Sweet Evil Page 24

“I know what we are now.” I wished my voice weren’t shaky.

“Congratulations.” He stood over me for a second more, savoring his power, no doubt, and then walked away, tossing the knife in the general direction of the dartboard and hitting the bull’s-eye. Never missing a beat, he swaggered to a white couch with oversize pillows. He fell back onto it, propping his big, black boots on the white cushions and lounging back with arms spread wide across the back of the sofa. He stared as if daring me to talk.

I had no idea what to say or do. I didn’t know anymore why I’d come. Had I just wanted to barge in and say, Ha, I know what we are! and then demand information?

His face tilted upward with a jerk and his eyes lost their focus, as if listening to something far away. He jumped up from the couch and rushed toward me. I tried to step back, but he grabbed my shoulders, pressing his lips hard against my ear.

“My father is here!”

Fear paralyzed me.

A demon. A real demon was here, right now. I hadn’t factored in this possibility. I’d thought he would be in New York. I wanted to run, but Kaidan pulled me toward the couch and pushed me onto the cushions. He ripped open the front of my blouse, and I sucked in a breath to scream.

Kaidan put a finger hard against my lips to shush me, then grabbed a blanket from the arm of the couch and threw it at me. He swiped his own shirt over his head and motioned for me to take mine off. I didn’t know what was going on, but fear prompted me to follow his lead, wiggling out of my shirt while keeping my chest covered by the blanket.

Kaidan leaned over me. Oh, my gosh. A half-naked half demon was burying his face in my neck! His hot, smooth shoulder pressed against mine. A thrill of pleasure shot through my confusion and fear. I felt the heat of his mouth on my shoulder, and gripped the couch cushion with my hands to keep them from going where they wanted to be, which was anywhere on him.

When the basement door was flung open I let out an involuntary yelp. Kaidan pulled away a tad, but stayed in front of me, turning his head to the door.

“Father.” Kaidan addressed him in a subdued, respectful tone.

I peered under Kaidan’s arm at the tall man who stood there wearing a black suit with a baby blue tie that matched his eyes. His hair was darker than Kaidan’s, cut shorter, and gelled back with a gentle wave. He had a red starburst three times the size of his son’s. The handsome demon man smiled lightly as he took in the sight of the two of us. It even seemed as if he sidestepped to get a better look at me. I pulled up the blanket that had slipped down and revealed my bra.

“My apologies, son. I didn’t realize you had company.” As he moved toward me to eye me more closely I could have sworn his eyes flashed red for an instant. His voice chilled the room. “I never imagined you’d care to entertain female Nephilim.”

“I don’t normally.” Kaidan stood now and moved away from me. “She caught me while I was bored and alone after practice.”

His father sniffed and wiped his nose, as if there were an unpleasant odor in the air.

“You will come up for tea. Both of you.”

He turned and went up the stairs. Kaidan closed his eyes and balled his fists at his sides. My heart was hammering. I rushed to get my shirt back on, pushing clumsy arms through the sleeves, and was horrified to see two buttons had popped off in the middle. I held it shut with trembling hands. Kaidan picked up his red T-shirt from the floor and tossed it at me. I turned away from him and switched shirts. His was gigantic on me, but it was better than exposure. I tried to ignore the fact that it smelled like a total dream: woodsy and citrusy and masculine.

I followed Kaidan up the stairs, attempting to convince myself that having tea with a demon and his knife-slinging son was nothing to be scared about.

We came to a formal living room, where Kaidan’s father sat in an armchair and motioned for me to sit on the love seat nearest him. Kaidan leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his bare chest. His father looked up at him and chuckled low.

“Look at my boy standing there,” he said to me. “Such a caveman. Son, find a shirt and join us.”

Kaidan walked out as a woman came in carrying a tray with a delicate tea set. She poured three cups of steaming tea, and then looked to Mr. Rowe for approval. He gave her a crooked smile, causing her aura to redden, and then he nodded her away with a pat on her bottom before returning his attention to me. Gah!

“What is your name?”

My throat was too dry to answer on my first attempt, so I swallowed and tried again. “Anna.”

“Anna, my name is Pharzuph, but among humans I go by Richard Rowe. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a badge so unusual.” He stared at my chest with a bit too much interest, and I had to refrain from crossing my arms. Kaidan came back in wearing a black shirt and sat on the love seat, keeping clear distance between us.

“Do I recognize the color of Belial?” Pharzuph asked. I didn’t like how he spoke, as if he were practicing his lazy, sexy drawl on me.

“I... I’m sorry?” I asked.

“Belial is your father’s dark angel name,” Kaidan explained.

“Surely she knows that,” Pharzuph scoffed. But as he looked at me he got that same look of confusion Kaidan had worn the night we met.

I coughed and swallowed again, keeping my breathing even in hopes of calming my aura. I wanted to take a drink of the tea to wet my throat, but I didn’t want to spill it.

“I just found out I’m Nephilim. Kaidan explained some things to me.”