The Husband Hunt Page 5

"Robert, I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you intended to avoid these things like the plague this year," Richard commented as Robert reached where he and Daniel stood enjoying a drink on the fringes of the ballroom.

"Aye," Daniel agreed. "Thought you were happy in your bachelorhood and completely uninterested in being chased by marriage-minded maidens and their mothers."

"Aye, I am," Robert muttered, his eyes searching the ballroom. "Where's Lisa?"

"Oh ho, don't tell me you've finally deigned to notice she's all grown up?" Daniel teased with amusement.

Robert shook his head with a frown. He'd certainly noticed that today, but that wasn't why he had asked the question. After a hesitation where he briefly and silently debated just how much to reveal of that day's escapades, he sighed and said solemnly, "I would have a word with you two gentlemen. In private."

Richard raised his eyebrows and exchanged a glance with Daniel, but then the two men turned as one to lead him out of the ballroom. Robert hesitated before following, his gaze searching the room for Lisa again. It was only when he spotted her safely between her two sisters in a group of women at the other side of the ballroom that he relaxed and trailed the other two men.

"Lisa Madison!" Suzette said with amusement as the latest wouldbe suitor moved disappointedly away. "Why are you lying to all these men and claiming your dance card is full? I know darned right well that you have three dances left.

"I am saving them," Lisa said with a shrug.

"For Robert?" Christiana asked gently.

"Not likely," Lisa said dryly. "I wouldn't waste another dance on him if he were the last man on earth."

She didn't miss the raised eyebrows of her sisters or the glance they exchanged, so wasn't surprised when Suzette asked delicately, "Did you and Robert have a falling out we don't know about?"

"Not at all," Lisa assured them airily. "It's just perfectly obvious that his feelings for me don't reach beyond filial and I've decided that neither do mine. He is far too stupid a man for me. Our children would be dunces. So I am turning my attention to more likely, intelligent game."

"Game?" Suzette asked with disbelief, patting Christiana's back when she choked on the punch she was drinking. Mouth quirking with amusement, she asked, "Are we on a hunt, then?"

"A husband hunt," Lisa said with a firm nod. "I am ready to find a husband, have children, and start my life."

"Hmmm," Christiana murmured. "So if it isn't Robert you are saving those dances for, who is it?"

"It's - " Lisa paused, her eyes lighting up and a smile gracing her lips as she recognized the man approaching them. Tall, fair-haired and with a winning smile that he was presently beaming on her, Charles Findlay, the man she had danced with two years ago. "Him."

"Lord Findlay?" Suzette asked, eyeing the approaching man with interest. "You danced with him the last time we were at the Landons' ball, did you not?"

"Aye," Lisa whispered, her eyes skating over the man and wondering what she'd been thinking back then. Mooning after Robert when someone like Findlay was holding her in his arms. He truly was a beautiful male, with ice blond hair, strong, acquiline features, wide shoulders and slim hips. Really, he was more handsome even than Robert, she admitted with a smile. Truly, he was an Adonis. If a girl had to wake up to the same face every morning, she could do worse than to find his smiling down at her. "Ladies," Lord Findlay said in greeting, pausing before them and sketching a graceful bow. Straightening as they murmured in greeting, he smiled. "May I say you all look exceptionally lovely this evening?"

"You may," Suzette said with a laugh. "We may even believe you mean it."

Lord Findlay grinned with appreciation, and then turned his gaze to Lisa. "I arrived later than intended this evening and know there is probably no hope, but you would not have at least one dance left on your card that I might put my name to?"

"As it happens, my lord, we were a bit tardy arriving as well," Lisa lied, retrieving her dance card. "And I believe I just happen to have a couple of dances still free." She perused the small card as if she didn't know exactly which dances she had open, and then asked, "Would you prefer a waltz or a quadrille?"

"Both," he said at once, and then grinned and added, "If I may be so bold?"

