Convicted Page 40

With Agent Jackson’s words replaying in his mind, Tony vowed that after he had his money and located his family, he’d learn more about Agent Jackson’s innuendos. What did the FBI know or think they knew? What was meant by ‘one of our own?’ Though he was a master at multitasking, his current situation required his full attention. Tony pushed the agent’s words away—he had more pressing matters consuming his thoughts.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

—Albert Einstein

Meredith’s Journal:

June 24, 2016

Finally! It’s been almost two weeks since Claire collapsed in the cafeteria. Since I don’t have clearance to go anywhere except the cafeteria and kitchen, I haven’t been able to learn anything about her progress. That was until today; it was after the lunch, before dinner that a few patients and visitors were sitting in the dining room, talking when I noticed Claire and Emily enter the dining room. They were traveling that same path from the outside toward the residential wing.

I only glanced momentarily; Emily was scanning the room with her eagle eyes! Damn, that woman is suspicious of her own shadow! I turned away just as she looked in my direction. Good thing! If she’d recognized me, then it would have made the last three weeks a complete waste of time.

It was after I turned away that I received my first tidbit of information. At the time, I was delivering coffee to Ms. Juewelz and her visitor who’d left the room for a few minutes. Ms. Juewelz has been at Everwood on and off for years. I’m not sure of her exact diagnosis, but if gossiping were a possibility, I’d put my money on that! Even in my short time getting to know some of the residents, I’ve realized that Ms. Juewelz seems to have her finger on the pulse of Everwood.

“Can I get you any cream or sweetener?” Meredith asked, as she placed the ceramic mugs on the table.

Ms. Juewelz spoke, her voice barely a whisper, “You’re smart to turn away from that woman. She’d probably have you fired if she thought you were looking at them.” At first, Meredith wasn’t registering Ms. Juewelz’ words; it wasn’t uncommon for some of the residents to speak about something completely off base from what was said to them.

Keeping her eyes diverted, Meredith watched Emily lead Claire hurriedly along the edge of the dining room. Neither woman seemed to be talking. She tried to read Claire’s expression; however, all she noticed were Claire’s eyes remaining downcast, avoiding everything as she walked with her arm linked in the crook of her sister’s elbow. Refocusing on Ms. Juewelz, Meredith asked, “Why, who is she?”

“She was the wife of that rich guy—but no one can say his name. That woman with her is her sister. She’s super protective, but it’s a pain in the ass! I mean, everyone here deserves confidentiality, but that woman has that poor lady so isolated she’ll never see the outside again.”

It was then Ms. Juewelz’ guest returned to the table. “Aunt Juewelz, you aren’t talk’n about people you’re not supposed to, are you?”

Looking her niece straight in the eye, Ms. Juewelz replied, “Who me? Can’t believe a word I say. I’m crazy, you know!”

Her niece reached over and covered Ms. Juewelz’ hand with hers. Looking straight into her eyes, she said, “I think you’re the sanest person I know, Aunt Juewelz.”

Ms. Juewelz laughed. “Honey, you need to meet more people!”

Meredith walked away, contemplating Ms. Juewelz’ information. Her words broke Meredith’s heart and hardened her resolve at the same time. One way or the other, Meredith was going to get herself to Claire!

July 7, 2016

I can’t believe how tired I am at the end of my days at Everwood. It isn’t mentally tiring; it’s physically draining. I’ve never cleaned so many tables or picked up so many dishes in my life, but I think it’s about to pay off! After almost a month, I believe that I’ll finally be allowed to deliver meals to patients’ rooms. Tomorrow, I have a meeting with Ms. Bali, my supervisor. She said we need to discuss the “parameters of increasing my job duties”. I have to give the whole facility credit; they don’t allow just anyone to interact with the patients. Considering the amount of money these people spend for their treatment, I guess it’s a good thing Everwood makes sure that everyone’s following their rules. I’d write more, but honestly, I’m exhausted. I’ll write more tomorrow.

July 8, 2016

I did it! I’ve been “promoted”! I’m calling it that, but there’s no increase in pay, only an increase in clearance. I think the stories I’ve recently been telling about caring for my ill grandmother helped me get this additional duty.