Masquerade Page 47

Mimi was released to her family, and Schuyler waited with her grandfather at the entrance of the Ducal Palace for their speedboat to arrive.

"Are they going to arrest the Martins?" Schuyler asked.

Lawrence looked up to the sky. "Yes, a team of Venators was already sent to their town house. But they won't find them there."

"Why not?"

"Because they will already have disappeared," Lawrence said. "It will not be easy to catch them."

"Did you know?"

"Not until you read the truth in the blood memory. I suspected, but I did not know. It is not the same thing."

"So why did you do nothing?"

"Nothing?" Lawrence asked with a smile. "I saved an innocent girl from death. I wouldn't call that nothing."

"But you should have sent someone to Kingsley's..."

"Not without proof."

"But you waited--and they are gone."

Lawrence nodded. "Yes, they are gone. But at least we know we were on the right track. Priscilla DuPont was killed not just as a show of their growing power, but because she had come close to discovering who was harboring the Silver Blood on the Conclave. In fact, she was about to confront the perpetrator when the explosion happened."

"She was going to name the Martins?"

"I believe so."

"So what does that prove?"

"It proves Cordelia and I were right all along."

"But with the Martins gone..."

"The Martins were not the only suspects," Lawrence said. "They were merely foot soldiers, pawns, made to do the bidding of their masters. If what she told me is true, there is another family, still in the dark, who harbors the Silver Blood, who has been instrumental in bringing about Lucifer's return."

"Who?" "That, Schuyler, is what we have to find out."

Schuyler processed this information. The Martins had shown their hand, but there was still a puppet master offstage manipulating the strings. She thought of the files Priscilla DuPont had collected before she had died.

"Grandfather, whatever happened to Maggie Stanford? Does anyone know?"

Lawrence shook his head. "No."

The Forces--Charles, Jack, and Mimi--walked out of the courtroom together. Relief was evident in all of their faces.

Jack approached Schuyler. "Thank you," he said simply.

You kissed me, Schuyler thought. She remembered what else he had said that night...How do you know he's not interested? You might be surprised.

Did he know she knew?

She wanted to touch his cheek, to kiss his soft skin again, but she saw Mimi scowling. Even if Mimi Force owed her her life, it didn't mean she was going to be nice to Schuyler any time soon.

"You're welcome," she told Jack.

Charles joined them. "When we return to New York, I'll have my driver come by and pick up your belongings. We've already cleared the guest bedroom for you. I think you'll find it to your liking."

"What are you talking about?" Schuyler asked.

"Yeah, Dad, what the hell?" Mimi interrupted.

"Your grandfather has failed to mention it, I see." Charles smiled grimly. "Lawrence, you might have won the leadership of the Coven, but I have won the adoption battle. Schuyler, the Red Blood courts have decided, in their infinite wisdom, to put you in my custody."


"It's true. The appeals have been rejected," Lawrence said, his head bowed low. "Charles, I did not realize you would insist on this. I'm sorry, Schuyler. I'll continue to fight it, but for now, you're going to have to live with the Forces. Charles, there is no need to send for Schuyler. I will drop her off myself."

Mimi glared at Schuyler, while Jack only looked shocked. Live with them?

Were they crazy?

Schuyler looked from one twin to the other, and realized she had just survived the blood trial only to find herself facing a new and more complicated challenge.