Lisa ignored the narrowing of her sisters' eyes and then said lightly, "Well, I shall put you down for the waltz. I suspect I shall be quite worn out by the time the quadrille comes around and in need of refreshment."

"Then I shall be pleased to fetch you a beverage and take you out on the terrace for some night air during the quadrille," he assured her with a grin, and then immediately added, "Along with your sisters, of course."

Lisa smiled and wrote his name into her card. She then nodded and murmured appropriately as he excused himself.

"Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" Suzette asked, catching Lisa's arm and pulling her around to face her and Christiana once the man was gone.

"What ever do you mean?" Lisa asked with feigned confusion. But she knew exactly what Suzette meant. She had handled the entire situation with an aplomb she just didn't normally possess and suspected it was the aftereffects of the drinks Mrs. Morgan had poured down her throat. While she was no longer unsteady on her feet, she did still feel slightly disconnected from her feelings. There hadn't been any of the usual hand sweats or fluttery nervousness that she had suffered in the past at country dances. Tonight she'd felt completely unconcerned and confident as each man approached, even with the very handsome Lord Findlay, and that was despite the fact that she'd hoped he would approach.

This unusual confidence and calm had allowed her to arrange things as she wished, however, which she was grateful for. At least one good thing had come out of today's adventures. Well, two, she decided. If Robert was never going to love her as she loved him, it was better she accept it now than to wait on the shelf until she was too old to find a husband.

The thought made her chin lift with determination. Bollocks to Robert. He would die a lonely old man, and it would be all his own fault for turning away the one woman who could love him with all his flaws.

"You - " Suzette began, but then paused as the music started and Rotham, the first fellow on Lisa's dance card came to claim her.

Lisa was a good dancer. Despite being a little disoriented, she managed to follow the steps with grace and ease as she was repeatedly claimed and whirled around the room by admirers. But she was on automatic, her eyes searching the ballroom for two men, Lord Findlay and Robert. She was keeping tabs on Lord Findlay to see who he danced with and who her competition was. She was searching for Robert because . . . well, out of habit, she supposed, and forced her attention back to her dance partner.

Really, she had no further interest in Robert Maitland, Lord Langley, Lisa reminded herself firmly. Besides, he obviously hadn't bothered to come tonight. But then, why would he? When Christiana had asked Richard if Robert planned to come tonight as they'd ridden here in the Radnor carriage, her husband had laughed and said no, Robert intended to avoid being anywhere there might be husband-hunting maids and their mothers.

Well, bully for him. She didn't need him here distracting her anyway, Lisa decided. Though, one small part of her brain wished he was here to see what a success she was. And she was a success. Every man who had approached her to request a place on her dance card had complimented her on her beauty, her wit and her grace. It was like balm to her shaken confidence after Robert's "little sister" business. It seemed all men did not see her as still belonging in the schoolroom.

"My dance, I believe."

Lisa came to a halt beside her last partner who had gallantly been leading her off the dance floor, and glanced around to flash a smile at Lord Findlay. "Yes, my lord, it is."

"Ahh," Lord Pembroke murmured, releasing her arm and giving a bow. "Thank you for your charming company, Miss Madison. It was a delight to dance with a lady as lovely and graceful as you."

Lisa turned her beaming smile on Pembroke now. Dark-haired and nearly as attractive as Lord Findlay, Pembroke had been amusing and fun for most of the dance until her mind had begun to wander.

"Thank you, my lord. I enjoyed it," she assured him. "Then perhaps if you are attending the Hammonds' ball tomorrow night, you would be kind enough to grant me a dance there?" he suggested hopefully.

"Most definitely, my lord. I shall look forward to it," she said with an encouraging grin.

"As will I," he assured her as Lord Findlay led her back onto the dance floor.

"You've won a heart there," Lord Findlay said with amusement as he took her into his arms for the dance. "But then from what I have seen you have won many hearts tonight. Almost every man who has danced with you has walked away happy to have made your acquaintance."

