Make Me Yours Page 34

Moretti rolled his eyes and looked at me. “Go. You got this. I’ll handle the viper.”

“Okay.” I loosened my tie a little—why was it suddenly so hot in here?—and made my way through the crowd toward where Cheyenne stood chatting with some people I didn’t recognize. The room spun a little, and the floor seemed to tilt beneath my feet. I’d definitely drunk too much too fast. It gave me a moment’s pause—maybe coming onto her after this much bourbon was a mistake?

But then it was too late. I’d reached her side, and she turned to smile at me. “Hey, Cole. Have you ever met my cousin Liam Dempsey?”

Understanding and relief swept through me. The buff dude was her cousin. And if memory served, he was a Navy SEAL who lived somewhere out east. “I think we met once way back when.” I offered my hand, and Liam shook it.

“Good to see you, Cole,” he said.

“And this is his wife, Natalie.” Cheyenne gestured toward a pretty blonde whom I hadn’t noticed standing on his other side.

“Nice to meet you.” I shook her hand as well. “You’re from out of state, right?”

Liam nodded. “Virginia Beach. We were lucky to make it in late last night. So many flights were canceled today.”

“Hopefully, you’re not stuck here for weeks on end,” said Cheyenne. “They’ve got two kids,” she said to me. “Aarabelle and Shane.”

“Oh, really? Did you bring them with you?” I asked, thinking Mariah might like having some kids to hang out with at the reception.

“No, they’re back home,” Natalie said. “Our daughter is in second grade and had school today, and our son is only three. We decided to take a long weekend just for ourselves. We haven’t done that in forever.” She wrapped her arms around her husband’s waist and he gathered her close, kissing the top of her head.

Another stab of envy—I wished I could touch Cheyenne in front of people like that. Go away with her. Spend the night with her.

But it was impossible.

“Well, enjoy,” I said. “I’ve got a nine-year-old daughter, and I know how hard it is to get away.”

“His daughter Mariah is standing up in the wedding tomorrow,” Cheyenne added. “She’s just the sweetest thing ever.”

Natalie beamed. “She must be thrilled. How exciting to stand up in a wedding at that age.”

“Yes.” I wasn’t sure what else to say—and how on earth was I supposed to entice Cheyenne up to my room with an audience looking on?

Thankfully, Cheyenne put things in motion. “Well, it’s getting late,” she said, looking into her empty wine glass. “And I’ve probably had enough wine tonight.”

“I hear you,” Natalie said. “I had to cut myself off already or I’d be a mess tomorrow.” She looked up at her husband. “What do you say, babe, should we turn in?”

“Sure.” Liam nodded at Cheyenne and me. “See you guys tomorrow. Sleep well.”

“Goodnight.” Cheyenne faced me as they retreated, giving me a smile. “Hey, you.”

“Hey.” I knew what I was supposed to say, but somehow my tongue was tied in knots and I couldn’t get the words out.

“Having a good time?”

“No. I mean, yes—I was—but now I’m not.”

Her expression was confused. “Okayyy.”

I exhaled, my shoulders slumping in defeat, my eyes slamming shut. Then I straightened up and looked at her again—and what came tumbling out of my mouth was the bourbon-infused truth. “That did not come out right. What I was supposed to say was some bullshit about the room being crowded. Then I was going to ask you if you wanted to get out of here and go up to my room.”

“You were?”

“Yes. But not because the bar is crowded.” I took a step closer to her. Reached for her hand. “Because I can’t stop thinking about you. Because you’re killing me in that dress. Because I don’t want to lie awake tonight wishing I’d had the courage to tell you how much I want you.”

Her plush bottom lip had fallen open. Her brown eyes were wide. “Cole,” she whispered, her hand tightening around mine. “Let’s get out of here.”









Without another word, Cole turned and pulled me out of the bar, stopping only to set his empty glass and mine on a vacant table.

He moved quickly, his long legs striding purposefully into the lobby—then he stopped, looking at the people still milling around.

I knew what he was thinking—they’d all see us racing upstairs together. “Elevator,” I said.

Hand in hand, we hurried around the back of the stairs and down the first-floor hall to the inn’s single elevator. Cole punched a button, and the doors opened immediately. He tugged me inside, and hit the number two, and as soon as the doors closed, he spun me against the wall and pressed his body against mine.

I couldn’t breathe.

He hesitated for a fraction of a second, his breath on my lips, before crushing his mouth to mine. The elevator began to ascend—at least I think it did. Either way, I felt like gravity had failed. Everything was going up, up, up.

All too soon and not soon enough, the doors opened and Cole broke the kiss, taking my hand once more and pulling me down the hall. In front of his door, he paused to pull his keycard from his wallet and inserted it. Once we were inside, he tossed the keycard and his wallet to the floor and slammed the door behind us.

Then his hands were in my hair again, his lips were on my throat, his body was nudging mine backward toward the bed. I went willingly, falling backward across it.

One lamp was on in the corner of the room, illuminating him in soft gold light as he yanked his tie off and unbuttoned his collar. Propped on my elbows, I watched, panting and eager.

A second later he was on me, a fantasy come to life.

Cole, Cole, Cole, I thought blissfully as his mouth slanted over mine. He kissed me hungrily, like he’d been starving for it the way I had, like he’d been holding back for years. His tongue stroked between my lips as he pinned my arms over my head, then slid his palms from wrist to elbow to the sides of my ribs. His cock, thick and hard, pressed against my thigh, sending electric pulses of anticipation throughout my body.

He’s going to be inside me, I thought. He’s going to link his body with mine and it’s going to feel so good to be that close to him. Finally. Fucking finally.

I kicked off my heels, and heard his shoes hit the floor too. Slipping his forearm beneath my lower back, he moved me up the mattress, closer to the headboard so our bodies were pressed together from head to heel.

I wrapped both legs around one of his. “God, I want you,” I whispered. Even the feel of his muscular thigh between my legs was enough to have me rocking my hips beneath him. I’d dreamed about this night for so long.

“Fuck, I can’t wait to taste you.” His mouth moved down my neck, and I threaded my fingers into his hair. Every nerve ending in my body was tingling, every inch of my skin on fire. One question echoed inside my head.

“Is this real?” I whispered.

“God, I hope so.” He kissed my shoulder, my collarbone, my breast through the clingy black material of my dress, before bringing his lips back up to mine. “You’re making me crazy tonight.”