Revealed: The Missing Years Page 26

It’d been a long few days. As the memories of everything began to quiet and much-needed rest crept upon John’s tired body, he did his best to find a comfortable position in the hospital recliner by Claire’s bed. So far, Anthony hadn’t attempted to break the restraining order, and the police were still present. After all, she’d recently been officially booked and charged with attempted murder. John’s only disagreement with the charge was the victim. Claire would never try to kill Catherine.

Just as sleep was about to win, the hospital door opened and Emily entered carrying the car seat Roach had given them only a few days ago. John rushed forward, kissed Emily’s cheek, and reached for the small seat. “You shouldn’t be carrying this all over.”

Emily scoffed. “I’m fine. I’m tired, but carrying Nichol isn’t going to hurt our baby. She barely weighs a thing.”

His brow scrunched as he lifted the pink blanket. “Hi, little girl, why don’t you weigh more? Aren’t you eating for your Aunt Em?”

Stifling a giggle, Emily answered. “Oh, no. She’s finally eating—and, boy, is she eating. I think maybe we’re finding a routine.”

John lifted Nichol, removing her from the confines of the straps and blankets as her little legs kicked. “I think she likes getting free of that seat.” He glanced toward the bed. Though the monitors hadn’t changed their monotonous beeps, Claire’s eyes were open. John walked toward the bed. “Claire, look who came to see you. Can you please sit up?” Instead of moving, her eyes shut as if not hearing or recognizing the commotion around her.

“Claire, why don’t you sit up? I’ll get you some water,” Emily prompted. More out of obedience, as Emily pushed the buttons on the bed, Claire moved herself to a sitting position. Once she was upright, Emily handed her a Styrofoam cup with a straw. When Claire didn’t reach for it, Emily placed it closer. Claire leaned forward, and sucked from the straw. Lowering the side rail, Emily scooted next to her sister. “Hi, sweetie, I know you’re hearing me. I think Nichol needs her mommy. What do you think?”

Again, she didn’t respond.

John came forward and placed Nichol across Claire’s lap. Emily encouraged Claire’s movements while her daughter kicked with glee, rooting toward her mother. Unfazed, Claire sat stoically, gazing not at her beautiful child, but toward the blind-covered window. When Nichol’s cries broke the trance, hers weren’t the only cheeks that were damp.

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

—FBI oath of office

Associated Press:

Iowa City, Iowa, USA

The Iowa City Police Department has finally confirmed that Anthony Rawlings, missing CEO of Rawlings Industries, has been located and arrested in regard to an alleged incident occurring at his estate outside of Iowa City, Iowa, USA. This alleged incident also included Claire Nichols Rawlings, who was reported missing on September 4, 2013, by Mr. Rawlings himself.

According to Iowa City police records, unbeknownst to family and friends, Anthony and Claire Rawlings remarried at an undisclosed location in October of 2013. It has not been confirmed, but it has been mentioned that the two wed outside of the United States. Mrs. Rawlings’s family confirmed that while missing, the couple gave birth to a daughter. No more information regarding the child has been released.

In regard to the alleged incident, Mr. Anthony Rawlings has been charged with intimidation, eluding federal agents, assault with the intent to commit bodily harm, two counts of false imprisonment, and accessory to commit murder. Mrs. Claire Rawlings has been charged with attempted murder. The alleged victim was identified as Ms. Catherine London, a longtime employee of Anthony Rawlings. She is still hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, said to be the result of a single gunshot.

The motive for the return of this high-profile couple, as well as the motive for the alleged crime, has not been disclosed.

The door bounced off the wall as Agent Baldwin determinedly entered SAC William’s office in the San Francisco FBI field office. Indignantly, Agent Williams looked up, disgust evident in his expression. “Baldwin, I assume your entry is in relation to your resignation.”

“Sir,” Harry managed through gritted teeth. “The Associated Press? I devote over a year of my life and career to a case, and I learn that Rawlings and Claire have been arrested in Iowa from the Associated Press?”

“It’s no longer your concern.”

“That’s bullshit,” Harry replied as he threw the printed press release on Agent Williams’ desk. “I know I was no longer their contact, but you know I have a personal interest in this case.”

Agent Williams pressed his lips together, deliberating his response. After a prolonged, uncomfortable silence he said, “Yes, Agent, I’m well aware of your personal connection, as are many others. That does not give you the right to barge into my office or to demand information. Do I need to remind you of your position within the FBI?”

“Sir, my reviews have been outstanding since leaving the Rawlings case. I just want to know what the FBI has done for the Rawlings.”

“You just… really, Agent? Would you like me to perhaps log you into their private files?”