"Why my lord, one would think you had been watching me all night," she teased lightly.

"I have," he said without apology. "It's impossible not to. You exude an air of confidence and beauty that is hard to look away from."

Lisa blinked at the words and then laughed gaily. Her confidence was a combination of the residual effects of Mrs. Morgan's potion and all the compliments she'd received this evening. She hadn't realized until tonight just how Robert's lack of return interest in her had squashed her self-esteem. She knew it hadn't been deliberate on his part, but that had been the end result anyway - confusion and despair over the fact that he didn't return her feelings, concern that she wasn't pretty enough, witty enough, smart enough. But it was hard to feel that way after being showered with compliments all night by the other men in attendance. It seemed Robert was just a dullard too blind to see how lucky he was to have her affections.

"Are you enjoying your stay in London so far?" Lord Findlay asked, drawing her attention back to him.

"Well, it's definitely been interesting," Lisa said wryly and then to keep him from questioning how, added, "although my maid and I only arrived two days ago. It is lovely to see my sisters again and get caught up on things."

"Aye. You don't come to town to visit them often enough I think." When she raised her eyebrows, wondering how he knew how often she came to town, he added, "I was most disappointed when you disappeared from town after just a couple balls the year before last. And devastated that you didn't return last year."

Lisa found herself chuckling at the claim. While he was offering her a sad moue, it was somewhat ruined by the twitching of his lips and the fact that his eyes were twinkling with merriment. He was obviously teasing and flirting with her. It was fun. Much more fun than mooning after a reluctant Robert.

"I hardly think a handsome fellow like you suffered for lack of company," she said lightly.

"I didn't," he admitted easily. "However, all the other young women seemed dull and unattractive after holding you in my arms."

Lisa's eyes widened slightly. If she had been feeling quite herself, she suspected she would have blushed madly at the words and got all flustered. At the moment, however, all it did was make her smile. The things he was saying could have come from one of the books she read, spoken by the hero to the heroine. They were quite lovely, not to mention flattering and charming. They made her feel beautiful and wanted. And she liked it.

"I enjoyed our dance that night as well," she said boldly. Lord Findlay raised one dubious eyebrow. "And here I thought you were distracted during our dance."

Lisa laughed wryly. "I fear I was a little. There was much going on at the time, but I certainly remembered you afterward, my lord." "Why? Did I step on your toes?" he teased.

Lisa grinned, but shook her head. "You dance beautifully and you know it."

"Then what made you remember me?" Findlay asked, the words almost a challenge.

"Because you are a very attractive man, my lord," she said simply, unconcerned with meeting the challenge. She had no doubt he knew he was handsome. "You are handsome enough that it would make it hard for a girl to forget."

"Really?" he asked with interest. "You find me attractive?"

"Oh very," she assured him with amusement, and then added, "So much so that I deliberately kept a dance free for you in case you were here tonight."

Lord Findlay blinked in surprise at her words and Lisa supposed most women wouldn't have made the admission. They would have played coy and probably teased and flirted while acting like they weren't attracted to him. Such games just seemed silly to her. The man saw right through it anyway if he had half a brain. So, why bother?

"My word, you are the most refreshingly honest female I have met in a good long while," Lord Findlay breathed finally, his arms tightening around her a little more and drawing her almost scandalously close.

"Hmmm," Lisa murmured, noting the way his eyes had darkened. She grinned and eased back from him a bit, making their embrace more proper. "And beautiful, smart and witty according to all the men I have danced with tonight."

"Definitely all of that," he agreed without hesitation. "Your eyes sparkle with intelligence and mischief and your lips . . . they put a man in mind of kissing you."

"Really?" she asked with interest. "Does that mean you want to kiss me, my lord?"

"Definitely," Findlay assured her, all teasing gone and Lisa allowed a burst of laughter to slip from her lips. She felt so . . . well, powerful, she supposed. All these compliments from so many different men after years of nothing from the one she had been interested in . . . Well, it was heady, made her feel good, made her feel lovely and wanted and . . . She liked it. A lot.

