Convicted Page 33

Did her child understand what she was doing? Did her little one know that this was all for him or her? Claire vowed that she’d do anything and everything to keep this baby safe. By the time Phil knocked on Claire’s door, she had two suitcases filled. The rest of her things would remain in the suite. After all, the difference in climate alone didn’t necessitate much of her attire. Claire knew she’d be glad to be rid of jackets and coats!

Acknowledging Claire’s puffy eyes, Phil asked, “Do you want to go down to one of the restaurants, one last time?”

Claire looked toward the dinner dresses she’d left hanging in the closet. “Thanks, but no. I’m still freaked out about yesterday. Would you please call, and have dinner brought up here?”

Phil nodded. “You know, I’m pretty sure you’re going to like it.”

“I’m sure I will. How long will you be able to stay?”

Phil shrugged. “Long enough to be sure you’re all right with it. I won’t leave you, if you don’t want to be there.”

The fluttering in her midsection suddenly felt like her baby was doing flips. Her hand went to her belly as her eyes opened wide. Oh, she’d felt movement before, but this was different—her entire stomach moved. Claire believed it was probably even visible. More than anything, she longed for Tony. She wanted to share these moments with him; instead, she saw Phil’s concerned expression. When he asked if she was feeling all right, tears filled her eyes. “Yes, I’m feeling fine.” The baby moved again. With more vulnerability than she intended to show, Claire asked, “Would you like to feel my baby? He’s really moving around.”

Phil had never imagined placing his hand on a pregnant woman’s stomach, but there was something in Claire’s voice—a need he wanted to fill. He knew she didn’t want him the way he wanted her; however, at that moment, she needed someone—someone to share in this experience. Being her second choice was more than he’d ever been before—to anyone.

Tentatively, he stepped toward her. When he hesitated, Claire reached for his hand and placed it on top of her stomach. He was afraid to press, but her petite hand pressed his down. Without warning, from under his hand, her stomach moved. He felt it! When his gaze met hers, he saw the excitement in her beautiful eyes. “I felt that,” he whispered.

Claire nodded, her smile breaking some personal sadness. “Isn’t it amazing?”

Phil nodded. “It is.” Although he was apprehensive to allow his hand to rest too long, Claire kept her hand pressed against his, taking away his choice. Once the movement slowed, her pressure released. Never in his life had he experienced such an amazing sensation as that of a new life moving beneath his touch. Smiling down at her, he said, “Claire, thank you. That was unbelievable.”

Blushing, Claire replied, “It is, maybe my little one is excited about a place to call home—even for a little while.”

Phil couldn’t help but respect the woman he’d come to know. “It’ll take some travel time, but we’ll be there soon.” Looking down at her packed luggage, he asked, “Do you need anything before we leave? I can go to a shop before we call for dinner, or we can go out together.”

Focusing once again on the world around them, Claire shook her head. “I do need a few things, but first I’ll need to sit down and make you a list. If we’re traveling early, I’d like to get some sleep; maybe you can go after we eat?”

A few hours later, Phil left the suite in search of the items on his list. With each step and the turn around each corner, his clandestine skills worked overtime. Claire’s story about Harrison Baldwin didn’t make sense. He didn’t want to upset her any more than she already was, but the entire encounter worried him. He’d worked too hard to create an untraceable trail, and it wasn’t like he was new at this. Claire was right; contacting some California cops would not suddenly unlock the secret to their location.

Walking along the slab streets illuminated by lamp light, Phil’s thoughts continually looped back to Claire’s child. He wanted Claire safe. Now, after the experience of feeling the baby move, he was suddenly concerned about the kid as well. Phil knew that he wouldn’t hesitate to assure that both Claire and her child made it to paradise unharmed. Knowing his own history, nothing was beyond the realm of possibilities—Phil would willingly lie, steal, cheat, or kill to fulfill his quest.

Scanning each new location for Harrison Baldwin, he wondered, would one of those actions be necessary when it came to him? Claire assessed Catherine London to be her main threat. Phil contemplated, could it be more involved? He’d done a background check on Harrison and Amber for Mr. Rawlings; however, he had to admit, he took the preliminary information at face value. Phil ascertained, he’d get Claire settled; then he’d look further into the backgrounds of the nice siblings who took Claire under their wings.