Blood and Hexes Page 10

But Alexius had been brought home in one piece—no thanks to her.

"Mikar," she said, right when they reached the Helsing ground.

She turned back to the man. "Mikar Ash."

He'd been one of guards trailing her that day. Only, in her mind, the strong, silent, deadly vampire had felt like a giant compared to her.

He smiled approvingly.

"You're an Eirikrson slayer."

Mikar chuckled. "Certainly not."

She frowned. "You were working for them back then, weren't you?"

"I suppose I was, for a time." He walked past her and dropped her bike in front of the house's door.

Diana noticed the noise inside. There were at least a couple dozen people in there—dancing, singing out of tune, and drinking, by the smell of it.

She focused on Mikar. She really wouldn't have taken him for a slayer. Generally, Diana could tell the difference between a turned vampire and a child of the seven houses, born into this life. She would have sworn he was the latter.

"Who do you work for now, then? Alexius?"

Her brother howled like it was the best joke he'd heard in years, before walking in the house. "I'll leave you two to it."

"I'm one of the De Villier slayers," Mikar told her. "Levi and I go way back. He doesn't get on my nerves."

Diana narrowed her eyes, trying to understand him. "And you're content serving someone else?" She didn't get it. "Men like you generally don't follow well."

His answering grin was downright panty melting. And dangerous. "You think you know many men like me, little Helsing?"

She didn't, actually.

"Whatever. Thanks for carrying my bike." Her tone seemed to say you can go now. Naturally, he ignored the dismissal, and gallantly held the door of her own house open. "You realize that no amount of groveling is going to make me forgive you for threatening to bite me, right?"

"I don't grovel," he countered.

She tittered. "You could have fooled me."

Hunter or Prey

Seeing her home after all this time was a little surreal. It had changed in places, been renovated a few times over the centuries in varying styles, but the bones of the manor were still the same. The original house had been old, but a few years before Alexius and Diana were born, their grandfather had it rebuilt in the image of Windsor Castle. Seeing lighting, an AGA range in the kitchen, and modern plumbing was as strange as it was reassuring.

"Tell me you modernized the apartments upstairs, too," she begged.

Alexius laughed. "A little. Your room's decent, though. I had decorators convert the top floor into an apartment for me. They took care of your room, too."

She blinked, taken aback. "You kept my room free?"

Alexius looked at her like she was slow. "Well, what would I have done with it?"

Turned it into a game room. Set it ablaze. Maybe even just let it be overtaken by cockroaches. She wouldn't have guessed he would have had it redesigned.

"Thank you."

He shrugged, as though he thought nothing of it.

"We'll take your bags up later. I want you to meet Avani."

He led her to one of the many drawing rooms, where the party was in full swing.

The blue and silver room had been decorated with balloons, candles, and a handmade banner that read “Avani and Alexius.” Both A’s had been fashioned into a pretty intertwining monogram.

Alexius's mate wrapped her arms around her like they'd known each other their entire lives. Diana couldn't say she disliked it. Never one to ignore first impression, she had to admit liking the she-wolf on the spot. Avani seemed equal parts fierce and endearing.

"You look exactly like I pictured you," she told Diana. "And the boots. I love them!"

They were going to get along just fine.

Diana grinned. "I'm sorry I missed the wedding. It's lovely meeting you."

And it was, though she was getting tired.

Diana was all for a party, in general, but she would have much preferred being able to crawl into bed, after everything.

Avani introduced her to their friends—some vampires, plenty of witches, and surprisingly, even a fair number of huntsmen. She was too tired to make her mind up about any of them. They were welcoming enough. Diana's eyes narrowed when Avani stood in front of a charming thing with a pretty smile, and told her she was Chloe Eirikrson.

Diana would never, in a million years, have picked her out in this crowd. She seemed too sweet, too young, and above all, not adequately frightening. If pressed, Diana would have guessed the girl introduced as Cat Stormhale was the Eirikrson. Taller, more imposing and remote, she had the right aura, the right majestic air. Now that she paid attention, Chloe did have the telltale Eirikrson eyes and hair, but there the similarities stopped.

Diana remained stiff, not wanting to fall in the spider's web. She wasn't one to judge people for who their parents were, but she'd heard enough about her to be on her guard. She'd observe, and then make her mind up.