"I fear our dance is over," Lord Findlay said with regret, bringing her to a halt as the music ended.

"How sad," she said, her lips curving into a happy smile. "Yes. It is," he assured her, shifting her to his side and tucking her hand into the crook of his elbow to lead her off the floor. His head dipped to hers as he asked, "When is our quadrille? I would not wish to miss my chance to fetch you a refreshment or escort you out onto the terrace."

"Now," Lisa said, flashing him a smile as the next dance began. "Then I am a fortunate man, indeed," Lord Findlay said with a grin. "I shall leave you to ask your sisters if they wish to join us on the terrace while I fetch you that drink."

"And you say Mrs. Morgan was gone when you returned to the brothel?" Richard asked grimly, pacing his library. Robert nodded solemnly. He'd just finished explaining the adventure he'd had to rescue Lisa, ending with how he'd returned to Morgan's directly after stopping to collect and drop off Bet. Only he'd arrived at the brothel to find the woman had packed in a rush and fled.

"It would seem she discovered almost at once that Lisa and Bet were gone and decided a trip to the Continent might be in her best interest." Robert explained what he'd learned that afternoon. "The cook said Morgan packed what she could as quickly as she could and left moments before I arrived."

"I'll say it was in her best interests," Daniel said grimly. "Hmmm." Richard nodded. "Morgan never was a stupid woman. She must have realized the three of us would not be pleased. We might not have been able to have her arrested without damaging Lisa's reputation and raising a scandal, but drugging and holding the maid could have been used against her. I doubt she'll return anytime soon for fear of landing in shackles." His mouth tightened and he glanced to Robert. "If she left only moments before you arrived - "

"I did have my driver take me around to try to catch up to her. I even went down to the docks, but there was no sign of her at all," he said with displeasure. It still irked him that the woman had got away.

"She could have traveled up the coast to any number of places and caught a boat from there," Daniel pointed out.

"Aye," Robert nodded grimly. "Which is why I didn't bother to search further on my own. I plan to hire a runner tomorrow morning to track the woman and either get her to reveal who the suitor was, or bring her back for charges. I suspect given that choice she'll reveal who hired her to drug and hold Lisa for him."

"No doubt," Richard agreed. "I'm just surprised you didn't hire the runner before coming here tonight."

"I would have if there had been time," Robert assured him. "But it was late when I gave up the search. And I knew Lisa was planning to attend this ball. I thought it best not to leave her on her own until we sort out who this 'suitor' was. He might make another attempt to get her." He frowned and added, "In fact, I don't like that she is out there right now without anyone to watch over her, but I didn't dare speak of this out in the ballroom where someone might hear, and you two needed to be apprised of the situation so you could watch for trouble."

"Christiana and Suzette will keep an eye on her," Daniel said reassuringly, and then asked, "So the cook wouldn't tell you who this supposed suitor was?"

Robert shook his head solemnly. "She didn't know. Neither did any of the women I questioned. It seems it was a well-guarded secret."

"Or the women are loyal," Richard suggested dryly.

Robert gave a dry laugh. "Believe me, none of the women were feeling terribly loyal when I spoke to them. They were all furious with Morgan. It seems she gave them all only until tomorrow morning to get out of the brothel and find themselves a new situation, then someone is coming to close it down and sell it." "Hmmm," Daniel muttered. "I don't suppose they would feel very loyal then."

Robert shook his head and pointed out to Richard, "You'll have to hire someone to guard Lisa until this is over. She - " "He can't," Daniel interrupted.

Robert blinked in surprise. "Of course he can."

"No, he can't. Christiana is with child and to hire someone he'll have to explain what's happened and Richard doesn't want Christiana upset right now. We were just talking about that before you arrived," Daniel said easily.

