Beast's Castle Page 11

It’s not that he’s wrong, it’s just that I don’t wanna hear it. I send a searing glare in his direction.

“You don’t have to say everything that comes into your head.”

“You don’t like that? I think it would be awesome to look like a Marvel villain. The superheroes are boring.”

“I’m not gonna kick you out because you insulted me.” I hold the door open for him and push him inside. “Buckle up.”

“Summer makes me sit in a booster. It’s because I’m short. I don’t really like being short. Do you think villains are short? If I had a superpower, I would make myself taller. Like you. What would you do if you had a superpower?”

Make you shut up?

“I don’t have a booster and I don’t have a super power. Just put the seatbelt on. We aren't going to get in an accident.”

“I don’t want to sit in a booster anyway. Summer makes me do that because my dad died in a car accident and I didn’t get hurt because I was in a car seat. At least that’s what the doctor says. I kind of think Summer wants me to sit in a little seat 'til I’m 40. Like your age.”

I grind the back of my teeth together. “I’m not forty. Or old.”

“Yeah, I guess I thought you would be older because you live in the castle, and you like all the dark stuff. Like I thought your eyes were bad and that’s why you don’t like light. But it’s because of your face, right? You don’t want anyone seeing your face? You should wear a mask. Batman has a cool mask. Masks are cool. By the way, where are we going?”

I haven’t heard more than two peeps out of this kid since he moved in, but now he can’t stop talking. “We’re going to get your sister. Where is she, anyway?”

He shrugs. “Dinner with Eden. I went and played with Eden’s sister’s kids. She has five of them.”

Did Summer lie to her brother about her dinner date or was Tina wrong?

“What about Colten?” I ask roughly.

“What about him?”

“He’s not at dinner with Summer?”

“Why would he be?”

“I’m asking you.”

“I already told you. She’s at dinner with Eden.” Colby’s voice goes from confusion to annoyance in a hot second.

I guess we’ll know soon enough. Colby falls silent as we speed into town. Len’s is packed. I pull into the parking lot and spot Summer right away. “You’re half right,” I grunt.

There’s a woman sitting across from Summer, but there’s another person at their table and it’s got to be this asshole Colten. He says something that causes Summer to laugh and duck her head in a cute movement. I want to rip the steering wheel off and beat Colten’s head in. Wonder how many nights that would get me in Chief Dane’s jail cell. How could she be on her knees ready to hoover my cock one night and be flirting with this chud the next?

I open the car door.

“Where are you going?” Colby asks.

I’d forgotten he was here. “To get your sister.”









I give Eden another kick under the table. Colten keeps moving closer and closer to me. I can feel the heat of his body against mine. I’m trying to be nice. He sat down next to me when he came back after the call. He’s always been so nice to me that I didn’t want to be rude, so I moved over into the booth to make room for him.

I freeze when I feel his hand come down on my thigh. “I know you have to get back home to meet up with Colby, but I was thinking maybe—”

“And I was thinking you need to get your fucking hand off her thigh.” My head jerks up at the deep familiar voice. There standing next to the table is Kale. He’s here. Holy crap. And he doesn't look too happy about it.

My eyes run over every inch of him. There’s a lot to cover with the size of him. I take in every inch until my eyes lock with his.

“Kale?” Colten says.

“Hand.” Kale growls this time.

“Sorry, man, I had no idea. It’s nice to see you. It’s been—”

“Let her out of the booth. We’re leaving.” I shouldn’t be turned on by this, but I am.

“What’s happening here?” Eden whispers, but it’s one of those whispers that isn't one really at all. I shrug because I have no freaking clue what Kale is doing here. Did he come here for me?

Broken every one of his ridiculous rules because he couldn’t stand the thought of me being out. Is he jealous? None of those things make sense. Why would he be jealous? He turned me down. How did he even know I was here with Colten? I know news travels fast around here but that would be crazy fast.

Colten actually gets up from out of the booth. I look back up at Kale. Every line in his body is tense. He’s here, but it’s the last place he wants to be.

The whole diner has gone quiet, and I know without looking that everyone is staring, but I can’t bring myself to pull my eyes back away from Kale’s face. He’s here. In the light. Faded scars line the right side of his face. My fingers itch to trace them. To touch him. What has he been through?

Right now with the determined angry look on his face he looks like a warrior ready to go into battle. What I don’t understand is why?

“Up,” he barks at me. I jump from the booth. Colten grabs my arm, causing me to tense up. What the hell?

“Kale. I think you might need to calm down.” Oh great. Now Colten gets a set. I look between the two of them, but mostly at the tick in Kale’s jaw as he stares at Colten’s hand that’s on me.

“I don’t need to do shit. Stop touching her. She doesn't like it.” I don’t appreciate him holding me, but how does Kale know that? When Colten’s hand drops, I feel myself relax.

“It’s fine, guys,” I tell everyone. I should head home anyways. Colby will be home soon.

“I’ll get this.” Colten motions to the table that he’ll cover the bill. Kale pulls out his wallet, dropping a couple hundreds on the table. He’s acting like a crazy person. I think I might be crazy too because I’m enjoying it more than I should.

Knowing that I got him to come out of the house does something to me. He snatches my hand. I hear Eden shout from behind us to call her later. I wave with my other hand as I practically run to keep up with Kale.

When we get outside I feel a few drops of rain hit my face. Kale doesn’t let my hand go. “You came for me?” I ask. He stops suddenly and I almost run into him. He turns to look down at me.

I don't understand why he hides his face. Scars or not, he’s still handsome. If anything, his scars make him more interesting. It’s harder to notice them when he has the most piercing blue eyes I’ve ever seen in my life.

More rain starts to fall as we stand looking at one another. The urge to get on my tippy toes and kiss him is almost unbearable.

“You’re not running.” I lift my hand he’s holding.

“Not sure I could.” He looks at his hand holding mine and drops it quickly, as if he just remembered he was doing it. I don’t move.

“I’ve got the kid.”