Revealed: The Missing Years Page 33

“It’s all right. There’s nothing I haven’t already heard or thought about. It was a little uncomfortable for a while, but John wasn’t hired because he was Claire’s brother-in-law. He was hired at SiJo because of his ability.”

“But you left SiJo right after that. I hope I wasn’t the cause. We miss you,” John said.

“That wasn’t it at all. I missed police work. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go back with the California Bureau of Investigation.”

“It’s nice that you can still consult with SiJo. You obviously care a lot about your sister’s company,” John replied.

The three of them chatted as Nichol slept contently in her aunt’s arms. It wasn’t until the subject of Claire’s current condition came up that the tension seemed to seep in from the corners of the room. It was one of the first times they’d discussed Claire outside of their legal team.

“After what I’ve heard, I’m a little nervous to see her. My visit won’t upset her, will it?” Harry asked.

Emily shook her head. “I doubt it. She probably won’t even realize you’re there.” Her voice turned stern. “Harry, we can trust you, can’t we?”

“Of course you can.”

“Very few people have been allowed to see my sister. It’s been solely for her protection. She’s not doing well. I know she wouldn’t want the media learning the truth about her state of mind.”

Harry sat straight. “I would never talk to the media.”

John smiled. “We know that. It’s just that we need to be sure. Please be careful about what you tell others too.”

“Liz?” Harry asked.

Emily nodded. “She’s nice enough around us—really she is. And I’m thrilled to see you happy, but I get the feeling she didn’t like or maybe even still doesn’t like Claire. I don’t blame her either. Amber told me that you dated Liz and broke up with her right before Claire moved to Palo Alto. But my point is that I would hate for you to say something to her that she might repeat to someone else. You know how it goes.”

“I won’t. She doesn’t know I’m here.”

John glanced at Emily’s wide eyes and back to Harry. “Why?”

“You’re right. She isn’t a fan of Claire’s and I was worried. I hoped that you’d let me see her and tell me more about what happened, but Liz wouldn’t understand my concern. She’d think I was somehow trying to rekindle…” Harry’s voice faded.

“Oh, how I wish you were,” Emily mused. “But Claire isn’t ready for anything like that. You’ll see when you visit.”

“So, when you return, please don’t say anything about my visit,” Harry said.

“No worries. I won’t,” John said. “And Emily doesn’t know when she’ll be back.”

Emily smiled. “I can’t leave Claire in the place where she is. I go there every day and so does John. In her condition, I worry about how she’d be treated if we weren’t on them, twenty-four-seven. And then there’s Nichol…”

Harry’s blue eyes dulled. “A little girl…” His words trailed away not finishing his sentence.

“Would you like to hold her?” Emily asked as she stood.

“I’m not good with babies,” Harry admitted. “I’d better not. I have the feeling her parents wouldn’t approve.”

Walking toward him, Emily lowered Nichol toward Harry’s lap. “They’re not here. We are and we approve. You’re a good friend and it’s sweet of you to travel all this way after what Claire did to you.”

Hesitantly, Harry cradled his arms and accepted a sleeping Nichol. After a long gaze into the blankets, he looked up with his toothy grin. “She has her mommy’s nose and lips.”

“She does,” Emily agreed, gleefully.

“Her eyes?” Harry asked.

John’s lips pressed together before he replied, “Are dark brown.”

Acceptingly, Harry nodded. “I assumed. I just wondered.”

Walking from the room, Emily’s voice was barely audible as she said, “I wish they were blue.”

John tried to avoid Harry’s gaze as Harry shrugged with a sad smile.

Since Claire was technically under arrest and not fit to be in a jail cell, the court moved her to a state-funded institution for further tests and treatment. The state institution required an array of clearances prior to visiting a patient. John and Emily had already filed the necessary authorization for Harrison Baldwin. All that was needed on his part was to show his identification and sign the visitor’s log.

Each step down the corridor filled John with dread. As much as he hated the old hospital room where Claire had been, he hated this new place more. There were noises and murmurings coming from the closed doors along the hall. Because Claire still had her pending charges, her room was beyond more locked doors. However, her room was empty. Hurriedly, John searched, finding her in a common area. She was sitting in a wheelchair, still dressed in her hospital gown with her hair a tangled mess.

John’s face burned as anger built behind his deceptively calm facade. He turned to the attendant. “Why the hell is she out here?”

“All patients get time out of their rooms.”

Harry stood helpless as John took the lead and knelt before Claire. “Good morning, Claire.”