"What?" Robert's eyes widened and swung to Richard.

"Christiana's with child?"

Richard didn't respond at first. His gaze was on Daniel, but then he smiled faintly and nodded.

"Well, that's brilliant!" Robert laughed and moved to slap his shoulder. "How far along is she? And why didn't she tell me?" he added with a frown.

"She isn't far along and doesn't want anyone to know until it's a little further on," Daniel answered for Richard. "So, as you can see, he can't hire guards and such and put her through all that stress and worry again."

"Hmmm. No, Christiana tends to be a worrier. We don't want her to lose another child," Robert agreed with a frown. It was the second time Christiana had got with child since their marriage.

Losing the first had crushed her, losing a second would devastate her. Glancing to Daniel, he suggested, "Well then perhaps you could have Lisa stay with you and Suzette and hire a guard . . ." His voice died away as Daniel began to shake his head.

"You know Suzette can't keep a secret to save her soul," he pointed out dryly. "We can't possibly tell her either. Christiana would know at once. Besides, how would we explain moving Lisa? Christiana would want to know why."

Robert rubbed his forehead unhappily. "Well, what are we going to do then? We can't just leave her unguarded. This suitor might try to get his hands on her again using another method."

"Yes, he could," Richard agreed grimly, for some reason glaring at Daniel.

"Well, we can't bring in an outsider without the whole situation getting out and Christiana and Suzette knowing," Daniel said resolutely.

"I realize that," Robert said unhappily. "But she needs watching until we can sort out who the suitor is and ensure he won't try again."

"The three of us will have to do the watching then," Daniel said with a shrug.

"How the hell are we supposed to - " Robert began with frustration.

"You don't mind house guests for a bit, do you, Richard?" Daniel interrupted him.

"House guests?" Richard asked with surprise.

"Robert, Suzette and I," he explained. "You can say Robert is having renovations done to his London home and you offered him a room while it's under way, and . . . Well, actually, I suppose there's really no good excuse for Suzette and I to stay there," he said with a frown. "But if you and Robert are there to watch Lisa at night, we don't need to sleep there too. We shall just visit a lot during the day. That won't be considered unusual at all since Lisa is newly up from the country. The girls spent the first day doing nothing but natter and catch-up and would have done the same today had Christiana and Suzette not already been roped into that tea."

"Aren't you clever," Richard said slowly, and then added, "Of course, Robert is welcome to stay at Radnor and spend all his time looking out for Lisa."

The two men exchanged a strange smile, but Robert hardly noticed; he was more concerned with the logistics of keeping Lisa safe. Nodding, he muttered, "That would work. I can help keep an eye on her and between the three of us we can assure she isn't left alone until this is all done and dusted."

"It's settled then," Daniel said beaming brightly as he slapped Robert on the back. "You can move into Radnor tonight after the ball."

Robert nodded and then frowned. "Speaking of which, we've been in here a while. I'd better go out and check on Lisa. It's not likely someone would try to snatch her away from the ball with so many people around, but it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Yes. It's probably best to stick close to her for the next little while," Daniel said solemnly. "None of us would forgive ourselves if anything happened to her. Not to mention Christiana and Suzette would never forgive us either."

"Hmm." Robert headed for the door with a nod, leaving the men to chatter quietly.

"It's a beautiful night," Lisa said on a sigh, leaning on the terrace rail and peering up at the star-studded sky. The stars somehow didn't seem as bright here as they were in the country, but it was still lovely.

"Is it?" Lord Findlay asked with disinterest.

Lisa glanced sideways with surprise to find him peering down at her with hooded eyes. Suzette and Christiana hadn't been interested in a walk on the terrace. They were alone. Or as alone as one could get at the busiest ball of the season, where even the terrace tended to be crowded. It wasn't too bad right now though, she noted.

There were only two other couples on the terrace besides themselves, and they had spaced themselves out, seeking the shadows and privacy.

