Insidious Page 17

“Fifty thousand? All I have to do is sign and I have fifty thousand dollars? The only stipulation is that I can’t tell anyone what happened here today?”

He leaned back and nodded. “Darling, your mother’s little secret shopping issue would be nothing for you if you sign the other contract. Within reason, your access to my fortune won’t be restricted. You’ll not only live in the best of the best, vacation at the most exclusive Spas and Suites, but you’ll have whatever you desire. Fifty thousand wouldn’t even be a limit on one of your charge cards.”

“But, why me? And what will I have to do for all of that?” My voice was gaining confidence with each question.

“Why you? Randall. But that was only the beginning. I’ve watched you; I saw how incredible you are. I waited for you to become legal. Then today, I saw that you’re everything I imagined and more: so sexual, so responsive. I could have so much fun with you. That would be what you’d need to do: let me do what I want with that sexy body.”

Goose bumps materialized. “What does that mean? Will you hurt me?”

He leaned forward. “When I twisted your nipples, did it hurt?”

I looked down and back up to his eyes. I refused to let him intimidate me with the subject of my own body. “Yes, it did.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

Blood rushed toward my cheeks. “It hurt, but then you made it feel better.”


“I guess I liked it.”

“As Mrs. Harrington, your pleasure, as well as your pain, will work together toward my pleasure. You’ll be my wife and my whore. Ms. Madison will be responsible for getting you ready for the role of my wife. She’ll teach you how to act, respond, and how to deal with some of the issues that’ll arise. I’ll assume the responsibility of teaching you about your sexual role.”

My sexual role? What the hell? One thing at a time. “Ms. Madison?” I asked.

“You met her when you arrived.”

“Lisa?” I asked.

“Well, yes, Lisa. Interesting that she gave you her first name.”

“What if I try this and I can’t do it?”

“Look through the documents. Everything is spelled out: what will happen if I chose to terminate the contract, what will happen if you chose to terminate it, as well as other options. You should read it all carefully before you decide.”

I couldn’t believe I was actually considering this. “When do you need an answer?”

“Tomorrow morning, by seven-thirty. If you choose to sign the nondisclosure statement then you have school to attend. If you choose to fulfill the contract, we have a wedding in less than a week.”

“B-But what about my graduation?”

“You will graduate. I’m one of the biggest donors at the academy. They will not refuse my wife’s graduation.

I stood. “I guess I need your number so that I can call you in the morning.”

“No.” He smirked.


“You’ll be staying here tonight. During that time you can speak to Ms. Madison and ask her questions. If in the morning, you opt for leaving, Travis will drive you to class.”

“I’m not sleeping with you. I’m not agreeing to that as part of the deliberation process.”

Playfully, Stewart put his hands in the air. “My cock will not enter that tight little pussy until you ask for it. Until you beg for it.”

Jerk! “Well, then that will make our arranged marriage rather easy on my part. I have no intentions of begging for anything.”

“Really? I barely touched you today and you creamed those pretty little panties of yours. I’m confident that you’ll be begging to have my dick inside of you before we tie the knot.”

I suddenly thought of Val and her ice cream, waiting for my return. “I-I need to call Val.”

“Of course. She’ll be concerned; however, at this time, the nondisclosure is effectively in place, since both options include that clause.”

I gripped the back of the chair. How was this happening? “I have to speak to her. What can I tell her?”

Stewart grinned. “Victoria, you are truly my dream. If there is any more I can do to entice you to sign that contract, don’t be shy about a counteroffer.”

He didn’t know the truth. All his research didn’t tell him that I wasn’t a dream: I was a nightmare. I’d been told that my whole life. Pushing those thoughts away, I replied, “That doesn’t answer my question. I don’t lie to my sister.”

“Did you tell her about Wesley? Did you tell her about the job with the insurance company or the deposit you put on that small apartment?”

His intimate knowledge of my personal life was starting to piss me off. “I eventually told her about Wesley. I will tell her about the apartment and job. I didn’t want to worry her right now. She still thinks I’m going to the University of Miami.”

“So, darling, my point is that you have indeed lied to your sister.” His blonde brows lowered, and his eyes squinted. “You won’t lie to me. As you can see, I have ways of learning things.”

“I can tell her that it was a meeting about a possible opportunity and since it was elaborate, I’m staying in the city, at a fancy hotel. She’ll be excited for me.” That wasn’t a lie. She would be. My sister could take any scenario and make it optimistic. I on the other hand was unsure if it were possible to spin this whole thing to the positive. “Now, where am I to stay?”