Convicted Page 129

Claire reached for his hand. “It’s getting closer every day.” She placed his hand on her hard midsection.

“Why is it so hard?”

“I think it’s one of those contractions, not the real ones—Braxton hicks. Remember Dr. Gilbert told us about them? They’re happening with more regularity.”

“Do they hurt?”

Claire loved the concern in his voice. “No. They just feel strange.”

“How will you know when they’re real?”

She shrugged. “From everything I’ve read—I’ll know when they are real.”

His lips engaged hers. It wasn’t the fervent passion they were known to share. Instead, Claire felt reassured that Tony would be by her side as they welcomed their child into the world. He removed his shirt, revealing his tanned abs, swim trunks, and a mixture of dark and white chest hair. Finally, he found his voice. “Are you up for a swim?”

She smiled. “I just ate. Aren’t I supposed to wait for a half an hour?”

“I promise to keep you from drowning.”

His devilish grin captivated her once again, rendering her defenseless to his desires. With a smirk, she replied, “I think I should’ve learned a long time ago not to trust you.”

He raised his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side. His tone held a hint of amusement as he leaned toward her. “I should’ve learned—I’m helpless to your beautiful emerald eyes.” Her fingers threaded through the curls on his chest as her gaze lingered on his chocolate eyes.

In the pool, Claire held tightly to Tony’s shoulders relishing the coolness of the water. Her thoughts went back to the article and her sister and brother-in-law. “I’m so sorry about John and Emily—I hate what they’re doing to Rawlings Industries.”

“I’ve been watching it too. It seems to me that Tim is doing an excellent job of building confidence in Rawlings Industries from within. He needs that inside support to get the support outside the company. I’ve always had a good feeling about him.”

“I remember you telling me that, a million years ago, when we went to the Simmons’ barbeque.”

Tony laughed. “That was a million years ago, wasn’t it?”

Laying her head against his shoulder, she nodded. “It sure seems like it. Is there any new information from Phil or Agent Jackson?”

“Well,” he hesitated, causing Claire to look up. Although she couldn’t see his eyes behind his sunglasses, from his secretive smile she knew he was up to something.


“Phil said he’s been released from his current job. He doesn’t believe Sophia’s in any danger. Catherine has worked very hard to introduce and include herself into Sophia’s life.”

“Then I’d say she’s in danger.” Claire added quickly, “but not enough for you to go protect her. I need you here.”

“Yes, you do. You may be pleased to learn who else will be here; let’s say for your Christmas present.”

Closing her eyes, Claire sighed. “A little Claire or a little Tony would be the best present. I’ve loved most of this—it’s just lately, I’m so tired and uncomfortable.”

“We really do need to pin down some names. I’m not comfortable with either a little me or a little you”—He smirked—“You see, I really like the big you, and when I think of the name Claire, the feelings that ensue are totally inappropriate for my daughter.”


Laughing—“You know what I mean. Now first—back to your Christmas present.”


“Well, it won’t be the exact one. Phil can’t exactly ask Catherine to go through our bedroom, but he did see your wedding band. After all, he’s the one who bought it back and brought it to me.”

Claire’s voice perked up. “You’re getting me a wedding band for Christmas?”

“More than that, Phil will be here in less than a week to deliver it. I thought you might enjoy company, and since he’s the only one we can have, my choices were limited.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love it! Thank you.” Then she realized. “But wait, what can I get you for Christmas?”

Kissing her lips, he said, “I’m not picky. A girl—or a boy—would be fine.”

“I’m not due until the second week of January. Will you take your gift late?”

“Only under one stipulation.”