"I shall have to take your word for it that it's beautiful. I'm afraid I cannot be bothered to check for myself with you here to look at."

Turning back to Lord Findlay, Lisa grinned at the compliment and shook her head. "Then you're missing out, my lord. The sky really is lovely."

"As are you," he assured her solemnly. "Your beauty challenges the stars."

"Oh." She widened her eyes, fighting an irresistible urge to giggle at his flattery. The drink Mrs. Morgan had given her was obviously still affecting her, she decided, but said, "I suspect you are a dangerous man to innocent young debutantes, Lord Findlay."

"Call me Charles," he suggested, his voice seductive.

"Charles then," she said on a laugh, and then asked, "How many girls have you charmed with such flowery words?"

Even as the words left her lips, Lisa wondered where they had come from. It was just so unlikely a thing for her to say. She simply wasn't this laissez faire about men and their attentions. On the other hand, she suspected if Robert had said those words to her, she wouldn't be nearly so relaxed and amused.

"I assure you I don't make a habit of saying such things to debutantes," Charles said solemnly, moving closer to take the drink from her hand. He set it carefully on the rail and then caught her by the arms, drawing her forward as he murmured, "In fact, I generally bypass these gatherings to avoid being hunted down and leg shackled."

"Do you?" Lisa asked with mild interest as she watched his head lower toward hers. "Then why are you here tonight?"

"I had heard you were back in town and was hoping to see you again," he whispered, his lips a hair's breadth from hers.

"Why?" she asked. Her eyes sliding from his eyes to his lips and back, her mind wondering what it would be like when he kissed her.

"Because I have been endlessly fascinated by you since this same ball two years ago. Your smile and beauty have haunted me ever since, and all I've thought about since then was taking you in my arms and kissing - "

"There you are!"

Lisa pulled back with a start, her head swiveling to find Robert bearing down on them like an annoyed parent. Vaguely aware that Charles was releasing her and stepping back, Lisa frowned with annoyance at Robert for interrupting what would have been her first kiss. Not that he noticed, he was too busy giving her a disapproving scowl.

"What are you doing out here alone?" Robert asked, catching her arm and dragging her toward the terrace doors.

"I'm not alone, Robert," Lisa snapped, tugging at her arm. "I am with Lord Findlay."

"But without Christiana or Suzette," Robert countered, not releasing her arm. "Proper young ladies do not step out with strange men to - "

"He is not strange," Lisa hissed, lowering her voice to avoid drawing attention their way as he dragged her through the terrace doors and back inside. "And do stop pulling me about like a recalcitrant child. You are acting like a jealous ass and causing a scene."

Robert eased his hold and slowed so that it looked less like he was dragging her and more like he was walking her. He then paused and turned to eye her solemnly. "I am not jealous, Lisa. But after what happened today, you should not be wandering outside with anyone. For all we know, Lord Findlay is the suitor Mrs. Morgan was procuring you for. Any one of the men here tonight could be. You must be careful."

Lisa blinked in surprise at the reminder of her narrow escape that day. Not that she'd forgotten it, but it hadn't occurred to her that she might still be in danger. She'd just assumed that with that day's plot foiled, it was done. Perhaps that had been naive, but . . . Grimacing, she nodded reluctantly in understanding. "Very well. I shall be more cautious, Robert."

"Yes, you will. Because I shall ensure it," he said firmly, starting to walk again.

"What do you mean, you shall ensure it?" she asked warily, keeping her voice low as he led her through the ball attendees.

"I had a talk with Richard and Daniel and we have made arrangements to keep you safe until we find this so-called suitor."

"You told Richard and Daniel about today?" Lisa asked in almost a squeal of horror.

"They had to be made aware of the situation to help keep you safe," he said firmly.

"Christ," she muttered with disgust and thought that the last of the drugged drink must be finally wearing off. She was definitely feeling her emotions again, mostly mortification at her sisters' husbands knowing about her ordeal that day.

