Convicted Page 10

Agent Jackson looked at his watch. “Mr. Rawlings, what you deserve, has yet to be determined. Gentlemen, I’ll have food delivered. I suggest you utilize this time as a meeting of the minds. This case has taken unexpected twists and turns, and I want answers when I return.”

Tony looked down at his hands. This man and the whole damn FBI were holding him essentially against his will. He hadn’t had this kind of restriction placed on his comings and goings since childhood—it was absurd. As Agent Jackson left the room, Tony didn’t bother to stand; being polite to the man holding him hostage wasn’t high on Tony’s priority list.

His mind spun trying to decipher meaning from the agent’s questions. Agent Jackson asked Tony when he last saw Claire. He asked if he’d spoken to her while he was in Europe. Why he cut his European trip short? Why he hired a bodyguard for Claire? What happened in California that led to Claire’s hospitalization? After showing pictures of Claire with Harrison Baldwin, the agent asked if Tony was sure he was the father of Claire’s unborn child.

Yes, that innuendo could have landed Tony in custody for assault, if Brent hadn’t been quick enough to separate the two.

Looking around at the drably painted walls, he rolled his head upon his shoulders and looked toward his friend and attorney. It was their first opportunity to speak alone since Brent’s arrival. Tony cleared his throat. “Thanks for getting out here to Boston so fast.”

Brent’s stance softened. “You know it’s true; they can hold you up to forty-eight hours without charges.”

“Why won’t they give us any information on Claire?”

“I’d assume they want to learn what you know first.” As Brent spoke, he opened the binder. Tony watched Brent’s face blanch as he scanned the pages. For minutes, Tony sat and studied his friend’s expression. With each passing second Brent’s expression became harder and grimmer.

As the tension grew, Tony asked, “What is that?”

Brent didn’t answer; instead, he walked to a chair in the corner of the room, turned on another light, and continued reading.

“I’m getting fuck’n sick of no one answering my questions,” Tony muttered as he paced about the room. The day had been too long.

Tony thought pensively about Sophia and wondered if she’d shown up for dinner at the Inn at Crown Pointe, only to be stood up. Glancing at Brent engrossed in his reading, Tony collapsed once again in the metal chair, placed his elbows on the table and supported his head. In desperate need of a reprieve, Tony closed his eyes and tried to push his concerns for Claire away.

What did unexpected twists and turns mean? Could Claire be—dead? No! Tony refused to believe that.

Behind his closed lids, he didn’t see the darkness of escape; instead, emerald green filled his imagination. When was the last time he saw her? They asked him that over and over. He’d seen her image on his video surveillance getting in the car, but in person—he remembered it vividly:

It was early—very early—the morning he left for Europe—much earlier than Claire liked to wake. As the first rays of sunlight emerged from behind the heavy drapes, Tony was ready to leave. Claire wasn’t stirring, yet he didn’t want to leave without talking to her. Actually, she’d asked him to wake her; however, as he stood watching, she looked so peaceful and content. He hated disturbing her slumber.

Her rhythmic breathing moved pieces of her hair as they hung over her beautiful face. Before he could stop himself, Tony brushed the strands away from her cheek. Beneath the disheveled brown hair he found pink, slightly parted lips. Without hesitation he bent down and touched his lips to hers. The warmth of his kiss stirred her, causing her face to incline toward his. Though her eyes were still closed, her lips engaged as she reached for his neck.

Her sleepy voice questioned, “You woke me up before you left?”

“You told me to.”

Her eyes opened, revealing a bewildered expression.

“Why are you looking at me that way? You said you wanted me to wake you.”

“I know.” She sat up, their gaze unbroken. “I’m just not used to you listening to me, or doing what I say.”

He pressed closer, feeling the sensation of her breasts against his chest. “Well, we could go back to—”

Claire shook her head as she, once again, surrounded his neck with her arms. “No, I like this better.”

His devilish grin couldn’t be contained. “Well, last night you didn’t seem to mind a few directions or should I say suggestions?”