Bound by the Past Page 81

“She looks like Leonas!” Anna said as she looked down at Beatrice in her crib. “Can I hold her?”

“Here,” I picked Beatrice up and showed Anna how to hold her. When Leonas had been born, she had been too young to hold him.

Leonas watched curiously but made no move to hold her as well. He glanced up at his dad almost questioningly. Dante only smiled but his eyes followed everything closely.

I handed Beatrice to Anna who cradled her carefully. “Oh, she’s heavier than she looks.”

Leonas rolled his eyes.

“Why don’t you hold her too?” I suggested.

He nodded slowly and came closer. Anna proudly demonstrated how to hold Beatrice before she handed her to her brother.

“My heart’s going to explode,” I whispered as I moved to Dante’s side.

“It’s something I never considered in my future when Carla died. I was willing to give up without a fight even if it isn’t in my nature to admit defeat. I’m glad you came into my life and showed me that love is worth taking risks.”

I smiled up at him. “I know you prefer to take safe gambles but I’m glad you bet on me.”

Dante chuckled. “A safe bet you aren’t that’s true. You keep me on my toes, Val. I’ve never met anyone who tests my patience more often than you do.”

I nodded toward Leonas. “Give it a few more years. I’m sure he’ll fight me for the position.”

Dante moved his eyes skyward. “Don’t tempt fate.”

“You don’t believe in fate.”

“I don’t. But Leonas having your temper can only be fate’s way to pay me back.”

“We all just want to keep you young and agile.”

Dante kissed my lips.

“Ewww, can’t you do that behind closed doors?” Leonas shouted, waking Beatrice who began crying. His eyes grew wide in shock.

Dante walked over to him with a stern expression. “Troublemaker.” He didn’t say it angrily and Leonas only grinned as Dante took Beatrice from him.

He rocked Beatrice gently while Anna hovered next to him. Dante kissed the top of her head then Beatrice’s forehead. “Can I call her Bea?”

“As long as she’s this small she can’t really say no,” Dante said with a chuckle.

Anna grinned, her eyes gleaming excitedly. “I can’t wait to dress her up. I’ve seen so many cute plaid outfits.”

“She’s not a doll,” Leonas said.

“You’re a dork.”

Leonas jumped at her and tickled her. She shrieked and tried to shove him off but he was almost her height.

Beatrice mewled. I opened my arms. “My cue to nurse her. You can play referee.”

Dante slid Bea into my arms. “All right. Can’t be worse than listening to Clark senior’s never-ending stories from his youth.”

Dante let Giovanni and Dario do most of the political schmoozing, but on occasion, it was required for us to make appearances, especially on social events. Working our way into certain circles proved challenging, mainly because we were still regarded as more of an oddity or attraction than a part of the scene. Yet, people were curious and that was better than suspicion.

Dante preferred our circles, the directness of them, our rules. He was doing this for our children, guaranteeing a safer future for all of them, especially Leonas, and I was grateful for it. He was a family man through and through, the best husband and father I could imagine.



Bea was down for her nap. At six months old, her naptime routine worked like a clockwork.

Anna and Leonas were in the library doing homework, which would keep them busy for a while.

I knocked at Dante’s office and slipped in without waiting for his reply.

Making time for ourselves had become a challenge with three kids and our social responsibilities, so I made sure to use every chance we got.

Dante looked up with a hint of annoyance then he leaned back. He knew the look on my face.

“How about we go upstairs for a bit?”

Dante pushed his chair back and motioned me closer.

Frowning, I headed toward him. “Are you too busy?”

When I was beside him, he gripped me, turned me around and pulled me down on his lap. He pushed up my skirt then spread my legs with his thighs. Pressing a hot kiss to my neck, he slipped his hand into my panties and shoved two fingers into me. My head fell back as he fingered me.

“What if someone walks in?” I gasped out, but my walls clenched tightly around Dante’s fingers, needing more. I hadn’t even locked the office and while the kids would never barge into our bedroom, they might do it in Dante’s office. His fingers slowed but didn’t stop and he nipped my throat.

“They always knock before they enter. Everyone follows my rules, except for you, Val.” The growly note to his voice made me shiver.

I opened my lips to protest, but Dante flicked his thumb over my bundle of nerves. Soon I was panting and grinding myself shamelessly against his hand and the erection digging into my backside.

“On your knees,” he ordered, pulling his fingers out of me before I’d come.

Stifling my protest, because it would only make Dante tease me more, I turned around and gave him a seductive smile before I sank down between his legs.

I didn’t take my eyes off him as I opened his zipper and took out his cock. Dante’s fingers tangled in my hair as I began blowing him. Dante’s breathing deepened.

Steps thundered down the hall before a half-hearted knock sounded.

My eyes widened and I jerked back. Dante pushed me under his desk and dragged his chair closer to hide his open pants.

“Dad, Anna keeps—”

“Didn’t I tell you to wait until I give you permission to enter?” Dante said sternly. I covered my mouth with my hand, worried my breathing was too loud. Even worse: a hysterical laugh wanted to burst forth, even if the situation wasn’t funny in the slightest.

“Yes, but—”

I stared at Dante’s erection right in front of my face and again had to fight down giggles. This was just too much.

“Is this a matter of life and death?”

“No,” Anna said. “Leonas is just—”

“Then it can wait. I’m working. Are you done with your homework?”

“No,” Leonas began and Dante cut in. “Then you should do that.”

“Where’s Mom?” Anna asked.

“She’s busy.”

I bit my lower lip, sure I’d lose it any moment now.

“In her office?” Leonas guessed.

“Do not disturb her. You need to figure out your conflicts by yourself.”

“Okay,” they said simultaneously. I didn’t understand how Dante could talk to them as if nothing was the matter when our kids had almost caught us in the act. I dug my teeth harder into my lip.

“Now back to your homework.”

“Okay,” Leonas grumbled.

Then steps sounded and the door clicked shut. I released a small breath then laughed quietly against Dante’s thigh. Dante’s fingers tangled in my hair as he pushed his chair back a bit to look down at me. “Keep sucking.”


He gently pushed me closer to his cock. “Suck my cock, Val.”