Thankfully, the celebration was dying down by the time she'd met everyone.

Not wanting to take over Avani's spotlight, she retreated to the kitchen, and opened the fridge. She was relieved to see bottles of blood. Synthetic, by the smell of them. She pulled out, uncapped, and chugged one, needing the boost of energy, and the relief drinking it provided.

"Is there another one somewhere in there?"

She turned to face a man no one had introduced her to, standing next to Mikar. They were night and day. The guy stood a little taller than Mikar. He was a ginger—actually copper-haired, unlike Belial—with long hair and stubble on his strong jaw. His amber eyes seemed the exact same color as his hair. He looked pretty. Too pretty for her taste. Diana would have bet he had a haircare routine. No one could have hair that shiny without an addiction to expensive conditioner. Or magic.

"Sure." She retrieved a second bottle and chucked it his way.

He caught it, and tilted the butt up. "Cheers, lovely. I'm Sylvan. You must be the sister everyone's talking about."

She curtsied elegantly. "That'd be me."

He grinned at her. "Pleased to meet you. I hear you kicked Mikar in the family jewels. Many dream of the chance."

Mikar rolled his eyes and walked out, leaving them.

Diana stiffened the moment he was gone. At first, she assumed she was bothered by his going without saying anything, but that wasn't it. Or not just it, anyway. Now that he was gone, Sylvan's entire demeanor had changed. He'd seemed laid-back, but right now, everything in her told her he was a threat. A real threat.

She was so tired of this endless night.

"What do you want?" she asked with a sigh.

"I think the real question is what do you want, Diana?" he countered smoothly. "What are you doing here?"

She held his gaze. "I'm here to see my brother. I'm in my home. If you have a problem with that, don't let the door hit you on the way out."

His smile was cold this time. "Fine. So long as that's all, you and I won't have a problem. But make no mistake. Night Hill is a family. If you're here to hurt any of us, you won't get out of Oldcrest in one piece. And your brother will help tear you apart." With those parting words, he followed Mikar out of the kitchen.

Her jaw set, she remained where she was, more hurt than she would have thought possible. Because he was probably right. Alexius would take their side against her, if push came to shove.

"Don't make a long face."

Diana's spine became steel. Chloe Eirikrson was standing where Sylvan had been.

"I heard that, despite the music," Chloe told her. "My hearing's a little better than most."

Diana didn't know what to say.

"Sylvan means well. He's very protective. All of us are, truly. He's right; we're a family here."

"And I'm an intruder." Diana threw the empty bottle in a recycling bin. "I get it."

"You aren't an intruder, Diana. You're a Helsing." Chloe shrugged. "That does make you family to Alexius. To Avani. To us." She lifted her chin. "If you want to be."

Diana was starting to feel hot under the collar, with Chloe's bright blue eyes boring into her very soul. She'd been wrong to assume this was just a girl. There was strength in her. She just chose not to use it. Much.

"I'm just here to see my brother," Diana reiterated. "I'll be out of your hair by Monday."

Chloe shrugged. "No one's chasing you away. If you want to stay, you're welcome to. It's your home."

Diana didn't know what to say. She didn't like how she felt around the girl. Vulnerable. Like prey with an open wound.

"I'm exhausted. I have to crash. But it was nice meeting you."

Chloe's fangs flashed as she inclined her head. "Likewise."

Lord of Schemes

Mikar generally listened to his gut feelings, and right now, they told him that Diana Helsing was going to be a hell of a lot of trouble, one way or the other.

Levi was the first to walk in the study where Mikar had been working for a couple of hours on Saturday evening. "I didn't expect to see you here on your day off."

Today was Ruby's shift. She'd been training Chloe and Cat when he'd left Levi's home earlier. Typically, Mikar used his days off guard duty to catch up on shows, listen to audiobooks, and train, either with Levi or Sylvan, now that he was on the hill.

"I had things to check out," he replied.

"Things like a certain brunette who hasn't shown up in hundreds of years and mysteriously returned while we're waiting for another attack on the borders?" Levi shot him a knowing smile.

Mikar knew Alexius would have his hide—or attempt to, in any case—if he heard that he was investigating his sister, so he hadn't wanted to speak about it on the hill. He was fairly certain that Levi understood his impulse, though. He shrugged unapologetically. "We can never be too careful."