Insidious Page 96

I looked back to Wesley. “We did, sir. Years ago.”

Playfully, Carlisle pushed against Wesley’s shoulder. “Before she was married? And you let her go? What’s wrong with you?”

Crimson graced Wesley’s cheeks.

Carlisle looked back to me. “Perhaps one day you’ll forgive my son. We all make choices when we’re young that we regret with time.”

“I’m afraid, sir, it wasn’t that serious. Wesley and I were friends.”

“Pity,” Carlisle said. “A beautiful woman like you would be an asset to our family.”

My chin rose indignantly. He knew. I knew he knew. However, his words didn’t feel like a threat, more like a show of support.

Before I could respond, Wesley said, “Victoria, please forgive my father. He seems to think the family name is dead. I’ve told him that twenty-eight isn’t that old, but he married my mother young.”

Finding my voice, I smiled. “Please, Mr. Albini, since I’m only twenty-eight, I hope you don’t consider that age too old. As you know, I’m now a widow.”

He nodded and looked down. When our eyes met, the spark I’d seen only moments ago had extinguished. “Niccolo tells me that your husband’s passing will not affect our business? I wanted to discuss it with you myself.”

“Your brother is correct. I have no plans to make any rash changes. I’d be glad to discuss it further; however, I’m on my way to a meeting.”

Both Wesley and Carlisle nodded. “Another time. Good day, Mrs. Harrington.” Carlisle reached out and gently seized my arm. Quietly, he whispered, “Your husband’s passing opened a few doors that were better left closed. Please know that your allegiance to our family is appreciated. I’m sorry about your mother. I believe that was meant for me. The two of us…” he nodded toward Wesley. “…were also friends a long time ago. Rest assured, those doors I mentioned will soon be closed and you have nothing to fear.”

“Thank you, Mr. Albini.”

“Carlisle,” he corrected.

I nodded as I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. “Carlisle.”

Reaching into the breast pocket of his silk suit coat, he handed me a card. “Mrs. Harrington, this is my personal number, one I rarely share. If you need anything, call.”

I wrapped my fingers around the business card and did my best to remain stoic as I asked. “That lack of fear you mentioned? I’m new to all of this, but does it include my family?”

Carlisle and Wesley nodded in unison.

“Thank you, Carlisle… Wesley.” I nodded to each of them. “I hope that call isn’t necessary.”

“From now on, Mrs. Harrington, the Albinis will be there for you, as if you were part of this family. Mistakes have been made, but rest assured, we do not abandon family.”

I smiled. I’d already said thank you a thousand times. As I watched Carlisle and Wesley walk away I thought I heard Speak Softly Love playing in the background. Shaking my head I decided it was a definite improvement over Fatal Lullaby. When I didn’t move, Travis touched the small of my back directing me toward the elevators. A moment later, I felt his hand tense. When I looked up, my eyes met the aquamarine I’d been waiting to see.

I turned toward Travis. “Give me a minute. I know Parker’s waiting, but I asked Brody to be here for my mother.”

Though I was speaking, Travis’ narrowed gaze never left Brody.

“Yes, Mrs. Harrington,” came from his clenched jaws.

Asshole! What the fuck was his problem? That damn contract wasn’t real. Travis had no right to judge whom I saw or didn’t see. I could be with whomever I wanted. I didn’t say that, standing in the hospital corridor, but I made a mental note to mention it once we were in the car. In the meantime, I bit my tongue, shook my head at Travis’ evident disapproval, and walked toward Brody. When I neared, I smiled up at his beautiful eyes; however, the closer I came, the more obvious it was that my pleasure at seeing him wasn’t reciprocated.

“Brody? What’s the matter? Where have you been?”

Seizing my hand, he pulled me down the hall. The first small room we came to was occupied by an older couple. Silently, we moved down the hallway until we came to a family bathroom.

“What the fuck?” I murmured as he pushed me inside with him and secured the lock. Scanning the tile bathroom I wrinkled my nose and said, “This is gross. What are you doing?”

“Vik, a better damn question is what are you doing?”

I opened my palm and read Carlisle Albini in scrolled lettering. Shrugging, I tucked the card inside of my purse. “I’m on my way to your office.”

Brody paced the incredibly small space. “My office? Craven and Knowles, why?”

“Parker called… well, Trish called. She said he wants to see me. It’s urgent.”

Brody moved toward me. His hands palmed the wall on either side of my face, creating a cage with his strong arms. Pushing his body closer, he pressed me backward. When my sore ass hit the wall, a moan escaped my lips.”

“What’s the matter, baby?”

I reached up and caressed his cheek. His soft stubble felt familiar under my fingertips. His warm skin and fresh scent filled my senses, easing my aches and pains. He was my normal, my promise for a real life. “Nothing, Brody,” I sighed. “I just don’t know what has you all uptight?”