"Did you just cuss?"

Lisa blinked and noted that Robert had stopped walking and was now staring down at her with shock. Lifting her chin, she glared back at him defiantly. "And what if I did? I am not a child, Robert. I may cuss if I wish. And I will go out on the terrace with who I wish, and - what arrangements?" she interrupted herself to ask suddenly as those words sank through her brain.

"I shall be staying at the Radnor townhouse and watching over you day and night to help keep you safe until this situation is resolved," he announced calmly.

Lisa simply stared at him. It occurred to her that right up until that afternoon in his carriage, this news would have put her over the moon. The very idea of his being so close would have been like a Christmas and birthday gift all rolled into one and would have had her beaming and dancing with excitement. Right now though, after his breaking of her heart in the carriage, it seemed like a nightmare. Robert's presence day and night. Having to be in his presence at all times when he felt nothing for her but filial emotions. She wasn't having that!

"Miss Madison?"

Relieved to have the excuse to do so, Lisa turned away from Robert to face Lord Findlay with a smile that was wider and warmer than it would have normally been. "Aye, my lord?"

"You left your drink behind," he said with a smile, offering her the glass and completely ignoring Robert, who was scowling again.

"Oh, thank you." Lisa beamed and accepted the drink, saying a bit archly, "I do apologize for Lord Langley's rudeness in dragging me off like that."

"Not at all. 'Tis hardly your fault," Lord Findlay said easily, still not acknowledging the other man's presence with even a glance.

Smiling, he asked, "Are you attending the Hammonds' ball tomorrow night?"

"No," Robert answered for her, moving closer.

"Yes, I am," Lisa countered, ignoring him just as Lord Findlay was. "My sisters and I spoke about it when I arrived yesterday. We plan to attend and have already sent a reply that we would."

"Then I hope you will agree to another waltz with me there, Miss Madison," Lord Findlay said with a grin.

"I shall save you one," she promised. "And keep another quadrille free as well."

"You are too kind," he murmured taking her hand and bowing to place a kiss on it. His lips never made contact, however, because Robert's patience had apparently run out and Lisa suddenly found herself tugged away and hurried through the crowd once more. "Really, Robert," Lisa said with exasperation, struggling not to spill her drink. "You are being incredibly rude."

"And you are behaving like an idiot," he growled. "Smiling and fawning all over Findlay like some loose - "

His voice died as she jerked her arm from his hold. He stopped at once and whirled on her with surprise, but that turned to shock when the contents of her glass splashed into his face.

"You - " he began furiously.

"Miss Madison?"

Lisa turned from Robert and glanced in question to the man now at her side. Lord Tibald, she thought was his name. She raised her eyebrows in question. "Yes?"

"I believe this is our dance," he explained and Lisa nodded grimly.

"Oh, yes, Lord Tibald. I believe you're right. This is your dance." She forced a smile for him that withered as she faced Robert and silently slapped her empty glass into his hand. Without another word, she turned back to Lord Tibald and offered her hand.

Smiling, he took it and laid it over his arm to lead her away from Robert and onto the dance floor.

"Are you all right?"

Lisa stopped glaring at Robert, who had moved to the refreshment table to find a napkin to dry himself off with and glanced to Lord Tibald in question. "What?"

"You appear a bit upset," he offered quietly. "Would you prefer to step out for some air rather than dance?"

"Oh, no," she said on a sigh, and then lips quirking, added wryly, "Langley would just drag me back inside anyway."

"Ah." Lord Tibald was briefly silent, and then asked tentatively. "Has Lord Langley a prior claim on your attentions? Should I be - " "No," Lisa assured him grimly. "He has no claim at all. Robert is . . . Well, he is an old friend of the family, like an annoying older brother. And tonight he's being particularly annoying," she added with displeasure.

