Custom Built Page 43

   His eyes fill with love. “I’m crazy about you. Of course I’m going to do anything to look after you and make sure you’re going to be here, right by my side.”

   I drink half the glass of wine. “I have to admit, I didn’t see this one coming. It’s hard to mourn something that was such a surprise, but here I am.”

   And it hurts so damn much, I don’t even know how I’m functioning right now.

   “It would have been the best surprise, but it wasn’t meant to be. That doesn’t mean we won’t get our time, our happily ever after with a family,” he says, kissing me and then leaving me to get dressed. My life has never had so much going on in it before, not even when I was Nadia’s assistant, and I don’t know how I keep getting myself into trouble.

   It’s like just when you think something is over, something else pops up. My dad would have said that anything that happens, anything that scares you, is character building.

   The problem is, I don’t know who I’m going to turn into if my life keeps going like this. I don’t want to lose who I am, but I’m going to need to adapt, become harder and stronger.

   Crow is like a superhero, and I’m not even at sidekick level yet.

   “Crow!” I call out.

   “Yeah?” he replies, sticking his head into my bedroom. “More wine?”

   I smile. “I’d love some more wine, but that’s not why I called you. I was wondering, could you teach me how to shoot a gun?”

   He studies me for a few seconds, mind working, before he replies, “Yeah, I can teach you how to shoot a gun.”

   “And some self-defense?” I press.

   He nods. “Of course. Anything else?”

   “Yeah,” I reply. “Can you come and keep me warm?”

   He smiles and steps into the room fully, pulling off his T-shirt and showing off that beautiful body of his. I watch as he slinks around the room, removing his shoes and putting them in the corner with his clothes, until he’s naked and slides into the bed next to me, kissing my cheek.

   He just holds me all night, and it’s just what I need.


* * *


   “I’m so sorry he got to you before we got to him,” Neville says, reaching over and touching my arm. I didn’t tell him about the miscarriage, because he feels guilty enough, and I know how that feels.

   I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

   Apparently Uncle Neville had planned on storming into Jasper’s house the next morning and taking him down.

   The next morning.

   That’s how unlucky I am.

   There was a holdup because Jasper had left town and no one could locate him for a few days there. He had only returned the same day he came after me at the garage.

   I think we underestimated him.

   “It’s not your fault,” I say. “And he’s behind bars now, so that’s something. I hope he gets put away for a very long time.”

   “He will be. And when he gets out...let’s just say I’m someone who likes to hold a grudge,” he replies in a dry tone.

   “What’s happening with”

   He hesitates before answering. “After recent events, I can’t trust that my family will be left unharmed if I walk away. I don’t think there is any walking away in this...line of work. On the top is the only place that’s safe for me. I don’t know what I’m going to do yet, but trying to retire made me lose my only sibling, and I don’t want to lose anything or anyone else. Right now I have power. The power to protect Abbie, and you, and anyone else I love. If I let go of that, I don’t know what will happen. I’m trapped.”

   I can see it from his point of view. I guess it would be hard to walk away. He’d probably have to leave the city and move somewhere else, somewhere where no one would know him. “You do whatever you need to do. But I’m always here if you need something.”

   He smiles at me like I’m being cute, but I do mean it. “I appreciate that, Bronte.”

   “Your daughter is dropping in for lunch tomorrow if you want to come and eat with us,” I say. “We’ve all never caught up properly before. I think we need to start doing that.”

   “I agree,” he says. “I’d love to have lunch with you both.”

   He leaves, promising to return tomorrow, and as I continue working on my computer, one thought crosses my mind.

   Is life going to be normal now?

   Crow walks in, another bright printed shirt spread across his large, muscular body. “Babe, you want to go for a quick ride? Prez wants me to go and pick up something, and I thought we could go to the range and have a shoot. You wanted to learn, and I’m going to teach you.”

   I grin.

   I don’t think my life with a Knight is ever going to be normal, and I love that.

   I love him.


* * *


   The next few months just whizz by. I get the payout from my dad’s will, I rent out his house, and I make a huge donation in his name to the children’s hospital. I give a chuck of money to Nadia, so she doesn’t have to stress over money anymore and can keep her business going. She initially refused, but then only agreed when I became a silent partner. So now I partially own the business that I was laid off from. Crazy how life works, right?

   I try to give some to Abbie, but she declines, telling me she has enough money. Jasper ended up in prison, serving a long sentence for murder, and Jean is safely out of town with her daughter.

   “Do you feel safer now?” Nadia asks me, sitting at my work desk at Fast & Fury and eating carrot sticks and hummus.

   “I do,” I admit to her. “But I also feel even safer knowing I can now operate a firearm and do basic self-defense. If something happens, I can try to fight back, not just have to run away like last time and hope for the best.”

   I’ll never allow myself to be that weak and vulnerable again. I learned that the women at the MC all know basic fighting skills, and they all know how to shoot a gun. I think it’s left me feeling a little more confident now, and I will continue to take classes to keep getting better and toning up my new skills.

   Crow comes up behind me and places his hands on my shoulders, massaging the knots there.

   He’s been my saving grace through this whole thing. He has pulled me through the depression after losing the baby, something I still struggle with every day, but I’m still able to smile, to go to work, and to enjoy my life.

   And I owe that all to him, and my own strength.