Revealed: The Missing Years Page 9

Then Tony disappeared.

In the weeks and months that followed, Brent relived their argument a hundred times. His satisfaction at clearing the air wavered with the reality of never seeing Tony or Claire again. Brent and Courtney talked their way through a million scenarios. They hoped and prayed that both of their friends were safe. The part they weren’t sure about, what neither one knew what to pray for, was if Tony and Claire should be together. Brent knew in his heart that Tony wasn’t injured in an emergency plane landing. He knew that the man he’d worked beside and gotten to know as an esteemed businessman and his best friend was out searching for the woman he loved. Through endless hours of deliberation, he and Courtney debated about the missing piece of the puzzle. Why had Claire left?

Neither Brent nor Courtney wanted to believe the story Claire’s sister and brother-in-law spun. They didn’t want to believe that Claire was once again motivated by fear of Tony, yet, with the publication of Meredith Banks’ book, that lingering concern loomed ever-present in both of their minds.

On a whim, Brent contacted Phil Roach. After all, Brent had been the one to hire him in the first place. Being a consummate professional, since Brent was not his client, Roach didn’t divulge anything. And then the call came. Roach had discussed it with Tony, and the lines of communication were opened. Roach explained to Brent, and thus to Courtney, the intricacies of the Rawlingses’ temporary departure. The Simmonses became privy to the real story of their disappearance and Catherine’s role in it all.

Over the years, as situations deemed necessary, Brent mastered the skill of being less than forthcoming. Depending upon the circumstance, the level of difficulty varied. One of the hardest scenarios was Claire’s pardon. To work every day beside Tony and know the answers to all of Tony’s questions, yet remain detached, warranted Brent an Academy Award. There were even a few times when Courtney deserved, at the very least, a nomination for Best Supporting Actress in a drama series. Although the role was sometimes tedious, what fueled Brent’s motivation were the words of Claire’s testimony. He’d remember the frightened young woman who accompanied Tony on a business trip to New York, or the beautiful bride who lived a hidden life of domination. It made Brent physically ill to think of the things that she’d endured at the hands of his friend, the things that occurred right before their eyes, while they’d done nothing to help.

Maybe it was Claire who deserved an Academy Award? After all, neither he nor Courtney knew what was happening behind the iron gates of the Rawlings estate.

Even more difficult than facing Tony day to day while he ranted and raved about Claire’s pardon, had been the past few months of facing Catherine London. Knowing what Brent knew, each inquiry that Ms. London made into Rawlings’ personal financial matters or Rawlings Industries, each time she used her position as executor of Tony’s estate to influence something or the other, Brent’s blood boiled. He had to force himself to return her calls. Sometimes he wouldn’t do it for days, claiming an overwhelming workload or forgetfulness. Each interaction was loathsome. Normally a gentle man, Brent couldn’t interact with her without wishing her physical pain. Her smug countenance grated on him as he contemplated her role in the upheaval of his friends’ lives. After so much time, Brent had come to the conclusion that Tony and Claire were both people he’d grown to love.

The flight attendant refocused Brent’s attention. If there hadn’t been a glitch in the finalization of the proposal, he’d have been home already with Courtney and Claire. He would know what was happening with Roach and Tony at the estate. He might not be in need of more antacid!

The glitch wasn’t big; nonetheless, by spending a few more minutes—that turned into an hour—with the appropriate people, Brent preempted the need to return to Chicago to rectify the potential contractual misinterpretation. He didn’t mind. Taking a commercial flight gave Brent the opportunity to regroup and think about all that was happening. No doubt, if he’d flown back with Sharon Michaels and Derek Burke, they’d have spent the entire flight rehashing the proposal, crunching numbers, and verifying statutes. This alternative gave Brent a moment of uncustomary peace and anonymity.

Even though he wasn’t initially scheduled to be involved with the negotiations, Brent believed the meeting in Chicago had gone exceptionally well. It was his first opportunity to personally witness Derek in action. In hindsight, Brent wondered about the promotion that brought the young man to corporate. It seemed strange that Ms. London had found the necessary requests on Tony’s home computer, but regardless of the mode of hire, Derek Burke appeared to be an asset to Rawlings Industries. Brent wasn’t sure when, or if, Tony would once again be personally involved in the day-to-day workings of Rawlings Industries, but he made a mental note to tell Tony about Burke. He was a natural: professional, eloquent, and a wonder to watch. The young man’s negotiating skills were stellar. With his potential, Brent believed that he had a bright future with Rawlings Industries.

With time to allow his mind to wander, one thought led to another. Thinking about his own day’s duties and telling Tony about Derek reminded Brent of Tony’s plans for the day. More than once, fleeting thoughts manifested themselves as Brent wondered what was transpiring at the estate. He was concerned: could things—for once—go the way they were meant to go for Tony and Claire? It seemed that the deck had been stacked against them since before they knew one another. Truth be told, it was. Tony had confirmed it months ago, as had Claire to Courtney. As much as they both loathed their friends’ history, seeing them last night with their beautiful daughter helped to confirm Brent and Courtney’s wishes for their future. After all Tony and Claire had endured, they both deserved better. Brent hoped that their coming back to the United States and helping John and Emily wouldn’t dampen their future. With Nichol in the game, the stakes were much higher.