up his shaft, swirling his tongue over the head.

He gasped for breath as Gavin began to run his hands down his thighs and between his legs, still licking greedily at his cock. His hands moved up to fondle his balls, and Tucker found himself shifting his legs to open them wider and give him access. Gavin pulled off to look up at him and slowly and deliberately wet his fingers. A soft touch on his hole made Tucker widen his eyes and clench around the burn from the finger that had slipped up inside him.

“I-I don’t do that,” he murmured, uneasily.

“Are you sure?” Gavin said softly, and slid the finger up higher asTucker’s ass clenched around it. Before he could say another word, Gavin swallowed his cock again, deep-throating him, and humming around his cock until Tucker felt his knees start to sag. Another finger slid deep inside to join the first and they reached up higher to rub across a spot inside him that made him buck his hips and cry out even through the burn.

In one smooth move, Gavin rose to his feet, flipped him around to face the wall, and used his foot to spreadTucker’s legs out as far as they would go, constrained as they were by his pants. His face was against the wall. His cock was pressed against the wall too, and the cold roughness of the cinder blocks on his sensitive skin, especially after Gavin’s hot mouth, made him shiver. Gavin’s fingers were still deep inside him.

“Feel good, baby?” Gavin asked, as Tucker groaned loudly, embarrassed to be in this position, embarrassed to be so needy, so out of control.

“God yes…I mean, no…II don’t do this,” he managed to say, panting for breath.

“Sure you do, sweetheart. Just look at you—so beautiful. Sweet boy.”

He moved the wicked fingers deep inside him again, and the burn was too much, but the other hand was caressing his ass, making his knees shake, and Gavin seriously thought he might lose his mind. He became a little panicked and practically tried to climb the wall in front of him, but Gavin put a hand under his stomach to move him back into place, and then hold him there. “Shhh, baby. Relax and let it happen. I’ve got you.” He pulled at his hips to move him out from the wall a bit and bent him over.

Tucker tried to straighten up again, but Gavin leaned across his back to whisper in his ear, sweet crooning words that didn’t make much sense, but soothed him and made him feel something fluttery in the pit of his stomach. His whole body felt hot and shivery. He heard himself make a little whimpering sound that he’d never heard himself make before. It embarrassed him, and he tried to cut it off quickly before Gavin heard it. He felt Gavin stroke his back, moving the fingers of one hand down to cup his ass-cheeks. Then he heard a little rustling, tearing sound and tried to move his head around. He recognized that sound as a condom wrapper being opened.

“N-no, Gavin. Idon’t…” Gavin crooked the fingers inside him again, sweeping over his prostate and lights exploded inside his head. He’d done this to other men before, but had no idea how it actually felt—like an explosion inside his groin. “Oh, fuck!” he cried out, trying to lurch forward to hump the air in front of him, desperate for friction on his cock. “P-please!”

Gavin’s hands patiently pulled him right back where he wanted him. The fingers pulled out and he felt his formerly mostly untouched asshole clenching and unclenching in need. A few seconds passed and something cold and wet was being dribbled down the crevice between his ass cheeks. Lube? Where the hell had he gotten lube? Almost before he could form the thought clearly, the sinful fingers were back, slicking the lubricant deep inside him. Squirming, he tried to turn his head to voice a half-hearted protest, and then he felt the hot poker of Gavin’s cock against his ass. Suddenly whatever he wanted to say didn’t seem important anymore.

“What? What are you doing?”

“Loving you, baby. Giving you what you want. You do want it, don’t you?” The wicked whisper sighed softly in his ear.

He felt a hot pressure at his entrance, and he heard Gavin’s voice again. “Tell me if you want this, baby.” He rubbed his cock slowly through his crease. “Say it.”

“I-I…Oh fuck!”

Tucker heard a little chuckle behind his ear. “Exactly what I had in mind, sweetheart.”

Tucker took a deep breath. He felt overwhelmed and completely out of his depth. He’d never bottomed before—not ever. But this man felt so incredible. He felt his searing heat rubbing slowly up and down his crease. He took a deep, shaky breath. “Yes, yes, okay. I want it.” With you.

“Are you sure, sweetheart?”

“Y-yes. God, please…”

A warm kiss dropped on the side of his neck in praise, and Gavin crooned to him again for a moment, before gently nudging his cock inside Tucker’s hole. Easing it into him, Gavin slipped past the first tight ring of muscles, and then as he felt the by-now-familiar burn, he hissed in a sharp breath. Gavin held still, his hands soothing his back, massaging his ass. . Slowly he moved in deeper until something hot and hard—his balls, maybe, but Tucker wasn’t sure—snuggled up against Tucker’s ass. Tucker moaned with pleasure, and Gavin ran his hands up under his shirt and over his nipples. “Feel good, sweetheart?”

Still feeling shy and embarrassed, Tucker nodded his head. Gavin moved his lips down the side of his neck, nibbling and licking. Tucker shuddered in his arms, impaled and helpless. Gavin’s fingers were under his shirt, pulling and teasing his nipples, and each time he twisted the nubs, the feelings made his cock, which had softened a little when Gavin entered him, stand back to attention. Gradually the feeling of being stuffed and stretched began to recede, and Gavin moved his hand down to wrap aroundTucker’s shaft, moving slowly up and down.

“Feeling better, baby?”

Tucker nodded, too overcome to speak, and Gavin bent him over a little and began to thrust his cock in and out in time with the slow strokes his hand was making on Tucker’s shaft. The feeling was almost overwhelming, and to his horror, Tucker felt hot tears filling his eyes. They weren’t tears of pain—after the initial burn, the feeling in his tight passage was almost indescribably good. Rather, he was almost overcome with a myriad of emotions, some bad and some so good. If the sex had been hard and rough, it wouldn’t have been so much like claiming, like ownership. There was no longer any pretense he wasn’t exactly where he wanted to be. No way to gloss over the fact that he was being thoroughly controlled and fucked, and he was enjoying every second of it. Every time Gavin’s cock grazed over his prostate, he felt a jolt of ecstasy.

“What do you want, Tucker?” The slow, seductive voice whispered again in his ear. One hand moved up to stroke his throat, seductive, soothing.

“I-I want…” Tucker’s breath was coming so hard, he was almost panting. “I want—more. Harder, please. I need…”

“Shh, baby. I knowwhat you need, and I’ll give it to you. Let me take care of you.”

Tucker nodded and slumped over farther, pushing his ass wantonly back for more. The gentle thrusts became harder, faster, until Gavin was slamming into him, almost lifting him off his feet with each thrust. Tucker put one hand against the wall and the other strayed down to his cock as he tried to stroke himself. Instantly, the big hand already there threw his off, and Gavin’s voice growled in his ear. “That’s mine, now, baby.”

He shook his head. “N-no…I’m not…”

Tucker felt a hard slap on his ass, and he cried out. Another slap followed and another. Fuck, he was being spanked! Anddamn if it didn’t feel pretty good.

“Say it, honey. Tell me you’re mine!” Gavin’s voice seemed to have dropped deeper than it sounded before. His hand on Tucker’s cock increased its movements until he thought he would blow any second. The thrusts in his ass were hard and hot.

“Y-yours,” he managed to gasp out and heard a self-satisfied grunt in his ear.

“Damn right…” Another hard thrust and pull on his cock and it was over for Tucker. His load shot against the wall so hard it spattered back on his stomach and chest. Gavin’s thrusts became erratic and then he was straining against him, the hot cum searing Tucker’s ass as it filled the condom.