Semi-Sweet On You Page 28

Whitney couldn’t help but look at Cam then. He was smiling too, looking genuinely happy, and the way he had Didi’s hand on his arm was very sweet and gallant.

Cam had made her grandmother look like that. Wow. He hadn’t just put up with the crazy date idea and taken her out for a quick piece of pie. They’d been out for nearly two hours and they both genuinely looked like they’d had a great time.

Dammit, that didn’t make it any easier to not think about kissing him.

Whitney had to take a deep breath before she said or did anything.

She stood from the couch, trying hard to look as if she’d been lounging and reading, hardly aware of the time.

“Why are you sitting in here?” Didi asked, blowing Whitney’s nonchalant cover immediately however.

“I just… thought I’d read for a bit until you got home.” Whitney waved the book she’d picked up from the coffee table.

“In here?” Didi asked, looking around as if confused.

It made sense that she’d be confused about that.

This room was for looks only. Didi and Dean had occasionally sat in here with someone who had just dropped by. Usually someone wanting a donation to some cause or fundraiser or campaign. This room was for entertaining uninvited guests. For short periods. This room at the front was very pretty. And entirely uncomfortable.

Invited guests and family used the living room and the even less formal family room at the back of the house.

Whitney sighed and set the book she held back on the table. She glanced at the front. It was a coffee table book about neckties.

Neckties. Who put together books about neckties? More, who bought and displayed a book like that?

Dax Marshall would. Whitney actually smiled at the thought. Dax loved crazy ties and had a whole collection.

“You’re reading in here?” Didi asked.

Whitney nodded. “I was thinking about giving this book of grandpa’s to Dax.”

Didi looked at it and smiled. “I like Dax. Yes, give him the book.”

“Great.” Whitney picked it up again and handed it to Cam. “Are you going to see him tonight?”

Cam shook his head. “Actually no.” He glanced at Didi, then back to Whitney. “You can give it to him tomorrow.”

“Okay.” She looked at him for a long moment. “So thanks for bringing Grandma home.”

“Of course.”

There was another long pause where it seemed everyone was waiting for someone else to do something.

“I’m going to make tea,” Didi announced, turning toward the kitchen. “Whitney, take Cam upstairs.”

Whitney blinked. Then frowned. Then blinked again. Her grandmother was not as clearheaded as she used to be and she’d undeniably lost some of her filter. But she wanted Whitney and Cam to go upstairs together?

“Excuse me?” she asked.

“He’s going to pick a bedroom,” Didi said, as if it was the most obvious thing. “Show him the way. He didn’t sneak into this house to see you, so he doesn’t know his way around.”

Whitney heard the little surprised squeak that came from her own throat.

Cam, on the other hand, laughed. “Are you guessing, Didi? You think we’re going to give up secrets?”

“You didn’t sneak into her bedroom? Not even once? What kind of teenage love story was that?” Didi asked.

Whitney opened her mouth but was only able to squeak again.

Cam looked a little offended even as he smiled at Didi. “Of course I snuck into her bedroom. More than once.”

“I figured,” Didi said.

Cam chuckled. “Should I take that as a compliment?”

“Of course.” Didi glanced at Whitney. “Every woman deserves a man who will scale buildings for her.”

Whitney felt her eyes widen and she looked at Cam. He didn’t seem shocked. In fact, he was nodding. And looking at Whitney.

“You’re absolutely right, Didi.”

“Anyway, I don’t want you falling and breaking your neck,” Didi said, turning toward the kitchen again. “You can now use the front door and the stairs. Whitney will get you a key tomorrow.”

Didi headed down the hallway.

When she was out of view, and earshot, Whitney swung to face Cam. She was going to get him a key tomorrow? “What is going on?”

He gestured to something behind him and Whitney moved closer so she could see. But she only got as close to him as was absolutely necessary.

“I need to take my stuff up to my room.”

There was a suitcase sitting in the foyer.

A suitcase.

Whitney propped her hands on her hips. “I leave you alone with my grandmother for two hours and now you’re best friends and moving in here?”

He was watching her with one corner of his mouth curled. “Pretty much.”

“Cam, what is going on?”

“Your grandmother doesn’t like Katherine. She asked me to come and stay and keep her company during the day while you’re at work.”

Whitney stared at him. None of that made any sense.

Well, she knew that Didi didn’t really like Katherine. She’d told Whitney that a number of times. But the truth was that Katherine just made Didi do some things she didn’t like but that were important. Their daily walk for instance. And eating something other than cereal. And not spending the day watching Golden Girls reruns.

Okay, so Didi wanted a replacement for Katherine. But Cam?

“How, exactly, did that come up and why in the world would you agree to that?”

He took a step closer and Whitney had to fight the urge to back up. She didn’t actually want to get away from him. On the contrary, she wanted to get a lot closer. But she couldn’t. That would complicate things enormously.

A lot like having him hanging out here every day and being sweet to her grandmother.

Not to mention him moving in.

“It came up in our conversation,” he said with a shrug as if he didn’t remember exactly how. “And she and I have a common goal, and me being here a lot helps us toward that goal.”

Whitney narrowed her eyes. “What’s the goal?”

“Making you happy.”

That wasn’t exactly what she’d been expecting him to say so it took her a second to really process it.

“You think you being here with my grandma is going to make me happy?”

He nodded. “You want to focus on Hot Cakes and being a part of the team and showing your new bosses that you’re dedicated and valuable. But your grandma being here and needing company is distracting and causes you to need to leave work in the middle of projects sometimes. Like when she sets things on fire.” The corner of his mouth curled again as if Didi starting things on fire was amusing. “If I’m here, Didi is happy and you’re free to concentrate on work.”

Whitney swallowed. She really did need someone to help with Didi if she was going to put in the time and concentration she needed at work. Her father’s departure and the guys coming in and taking over had been a blessing in a lot of ways. Whitney was starting fresh with the guys. Even slightly ahead. They valued her experience with the company over the past ten years.

But the changes and increased demands on Whitney’s time and attention were coinciding with a crucial time with Didi. It was another month before Didi could move into Sunny Orchard where she would have more activities and supervision. Her meals would be provided—and would include vegetables—and she wouldn’t have to use a stove at all.