Sweet Peril Page 89

Three older nuns were kneeling in front of a crucifix. Their guardian angels stood over them, keeping a loving vigil. Candles flickered around the room. Kope sat in the third row with his head lowered. I stepped into the room and was immediately overwhelmed with emotion so pure, so peaceful, I had to bite back tears. After the previous night, it was hard to believe there was a crevice of the earth untainted by the Dukes’ hatred.

Zania joined me, and I motioned my head toward Kope. She swallowed, but nodded, walking forward and sliding into the pew next to him. I sat on the end beside her and she took my hand. I peeked back at Kaidan and Blake, who stood respectfully in the hall, leaning against the wall. They wouldn’t come in.

“I have never prayed,” Zania whispered to me. “Will you teach me?”

I clamped my mouth closed. Despite being capable of wielding the Sword of Righteousness, I still felt inadequate.

“I just . . . talk,” I explained in a whisper. “How about I do the talking and you can listen. Okay?”

She nodded, looking just as nervous as I felt. But when I bowed my head and she followed suit, we inclined toward each other and together we became lost in the peace of the moment. By the end her face was wet and I instinctively wiped her tears with the back of my fingers.

“Thank you,” she whispered. “You have done so much for me, sister.”

“You’re welcome. I’m so glad you’re here with us.”

I hugged her and she gave me a one-armed hug in return. I glanced down to see her other hand holding Kope’s. I didn’t know who’d initiated the contact, but it made me so happy. I gave her a wink and she bit her lip against an unsure smile. It was that moment when I knew for certain that though it would not be easy for Zania, she would make it. She would be okay. And so would Kopano.

We said our good-byes and took Kope to the airport. I hugged him, and he slapped hands with Blake, bumping shoulders. I was thankful to see he and Kai share a meaningful look when they shook hands. No smiles, but something apologetic passed between them.

Blake insisted on renting a car to drive himself back to Santa Barbara that day. I felt bad that he had to do that, but he was as laid-back as always, pleased about picking out a convertible. He lifted me off my feet when he hugged me, reminding me of Jay until he licked my cheek and said, “Yep, you’re salty,” before placing me back on my feet. Leave it to Blake.

Kaidan thumped Blake’s ear. “Keep your tongue to yourself.”

The two of them hugged, slapping backs. I was sad to see Blake go.

I didn’t let go of Kaidan’s hand the whole way to his apartment. I knew he had to be as hungry as me, even hungrier, but when we got to his place we went straight to the couch, snuggling while we awaited my father. There would be time to eat later, but who knew how long it would be until we could touch again? I had a horrible fear Dad was going to pull some you-can’t-talk-to-each-other-again stunt. I tried to mentally prepare myself for that argument. Kaidan and I would have to take extreme care, now more than ever. For all I knew, there could be a hit against me this very moment. The Dukes could decide to have another Great Purge, cleansing the earth of all Neph. But we had Dad, and he had connections, so I refused to lose hope.

I jumped when Dad’s knuckles rapped on the door. Kai gave me one last affectionate look before getting up to open it. The two of them nodded at each other, and Dad came in without a word. He remained standing, appearing too agitated to sit. Kai leaned against the door with his arms crossed.

“I heard them talking when they got back to Vegas. Flynn is dead,” Dad stated.

I swallowed hard and nodded.

“What happened yesterday?” Dad asked me.

I got straight to the point, telling him how the Dukes came to the island and we’d had to hide. “They talked about the prophecy. Rahab knows I’m the one. They want to kill me and maybe kill us all. They know there’s a traitor, but Flynn wouldn’t tell them anything.”

“Tell me exactly what they said. Every word from the beginning.”

He sat next to me on the black leather couch now, listening as Kaidan and I told every detail. Kai never moved from his spot against the door. A brutal look came over Dad’s face and we were quiet for a while.

“I’ll put tails on the Dukes,” Dad said, still staring off in thought.

“What about Jezebet and her daughter?” I asked. “The Dukes can use them to know you’re lying.” I gasped, feeling strangled. “They must already know! You lied at that summit!”

“Jezebet is an ally.” Dad’s voice was calm and I stared at him. So many secrets. I wondered how many other unknown allies we had, but he would never tell me. Need to know basis.

“And her daughter?” I asked, thinking about the creepy girl on the boat.

He shook his head. “Caterina. She wasn’t in New York for that summit. Too young. She just started training. Jezebet has an older daughter, too, an elderly woman who raised the girl. Neither of them are ally material.”

I shivered, remembering Caterina’s dark glee.

My mind wandered to Flynn and my heart wailed. “Daddy . . .” I whispered. His eyes found mine and I went on. “Why didn’t anyone intervene for Flynn? I thought the angels would come for him, but they didn’t.”

He just looked at me, so sad, without answering. Because that was the way it was for the Neph. Good or bad, our fate was hell after death. I shook my head and lowered my face to my hands. It was wrong. I couldn’t understand it. I didn’t want to think about what Flynn was experiencing right now after having been so brave on earth.