Revealed: The Missing Years Page 77

John did know background on that, and though he appreciated Harry’s candor, he couldn’t reciprocate. It was Rawlings Industries, more specifically Roger Cunningham from Shedis-tics, who got the ball rolling on securing SiJo’s future. It was done as discreetly as possible. Apparently, Anthony didn’t want it to appear that Shedis-tics was priming the pump for a takeover. The instructions were painfully clear: it was strictly a rescue mission. SiJo would remain an independent company.

“We’ll see what the future holds. Liz isn’t sure how she feels about a seven-year-old daughter, and I get it. I’m hoping that once she gets to know Ilona and her husband, she’ll feel more secure. I think she’s worried about my being around my ex, but there’s nothing to fear. We were kids when we married. I want a relationship with Jillian, and even though I’ll be in North Carolina and Liz will be in California for right now, we hope to make it work. Our plan is to be together in North Carolina eventually. I’m thankful that Liz is supporting me.”

John listened as Emily asked more questions and Harry willingly answered. It was so much to process, too many pieces of the puzzle that seemed to forever remain unfinished. Despite the deception, there was something pure and sad in the man before them. He’d followed his dream career and figured out that nothing compared to his family. Harry talked about the sense of loss with Amber. Even his mother was upset that he didn’t use his role with the FBI to help his sister. He felt completely disconnected, until Ilona reached out to him. Through their conversations, Harry realized that Jillian was his family—his anchor. He wasn’t alone. He had roots, if only he was willing to step up and accept them. He’d chosen the FBI over his family once. He wouldn’t do that again.

There was more than that in Harry’s visit. There was the information about Rawlings. John couldn’t comprehend that Anthony and Claire had given up their security for him and Emily. Then again, he and Emily had given up their life in California for Claire and Nichol. Harry was giving up his dream career for Jillian.

Maybe it wasn’t what you give up—maybe it was what you receive.

Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing.

—Wayne Dyer

“What did they say?” Emily asked for the tenth time.

“I’ve told you. They just said that there’d been a development with Claire and we needed to get to Everwood as soon as possible.”

John watched the passing landmarks as he drove toward Cedar Rapids. To his right, Emily fidgeted with her fingernails as she rested her elbow against the lower edge of the window. No doubt, the early morning traffic was heavier than what she usually experienced on her later drives.

“Did they say what development?”

“Em, I’ve told you the entire conversation, verbatim.”

“Why didn’t you ask? What if something bad happened? We’re supposed to have that meeting this morning, at 8:30 AM, with that aide who’s been working so well with Claire. Do you think Claire took a turn for the worse? I mean, why wouldn’t they just wait and tell us when we got there? It has to be bad. Otherwise, they would’ve just waited.”

John reached over and touched Emily’s arm. “Stop. Stop trying to second-guess. I’m nervous too, but it doesn’t do any good to overanalyze. We don’t have enough information—yet.”

“I bet it has something to do with Dr. Fairfield’s treatment. So help me… if it did something. Oh, John, you didn’t see how distraught she’s been. She paces. She’s uncooperative. That’s not my sister. I mean, she’s made bad decisions and done things that I don’t agree with, but she’s always been cooperative. Even in that damn book, she talked about how cooperative she was. I never should have allowed him to change her medications and treatment regimen. If something bad happened, it’s my fault.”

“Dr. Fairfield explained that those were good signs, that it showed she was becoming more aware of the world around her, instead of living in some make-believe fantasy.”

Emily huffed. “I don’t care what he said. What if she got upset and they had to do something to her… Oh, I hated getting those reports when she needed to be restrained. If they’d just talk to her… that calms her down. She’s what… a hundred and ten pounds. It’s not like she’s dangerous. I don’t understand. So help me… if they had to restrain her again after how well she was doing, I promise I’ll have some heads on a platter, and the first one will be Dr. Fairfield’s.”

John pulled into the gate and down the long tree-lined drive. Truly, the grounds of Everwood were beautiful. He remembered how, even as a child, Claire enjoyed the outdoors. When she was young, her dad used to take her camping. John believed it was good that part of Claire’s daily routine was going outside.

The change in plans both worried and disappointed John. He’d been looking forward to speaking with Claire’s aide, Ms. Russel. Her reports were the most encouraging news they’d received on Claire since her ordeal began. At first, they seemed too good to be true, but her supervisor, Mrs. Bali, confirmed them. The Vandersols had tried to meet with Ms. Russel on other occasions, but each time something caused her to cancel. When Emily’s phone rang this morning, while she was in the shower, John half expected it to be Everwood, canceling yet again. He should have asked more questions, but the call was brief and his initial reaction was relief that the meeting wasn’t cancelled. At least, he didn’t think it was cancelled. Hopefully, after they worked out this development, the meeting could occur.