"Ahh," Lord Tibald repeated and something of the sound made her glance to him. This time she really looked at him, noting that he was as handsome as Lord Findlay, though in a dark, dashing way rather than the icy beauty of the other man. He also had deep dark eyes and a charming smile.

"I apologize, my lord," she said, forcing herself to relax and allowing a smile to claim her lips. "It's not well done of me to take out my annoyance with Robert on you."

"Oh, you weren't taking it out on me," he assured her gallantly. "You just seemed distracted and distressed.

She smiled slightly and shrugged. "Well, if I was, I am no more. You have managed to distract me from my distraction."

He chuckled at the claim. "You're really quite lovely when you smile, Miss Madison."

"And you're very handsome, Lord Tibald, so we are a match," she said with a grin.

Lord Tibald chuckled at her boldness and drew her a little closer.

"I see she's well and hasn't been snatched away," Richard commented, drawing Robert's scowling attention as he and Daniel approached. Raising one eyebrow, he added, "You, on the other hand, appear a bit vexed . . . and damp."

"She is - " Robert cut himself off and turned to glower at Lisa as her gay laughter sounded. She and Lord Tibald were apparently having a grand time . . . and were dancing entirely too closely. Finally, he muttered, "She is going to be difficult."

"Lisa?" Richard asked with surprise, his gaze going to the couple. "No. She is never difficult. She matches Christiana for sweetness."

"Lisa may even surpass Christiana in sweetness," Daniel suggested, and then added, "Suzette is the difficult one."

Robert noted the man's grin. It seemed to suggest he liked that "difficulty" in his wife. Shaking his head, he glanced back to the woman under discussion and grimaced. "Well, Lisa is being difficult tonight. I found her on the terrace with Findlay. The man was moving in for a kiss as I arrived. And she was letting him," he added with disbelief.

"Well, that is hardly being difficult. Perhaps she likes him," Daniel said.

Robert frowned at the suggestion, not at all pleased by it for some reason. Shifting uncomfortably, he muttered, "Yes, well when I dragged her away and explained that she had to be more careful until we found out who the suitor was, she threw her drink in my face."

There was silence for a moment, and then Daniel cleared his throat and said, "You are sure it was your explanation that had her tossing her drink in your face?"

"Well, it was after that really," he admitted unhappily. "I may have said something that she didn't appreciate."

"Ah," Richard murmured. "And what would that be, pray tell?"

Robert shifted again, and then grimaced and admitted, "She was behaving a bit . . . Well, she was laughing and smiling and flirting with Findlay and I may have said that her behavior was a bit loose." "Ahhh." It was Daniel who spoke this time, amusement underlining the sound. "And then she threw her drink in your face?"

Robert nodded.

"Well, I think you got off lucky," Daniel said dryly. "Suzette would probably punch me if I suggested her behavior was . . . er . . . loose. In fact, I am surprised you said it. If she was just talking and smiling - "

"As I said, he was about to kiss her when I arrived. And she was going to let him," he protested.

"What do you care?" Richard asked patiently. "You don't want her."

"Or do you?" Daniel added.

"No, of course not," Robert muttered, his gaze turning to Lisa again. At least he didn't want her in the way they were speaking of. He didn't want a wife, didn't want his life to turn into the misery of an unhappy marriage. He did, however, want Lisa for other purposes, ones he couldn't possibly carry out or even consider. It was that damned see-through dress, Robert thought grimly.

He couldn't get the vision of her naked body beneath the filmy cloth out of his mind. The luscious curves, the dusky rose of her nipples . . . Damn. He could have happily lived a lifetime never having seen that. Now it had raised a whole passel of completely unbrotherly feelings in him for the girl that he just didn't know what to do with.

He needed to hire that runner and get this whole situation resolved as quickly as possible, Robert decided. He also needed a night with his mistress soon. Hopefully a romp with Giselle would help wipe the vision of Lisa in the brothel from his mind. Perhaps then he could return to seeing her as sweet, young, dreamy-eyed, silly little Lisa Madison.